Hey all *waves*
I never know what to put in new member posts on forums so i suppose il just say abit about myself
Im Zoe, I live in the Ashdown Forest in East Sussex with my partner James. I owned a grey many years ago called Bubbles but sadly she had to go to a new owner But the time is finally right to become a grey owner again now im older and wiser We still havent decided if we should get a grey from a breeder (not that there are any local to us) or if we should go for an older bird.
Hobbies, well im a car girl, have attended many shows over the years at silverstone, santa pod etc. Dont worry im not a little girl racer who sits on your backside with a chaved up corsa lol
Well i suppose thats it really, just the girl next door type of person. So toodle pip for now, im off to have a mooch around your forum
Zoe x