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Everything posted by CheckTheBarn

  1. I just brought my Loki home last Friday, so I am a brand new bird mommy too, but from my personal experience so far, I would definitely wait till it's a more normal weekend around your household. My daughters are late teens/early twentys and do not live with me anymore, but they were both at the house all weekend the weekend I brought Loki home, and although I know he enjoyed the attention, it was quite hectic and he didn't get the down time he needed, as well as he and I didn't get 'our' time together like we should have. Not only that, but he settled in somewhat to having all of them around for the weekend, then Sunday they all went home, so that was yet ANOTHER change for him. Then the next morning I left for a whole day of work away from home. Poor thing had one change after another from what he was used to at the breeder. So, if I had it to do over again, I would totally wait for a normal weekend, without a doubt. Just my two cents
  2. Well, Monday I got him up at 6:30am to try and feed him and he was not really with it, then yesterday he was still head behind wing asleep so I just put his breakfast in his cage, then this morning he was chirping at me when I walked through the second time to get coffee around 5:45am, so I got him out and he hung out with me while I put his breakfast together, but he wasn't really 'up' enough to want to eat yet, just talking to me and visiting, then I put he and his breakfast in his cage when I absolutely HAD to get out the door at 6:45am. It has varied so far haha. So I guess we will have to see if he just gets used to me being up earlier and gets up with me, then hopefully naps during the day while I am gone, since he is then up a little late in the evenings in order to have time with me when I get home from work. I can't WAIT till I am only working from home so it is not like this!!!! I was supposed to be home by the time he was old enough to come home, it just didn't quite work out right. Best laid plans of mice and men, I guess......
  3. Had a much better night with my Loki last night. He was chattering and looking at me and listening to me. He ate a good dinner and hung out with me without being a menace or screaming or trying to get on my head. Once we went into the living room he did try to get on my head then, but when I told him "no sir, no head" and took him back down, he didn't pitch a fit and go crazy like he did the other night. All in all a good night together. Boy was I relieved. Thank you to everyone that is here to help me, I know I am going to need the support, but many of the things already said to me yesterday helped to change my outlook and attitude in ways that are helping me to feel more confident in what to do and how to handle things, and I know that will be the biggest part of growing and getting settled into this new role with my Loki. Thank you very much everyone. I also spoke with a friend about purchasing her spare play stand for the living room area, so Loki has a fun place of his own to hang out on when I can't have him right on me etc. Our living room is huge and our couch sort of sits in the middle of it, so I am thinking of putting the stand behind the couch so he is still basically right between us and either of us can reach up to play with him or get him down, feed him treats etc. I also went by his breeders place to pick up his aviator harness she ordered for me, and we visited a bit about Loki and I. That helped as well. His sister was thrilled to see me, it was so sweet. Loki didn't want me to leave for work this morning and was very vocal and calling to me. It ripped my heart out to leave him when he was actually being sweet and loving to me. The next few months cannot go fast enough so I can be home with him during the day :-(
  4. I have a small 5 gallon fish tank with my betta in it that I leave the light on at night and it is in the sunroom with Loki's cage. I really think it has made him feel more comfortable being in a new and strange home at night. It is brighter than a night light, but not bright enough to bother him while he is trying to sleep. Besides, he seems to like to watch the fish swim around and the bubbles from the pump whenever he is awake as well. Just an idea, but I'm new to all this so............
  5. Yes, I have read that here and that is EXACTLY what I was doing last night. Whichever arm he tried to crawl up, I would use the other hand to block his way and redirect him. Over and over. That is when he really got ticked off at me. I don't like him on my shoulder, I don't want him on my shoulder. Much less on my head!! Haha. So I guess I am doing the right thing then, just keep on blocking him and redirecting him?? I also keep talking to him and explaining what I am doing and why. I kept trying to catch him being good and settled for a split second and praise him as well.
  6. Also, I never got upset with him at all, I just kept NOT letting him get on my head. It didn't upset me at all, it upset HIM. I do not want to relax and enjoy the evening without interruption, I want to interact with Loki. Danmcq, your response to my post tells me that I obviously did not do a good job at communicating what I was trying to say, because what you got out of it is NOTHING like what I was trying to explain. Like I said, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong NOW that is making Loki behave nothing like the Loki I spent HOURS UPON HOURS with when he was still at the breeder. I do not get upset with him, I just don't know why he seems so different now, that's all. I just figure it is something I am doing to cause him to be so different. I was at the breeder several times a week spending time with him, so it's not like I didn't know him well before bringing him home, that is why it is so confusing for me. He was fully flighted and a very good and graceful flyer at the breeder. Awhile before I was to bring him home we started trimming his wings back some. There is no way with the household we have that I was comfortable with him being fully flighted, so I had no choice. I know that is why he is not as graceful and in control when he flies now, but he still can fly, just not as gracefully yet. But the fact that he keeps flying off when he is upset with me for not letting him on my head is the part that confuses me too. I don't know if any of this makes any more sense than the last time I rambled on haha. I just don't know what to do differently with him than I've done with him over the past few months to make him happy and settled again, I guess is what I'm asking??? I'm such a dork, I swear......
