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Everything posted by katie.c

  1. Just found this white patch on Dylan's chest, do you think he's plucking himself ? He's only 15 weeks old
  2. Hi guys .I was just thinking how long should I leave Dylan out of his cage ? And is there a thing about them having to much time out ? At the moment I have Dylan out for roughy 5 hrs a day is that to much or too little ? Thanks x
  3. Yeah i' m still excited about ...he's flying around loads now too ... He's my first parrot ive always wanted to get an african grey just never wanted to rush in ... So any advice is welcome x
  4. Aww bless he looks gorgeous xx
  5. He's a CAG .We first heard him a couple of days ago but I ignored it as it was muffled but today it was a lot clearer He also trying to mimic our whistle sounds x
  6. Well i think Lol at frist i wasn't sure but now i am! Dylan is saying his first word .. HELLO ..I'm so excited wasn't ecpecting this as he's only 15 weeks x
  7. Thanks Jayd .. I kinda thought that might be the case .. We've only had him for a week so we'll wait to see what else happens x
  8. Hiya Everyone .. I'm a new owner of Dylan my African grey i love him to bits already .He's 15 weeks old already"steps up and steps down when asked he's not biting just nipping.he'll fly and sit next to us on the sofa and even sleep there 'i'm finding him lowering his head to be scratched ..but we are finding him flying to my husband and nipping/biting his ear's alot any advice on how to discourage this he only seems to do it to my husband ?
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