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Everything posted by Cesar

  1. Cesar

    RIP Cesar

    My four year old grey passed away yesterday morning, I came downstairs to wish him good morning and he was on the bottom of the cage sprawled out but still alive, we rushed him to the vet and he passed away by the time we got there. She said he was very skinny and had been sick for a while. I feel so guilty for not noticing, he acted totally normal until yesterday morning. I don't know how to cope right now life just isn't the same without his whistles. Anyways I just needed a place to talk about it because it really sucks. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. RIP Cesar <3
  2. My african grey (who is very aggressive due to previous owners abuse) has recently started flying at my husband and I when we are near his stand or cage. We've had him for three years and this is a new thing, usually he just bites when you try to pick him up or play with him but now he fly's and attacks us. He tore holes in my husbands shirt yesterday and really wounded him cutting in to his back and a few minutes ago he flew at my leg and latched on. We have an 8 month old baby that recently started crawling and is very interested in the parrot so I am really worried for his safety because my grey bites to injure not just to warn. I'm torn between the idea that getting rid of him would be the safest idea for my family right now but I love him and am not sure I could bare to let go of him. Is there a way to alter the flying attack behavior quickly so I can ensure the safety of myself and my baby? Otherwise any suggestions on what I should do, I'm so conflicted about this...
  3. We've tried to get rid of the glove, we've been told by a few people that they hate it but he's really attached to it, we leave it on his cage and he snuggles with it and scratches himself. As soon as we approach him with a hand he gets really nervous and latches on and wont let go until he's done a number on your finger. My husband is slowly getting him used to standing on bare skin, but it's a process!
  4. Thanks everyone! I assumed he was fine just was surprised to learn that it wasn't a common behavior, then again nothing with my parrot seems normal, lol. I just wrote an intro in the newbies part, thanks for the advice
  5. Hi everyone I'm a mom to a 4 year old African grey Timneh. My husband and I adopted him three years ago from a really sketchy breeder, neither of us knew anything about parrots just that we wanted one. Once we got Cesar home we realized he was very aggressive, his toe was broken and toenail missing and he had an open band that had obviously been tampered with. My thoughts are that he was abused, or someone stole him and changed the band so he couldn't be tracked or he was smuggled from the wild. We spent a year working with him before he was able to step up (and only on a glove, to this day he still won't go near a human hand). Since then we've made slow progress, he can talk but will only do it when he's by himself and thinks we're gone. He will take food from my husband but not from me and doesn't shy away when we go near the cage anymore. He still bites frequently and hard, we've both got quite a few scars from him. Just when I think I'm at my wits end with him he surprises me doing something nice. Any advice on how to tame a crazy bird is appreciated and I look forward to learning lots here!
  6. I adopted a timneh about three years ago and he has always slept on the bottom of the cage, not the perch, I put a towel down and formed it in to a makeshift nest and he's always cuddling down there. I recently googled this and found that parrots usually sleep on perches, so my question is could there be something wrong with him, like sore legs or other issue (he was abused and is highly aggressive) or is it just an odd behavior?
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