  7. Thank you for your response. That is the thing that makes me think I am doing something wrong!!! That is what I am saying, ALL of my attention, every second of it, is spent on him, and I'm happy for it, that is what I intended when I decided to live with this lil guy. I'm not trying to play on the computer or watch tv. I am focussing TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY on Loki. That is why I can't figure out why I can't get him to play with toys anymore or anything else. I think I must not have explained myself correctly. I don't expect him to be a puppy or something, I really don't. I want to interact with him and play with him etc. But yes, he is the absolute focus of all my attention, I wouldn't give him any less. I just don't know what to do to make him happy, I guess??? If that makes any more sense???
  8. Yes, she was always the one that landed on my head over and over at the breeders!! Loki NEVER did that. He was always content to hang out on my hand/arm or sometimes on my shoulder. He did really really well Friday and most of Saturday about pretty much being himself, the same bird I've always known. Playing with toy after toy and getting scritches then falling asleep on you for a little nap. Then Saturday evening he was over tired I guess and started in to screeching and then has just not settled since then. Then last night starts the fight over the head thing and he just never did settle in for just some hang out time. He would NOT play with any toys. Nothing. Nada. It was exhausting, confusing and disheartening. No matter what I tried to engage him with or tried to love on him or do anything, nothing worked. It was an awful night.
  9. I am so glad she is doing so well!!!! I wish I could have stayed home with Loki a bit longer. Sure wish I could have been working from home by now, but we have a few months before that happens. She looks so happy tearing up her breakfast haha. I'm so glad you decided to take her home. She is a good girl and so lucky to have you guys!!!
  10. So I had to go back to work yesterday. This was Loki's first time alone during the day in his cage. I had to leave his breakfast in there for him because he really wasn't awake and ready to eat when I had to leave the house. Got home as soon as I could after work, zipped straight home. Looked like he had done a fabulous job of eating up all of his veggies and sprouts (of sorts), as well as quite a lot of his pellets. He was happy to see me and was doing his wolf whistle to me as I got my things set down so I could hustle to his cage and let him out. Visited with him as we headed to the kitchen, put him on his basket in there as I got all the things out to make up his dinner for him. He loved all the new stuff I brought home to him and ate like a champ, whew, what a relief!!!! He did NOT eat well Sunday at all, so I was happy to just keep handing him stuff haha. After dinner though, he started into this thing where he refused to sit on my hand or arm. He kept trying to get on my head. When I would not allow it, he would get very upset and either start attacking my hair or glasses or he would fly off across the room and make a crash landing into the tv, behind the tv, onto a fake plant that was too light and crashed over, once he flew straight into the screen in front of the fireplace (not lit, of course). Anyhow, we went through this "you are NOT getting on my head" "Oh yes I AM" battle for over TWO AND A HALF HOURS!! He literally never stopped fighting me to get on my shoulder then head for over two and a half hours. Non stop. It was exhausting. I don't know what I am doing here. I don't know what I am doing wrong. What am I supposed to do with him when he does that? I have no experience with this. We never had a minutes pleasurable just hanging out at all last night. It was a non stop battle the ENTIRE evening. My fiance even had to go outside and relax for a bit, it was so stressful and confusing to us. What am I doing wrong?? It seems like everyone else brings them home and they are pretty much happy to just hang out with them and be held and have scritches. That is how Loki used to be when I went and spent the day or evening with him. He would even fall asleep on my lap or chest before. I do not know this bird anymore and I don't know what to do to make him happy. Help??
  11. I was able to view it!! She looks great, good to see her little face!! Glad all is going well so far. I sure wish I could have had my house to myself this weekend for Loki's homecoming but all is well and we are rolling along anyhow. Hope everything continues to go beautifully for you guys over there!!!!!!
