Hi all,
Thank you in advance for reading my post and for any advice you might have to offer.
I am a first time owner of a 4.5 month old CAG named Gypsy. Before I got her I read, researched and talked to other parrot owners. I thought I was prepared. My husband and I have had her for about a month now. When we first got her, she treated us both equally. She would step up and be sweet for both of us. Things changed about a week ago and I dont know why. Now she hates me. I can barely (if at all) get her to step up for me, she bites or tries to when I get near her or even when I'm trying to do something in her cage and she hates to shower/play/anything with me. She is the exact opposite with my husband. I can tell a very distinct difference in her eyes and body language when he's near her versus me. She always steps up for him, cuddles up to him and he's basically the only one that can do anything with her. The problem is, she's my bird. I am the one that wanted her and was supposed to be the one providing all the care. He does not want to do it. I am also home a lot more than him and can't even get her out of the cage if he isn't home. If I can't figure out a way to get her to be nice/comfortable with me, I'm afraid I will have to find her another home. I've tried reading to her. I talk to her all the time, sing, dance, give her treats (he never gives treats), I try to play with her, but she's usually not having it and will just keep walking away from me. I've tried spoon feeding her oatmeal and baby food because I heard that's good for bonding, but she never takes the food. I am at a loss and do not know what to do.
Any tips or advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated.