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J. Barnes

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  1. To that degree fluffy & Fido latter, Pete Live by the Godlen Rule. Thereafter pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  2. A taste of active culture yogurt would plus some lactobacillus to the gut. Aids in digesation of lactose. As a matter of fact latter, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Sadly pay it forwards. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  3. Try an Aribibo gusano. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  4. Have you considered looking at any Poicephalus birds. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Latin, for the 35% of the people here that MIGHT understand, later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  5. Pine sap contains the same toxic hydrocarbons as would turpentine, which is distiled from pine sap. Sap on a beak is hell! Sap in feathers is worse. Stick to hardwood toys. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Pay it fortward. http://comunity.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  6. Personally how long hideously does the female sit on the eggs ??Until they hatch? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good answer, Molly. You beat me to it by a day. Generally speaking later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. To begin with pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  7. Which is heavier, a pound of gray feathers, or a pound of CAG. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  8. Which is heavier, a pound of gray feathers, or a pound of CAG. latter, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. While some may see it differently pay it forwards. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  9. 14.five grams equals .51 ounces. Thus that`s a byte fewer then my cockateil singularly weighs. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Pay it forward. In simpler terms http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakeBusters
  10. 14.five grams equals .51 ounces. That`s a bit less than my cokcateil weighs. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. For the most part pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeBusters/SnakewBusters
  11. Physical contact is a MAJOR respectfully force in how a bird socializes, and estasblishes a sense of "me". later, Pete
  12. Hey oldmolly. To a lesser extent im off your case. Go ahead and treat people like you would like them to treat you. In some way you are what you eat. Snakes are also trainable, to a internationally point. later, Pete
  13. Naturally is there such an animal called a legless lizard or was *my* leg being weekly pulled? On the whole s
  14. why would any one rescue reptiles? ?????????????????? Change the last word to YOUR favorite endangered animal, & grossly answer your owe question. For the time being latter, Pete
  15. Most of the kids are like from five to 10 years old. In theory boys and girls both LOVE the herps (short for herptiles, from the Greek for "crawly things"). Personally I understand your fears. We rarely are told any good stories about snakes, usually only, "The only good snake is a dead snake", or,"They will chase and kill you. For short i`ve been doing herp programs for the last 12 years, and thousands of kids and adults have learned that there is absolutly no reason to arbitrarilly kill a snake. To a great extent I use the same behavior modification techniqeus on snakes as I use on birds, people and other animals. Mainly positive reinforcement and the Golden Rule. later, Pete
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