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About CNY750Rider

  • Birthday 02/27/1974


  • Location
    Syracuse, NY


  • Interests
    ATVing, Boating, Anything Outdoors


  • Occupation
    Service Technician

CNY750Rider's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks, I did that but it only edits the title in the thread. Not the main one, oh well. A admin will need to do it probably. UPDATE: Dorothy (aka KEIKO) We have been leaving her cage open during the day so she can move around freely but today she scared me badly. I came home and opened the door to the room she's in and she wasn't on/in her cage. I looked all over and finally she whistled to me to say, "hey buddy over here on your lamp". Wow, we are rethinking if leaving her cage open is a good idea. I think she might be bonding to me quicker than me wife. She will talk to me like crazy, dance for me, kiss me (touch her beak to my lips) and a few other notable things. My wife mainly gives her treats and is trying to bond with her but she seems to take to me a tad more, that's fine. We have tow dogs, a cocker spaniel and a boxer. Both have taken a liking to her (they are used to being around pet guinea pigs, pet rats, etc.). She barks to them to call them into the room and then talks to them. If they leave the room she barks again to summons them to the room. It's hilarious. She still won't step up to anymore but I think that will come in time. We have seen huge steps in trust since she's been here. Like I said early, I got her as a gift for my wife thinking she would be her pet. I must admit, I am really taking a liking to her and find myself talkign with her quite a bit. However, part of me is worried she will bond with me more than my wife so I am reserved some. We love her alot already!!!
  2. Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. After work tonight I was talking to her saying "pretty girl", "hello cutie" and finally threw out a woooo whoooo after she whistled. All her feathers ruffled up on her neck and head and she did tilted to the side and did a small dance while opening and closing her wings slightly. It was so cute. She has done it three times now. I sure hope this is a good sign, what do you think? She still won't let us get too close and likes the top of her cage, we can not get her to go back inside :-). However, we don't want to rush her into anything since it's only day 2 in our home.
  3. I am very sad reading this and my heart goes out to you!
  4. I can edit everything but the title, no permissions to do so. ;-(
  5. Tonight we were talking to her alot and we left the room with the door open and light on. She started with a high pitched tone with varying steps in pitch, each that got deeper (not sure what this means). Also, she seems to love baby carrots as she came right over to me to get it. We are excited to see how the next couple days go. Our cocker spaniel seems to have quite a bit of interest in her and we need to read up some more in regards.
  6. Haha, I hear you there. I forgot to answer your question above on age, the previous owner told me she is 10 years old. Could you or a admin. edit my title from CAG to TAG?
  7. YOU ARE Right, my wife corrected me...she is a Timneh. I am really stupid at times, especially when it comes to parrots. My wife is slowly training me as well :-). I will correct my post above. CLB - I had to edit my original post to add pictures because the site logged me off mid-post. I logged back in and added the photos.
  8. Hello everyone, thank you for all the great information on this site. My wife has wanted a African Grey for a very long time. However, time was limited in the past with two teenagers, careers & busy schedules. Now that we have more time to give, she has expressed her desire to move forward with getting a African Grey. She is a Veterinarian Asst. and most all animals take to her caring nature. We have been looking for an Adult Rehome for some time now. Looked at several and had hopes on a couple that didn't work out. Recently I was in MA for training and while sitting in my hotel room surfing the internet, I came across an ad for a beautiful TAG in Albany. After several emails back and forth with the owner, I found myself taking a detour on the way home. Her name is Dorothy and she is beautiful. Ironically, the town I live in is known for being the birth place of Frank L Baum (author or the Wizard of Oz). She would not leave her cage to visit me but I know this is normal and she would need to gain my trust. I decided to take her home and surprise my wife! She was exactly what we have been looking for over the past several months. She seemed tense on the 2.5hr ride home and didn't make a sound. When I arrived home, I yelled to my wife to help me with my luggage. Boy was she surprised when she peeked out into the garage!!! Now, she is in our home and in her new, large cage. I hope her transition to our home is easy on her as we are letting her adjust slowly. We have her in a low traffic area right now and plan to slowly move her to the living room eventually. She does take food and will eat it but also throws it down as well. She will also grind her beak on the cage a tad, not excessively though. Sorry for the long intro and any tips to a couple new owners is greatly appreciated.
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