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Zoe Danielle

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Everything posted by Zoe Danielle

  1. Im glad i read this as i use 'Vac N Clean' powder on the carpet before i vacume. Lucky we are not getting our grey till the new year. Very helpfull post x
  2. Ive added this to my 'list of things to buy' Thank you x
  3. But what happens to the assholes who did this? Makes me so angry reading this type of thing grrrr
  4. Thats brilliant Congratulations x
  5. Being in the UK i hadnt heard about this. My thoughts go out to the families and friends x
  6. Thank you. I thought it was best to ask before i thought about it too much. Sadly where we live right now we don't have room for 2 cages, which is probably a good thing or I'd be re-homing all the unloved birds (and other pets) i see.
  7. Thank you Well ive got contact details for 4 breeders that people on another forum highly recommend. Im very interested in 2 of the breeders as they will not sell there birds to anyone who has not visited the bird before taking them home and they offer help to you for years after you take on one of there greys. I will be contacting them both in the new year, but i think il choose the one closest to us as i dont want to stress a baby out with a long car journey. My main decision right now is if i should get one or two babies. Im thinking 2 together because 3 out of 7 days of the week no one is at home for 5 hours and ide like my grey to have a companion. I dont want them breeding so ide have to get either 2 males or 2 females. Would anyone recommend this or is it a bad idea do you think? Also if i got 2 babies they could both go in the same cage couldnt they? This is the cage we are planning to get http://www.elitepet.co.uk/montana-las-vegas-i-parrot-cage-4002-p.asp I know we wont be getting a grey till next year but i couldnt resist buying some of the smaller items now Ive orderd some perches, a ring rope and a VERY LONG rope ladder. My partner keeps saying with the things on my 'to buy list' there is going to be no room left in the house for him hehe. I shall stop waffling on now. I just wanted to say thank you for the very warm welcome and im loving the forum. Even though ive owned a grey in the past im still learning so much i never knew before, which makes me feel i never gave Bubbles the best of start in life Anyway thanks all x
  8. Right now im drinking tea (typical English girl) while im surfing the forum and eating my last Lindor chocolate from the box
  9. 1. I was 31 5 days ago 2. I live in the Ashdown Forest in the UK, the famous pooh bridge is a 5 min walk from my house 3. I collect limited edition Me To You Bears, so my nick name from my friends has been BEAR for many years 4. I love cars, currently driving around in a Toyota MR2 roadster (hard top firmly on with this english weather right now) 5. I am scared of flying so havent been anywhere out of the UK apart from greece and spain
  10. Im a spring chicken... and i remember as a child, sitting in the cupboard under the stairs with tin foil in my hair pretending i was flying to BUTTON MOON (i hope this wasnt just an english childhood programme or youl have no idea what im on about)
  11. Thank you for the warm welcome I've joined a few forums to do research but haven't found many people that friendly as i don't currently own a grey. So il try not to annoy you all with too many questions I didnt realise you were all from america on here when i joined. Hope you dont mind a british girl tagging along My search has been going quite well. We don't plan on getting a grey till around March as i want to get Christmas out the way first and then start buying things. But ive been searching for breeders in my area and been recommended a couple. Ive also been looking at older greys who need loving homes. Im shocked how many are for sale on the internet its very sad. Not sure if you guys get it much but here in the UK we get alot of scammers so im very warey on my search..!! Been doing silly 2am starts this week for Christmas shifts, so haven't had time to get online much, but il have a week off soon so il get stuck into having a look around the forum Again, thank you for the warm welcome Zoe x
  12. Hey all *waves* I never know what to put in new member posts on forums so i suppose il just say abit about myself Im Zoe, I live in the Ashdown Forest in East Sussex with my partner James. I owned a grey many years ago called Bubbles but sadly she had to go to a new owner But the time is finally right to become a grey owner again now im older and wiser We still havent decided if we should get a grey from a breeder (not that there are any local to us) or if we should go for an older bird. Hobbies, well im a car girl, have attended many shows over the years at silverstone, santa pod etc. Dont worry im not a little girl racer who sits on your backside with a chaved up corsa lol Well i suppose thats it really, just the girl next door type of person. So toodle pip for now, im off to have a mooch around your forum Zoe x
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