OK, HI! Been reading as much as I can on here for a few days. CAGS are so captivating! I do have two little boys, ages 2 & 3. Any one think I may be biting off more than I can chew at this time? I know you don't know me, but you know what it's like to have a baby CAG and I don't, and some of you may know what it's like to have to have little boys. Also have 2 dogs. I've heard CAGs don't make great first birds, but I think if you love them and have patience, what's the difference?
So on to my question... there's a bird shop 1 hour from me that gets babies at 3 weeks, keeps them in a nursery and hand feeds them, and I can go visit and bond with the baby. Honestly, I'd probably only get there once or twice a week. Then there's a breeder about 2 hours away, who doesn't let any one in their nursery. Then there's a bird shop ("farm") with a good reputation about 3 hours away, which has babies all the time, where I could go and let the baby "pick me".
I like the idea of holding a little baby and watching it grow from 3 weeks, but I don't think I get a choice of birds. It's just "next on the list".
I'll have probably a hundred more questions right off the bat, so nice to meet you all!