Hey all,
I have a very good bond with my beloved Ivan. Thanks to this site, I know now that Ivan has chosen me for his mate due to the heavy breathing and funny little dance these guys do when they do so. I thought he was too young to choose a mate as he is only 6 months old, but that noise that he was making was exactly the same as others have shown it to be. Either way, we are like two peas in a pod. Well, I have a wife and two young daughters (4 and 6) who don't have much of a relationship with Ivan. He bites them and sometime charges for them. Everytime that happens, he goes into his cage for a time out. The kids are, well, kids! They move too fast for him I think and are very unpredictable. They are my angels and they do give Ivan his space, but that isn't enough when they see daddy cuddling with him every night. My wife doesn't really care for him either as she is timid around that beak of his. She has tried to open up to him, yet she recently came away with a bloody finger. So my question is - if I give Ivan less attention, will he seek out the other flock members in the house for love and attention? Maybe less is more in this scenario? Also, are there any daily activities that one can do to 'win over' the bird and make him more accepting, aka less bitey?