Thanks so much! I love that this is what I do, and while I'm sure most of my animals aren't concerned one way or another as long as they're fed, I like to think they're happy. Any time you want to talk Zoos, let me know! I don't know much about RGZ, but I can pass along whatever knowledge might help you out! Always remember: Nutrition, education and finance are people to keep happy!
I'll post more about him in rescues later, but here's what I know for sure: Charlie is somewhere between 15 and 19 years old (there was some awesome arguing from the couple on this point!) and he is a CAG. They'd had him since he was hatched, and for years, he was showered with attention and all the appropriate needs and behaviors were fully addressed. Once the couple began having medical issues, Charlie was kind of relegated to the back burner. It's taken awhile, but every day he's more responsive and calm. He no longer freezes up any time anyone walks by and he's learning some basic behaviors. Unfortunately, 'step up' or any variation thereof is an absolute no-go. Currently, I'm working on redirecting the regurgitation behaviors with toys and such.
We are completely in love with him, and there is no question about his being a permanent addition to our family. I mentioned to the husband a few days ago that it was time to adopt out a large contingent of the residents and he immediately stated "not Charlie!"
Thank you all again for such a warm welcome!