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Everything posted by Austin

  1. I've had him for 2 month tomorrow. That's the name his first owner gave him thanks for your time it surely helps.
  2. Thanks Judy this sight really helps I already got positive feed back. I just gave up when he ruffled his feathers and tried to bite. So I balled up my hand and showed him the back of my fist and he stepped up for his first time he seemed very nervous so I put him on the perch I made him and gave him his favorite treat. One of my mane concerns is why does he grind his beak together making a crunching sound. He has never done it before until yesterday. But yes just being able to put him on his perch made every penny worth it
  3. I picked up my bird from a home of neglect. This is my first bird I have ever owned and went into our relationship with ignorance. I felt bad for the bird he was being punished when he bit and wasn't being fed properly his cage looked like it hasn't been cleaned in months animal control couldn't do anything. I fell in love with this mean bird and the only way the lady would give it up is with 2 grand I payed for from my savings. Way over priced I know. So now my issue is is training. Coming to this website showed me my first mistake I thought it was okay to push/scare my bird out of the cage onto the ground so I could hold it. Ever since I got this little guy he got his weight back and his talking all day. But he just hates me. He is the smartest creature I have came across he unscrewed the lock on his cage the other night walked into my room and attacked me in my sleep. I'm 18 and live on my own. I need help. He is 10 years old and loves to watch tv any tips will be much appreciated. I just couldn't leave this bird in that home and I will do anything to have a good relation with him
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