Thanks, I did that but it only edits the title in the thread. Not the main one, oh well. A admin will need to do it probably.
UPDATE: Dorothy (aka KEIKO) We have been leaving her cage open during the day so she can move around freely but today she scared me badly. I came home and opened the door to the room she's in and she wasn't on/in her cage. I looked all over and finally she whistled to me to say, "hey buddy over here on your lamp". Wow, we are rethinking if leaving her cage open is a good idea.
I think she might be bonding to me quicker than me wife. She will talk to me like crazy, dance for me, kiss me (touch her beak to my lips) and a few other notable things. My wife mainly gives her treats and is trying to bond with her but she seems to take to me a tad more, that's fine. We have tow dogs, a cocker spaniel and a boxer. Both have taken a liking to her (they are used to being around pet guinea pigs, pet rats, etc.). She barks to them to call them into the room and then talks to them. If they leave the room she barks again to summons them to the room. It's hilarious. She still won't step up to anymore but I think that will come in time.
We have seen huge steps in trust since she's been here. Like I said early, I got her as a gift for my wife thinking she would be her pet. I must admit, I am really taking a liking to her and find myself talkign with her quite a bit. However, part of me is worried she will bond with me more than my wife so I am reserved some. We love her alot already!!!