  12. So Loki came home Friday afternoon. He was pretty chilled out about the change of home etc and was playing and exploring any toys we gave him etc. Ate pretty good for me for dinner Friday night. Saturday was another story. We did not have the most stellar day. He was cranky and wouldn't eat very well for me. I think the biggest problem was that both of my daughters were home this weekend for a visit and he was passed around quite a bit, just didn't get the rest he should have had and I think it was all too much for him after JUST coming to a brand new home Friday. Even though he was seeking out the attention, I think as a new mommy and first time big bird parront, I just didn't monitor or handle that whole thing the way I should have. By Saturday evening he would barely eat for me and was VERY LOUD and cranky, where before he had been his regular self that I've always known, laid back and chatty and sweet. SO.....I laid down the law with the girls and told them I was putting him to bed and he was NOT to be disturbed at all and I didn't want anyone talking to him or even walking past his cage. Sunday morning he was much happier. Still didn't want to eat very well, but I think he was missing his sprouts which I had not had time to get all the way done yet.....but we got through it and I made sure he was loved on and everyone got to play with him, but that he got time in his cage to rest as well. Also on Sunday, both of us had a shower of sorts. In other words, he went nuts fluffing and fussing when I had the kitchen faucet on, so I tried to see if he wanted in the sink, that would be a NO, but he climbed on the spigot and leaned down for a bunch of drinks then got frustrated fluffing up and fussing but not getting wet so I got out the spray bottle and he alternated fluffing and eating up the spray and then climbing up my arm to my shoulder and shaking it off before running back down to my hand for more sprays. We were both drenched, but he seemed happier after the bath. The only issue we had was him suddenly trying to fly off of me and FALLING HARD to the hard wood floor, which nearly gave me a coronary. Also added to my feelings of inadequacy as a parrot mommy..... This morning was touch and go....I had to come back to work. I have to leave the house by 6:45am to commute to work, and I sort of had to wake him up to try and feed him breakfast. He at a couple of sprouts, literally a couple, and two bits of some cereal (baby rice cereal), one bit of cooked pasta and that is it. Then tried to fly up to his basket I have in the kitchen for him to hang out with me on. But I didn't have time for much else and had to put him back in his cage, get dressed and head to work. I went ahead and put his dish with his food in his cage, I didn't know what else to do. He also has pellets and water in there. Anyhow, I've been reading and reading about how to do all of this, but I still feel like I just can't get it right. I hope it will smooth out as we get a routine, but the early morning rising and leaving out I have to do has me worried, since he was still asleep. I will only be at this job outside the home for another few months, but I hate to think I'll have him all messed up and stressed out by then. Idk, my daughter and I both had some kind of stomach virus all yesterday afternoon and evening, maybe I'm just over tired right now.
  13. Yes, the angle of that pic does make him look more Dixie-like, doesn't it?? Because he is a whole lot bulkier than the two ladies, for sure. I weighed them Tuesday night when I was there and he was 540, Dixie was like four sixty something and Mystery was a little bit heavier than that I think? I've slept since then, so I can't remember any of them for sure except for my Lug Head!!
  14. I like Pixie!!!!!! She certainly is a little nymph/sprite/imp!!!!
  15. Haha too funny!! We just called her Mystery because the other two we KNEW this one is a hen and this one is a dude, but with her we kept flipping back and forth as the days passed by hahaha. This is gonna be SO FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
  16. Well I took Loki's travel cage to the breeder last night so he would have time to get used to it. It took all of five seconds and he was inside on the perch playing with the toy I have in there for him. Gee, such a poorly adjusted bird, huh?? Haha!! Before too long his sisters noticed him in there having fun and proceeded to swarm the cage, climbing all over the outside of it and trying to pull his toy thru the bars. A good time was had by all. So I guess all three birds benefitted from being introduced to the cage. They never even blinked about it. I took a few pics last night, but was having so much fun playing with all three of them and watching them play together on the travel cage, I forgot to snap one while it was a merry free for all on the cage, wish I would have thought of it, it was the funniest thing. Got a pic the second Loki climbed in his new travel cage, and one of him waving bye bye when I had to leave to head home. Also got a funny one of my first time ever trying to take a picture of him while holding him. I was silly enough to try to take that one the second I arrived, when he was so excited to see me that he wouldn't hold still and proceeded to charge the phone hahaha.
  17. Murfchck, I just moved from a duplex in Richland Hills to a house in Pantego in Arlington!! We were literally neighbors haha. That is fantastic news
  18. Thank you so much everyone. I have been reading around on here for months now and have been pouring back over everything for hours today haha!! I appreciate the support and welcome. I can't even imagine how my little mischief maker is going to change my life and household!!!!
  19. Thank you so much for letting me know! I guess I will have to wing it, huh? Hehe. Thanks again!!
  20. Hello!! I am new here. Is there any way for me to see the pictures of the portable perch you made out of a mic stand? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it shows me that the image is deleted? I am bringing my new boy home this weekend, and the only thing I don't have covered/prepared is a stand I can take around to different parts of the house for him!! Thanks!!!!
  21. At 44 years old, I am finally seeing my dream of sharing my life with an African Grey become a reality. My daughters are grown and living their respective lives, my hard work has finally begun to pay off so that I will be working only part time from home within the next couple of months, and I am in a place where I have the time, patience, calm and settled life that I feel will be conducive to making a great home for such an intelligent creature. I bring my boy Loki home this coming Friday. I am a NERVOUS WRECK!!! I've visited with he and his clutch mates many many times since the breeder brought them in for hand feeding, and have really gotten attached to all of them, especially Loki and one of his sisters in particular. I can't believe how emotional I was last night when I was over there playing with the two of them and realizing that I only have a few more visits with the female then she will be off to her new home, as Loki is home with me. These birds grab hold of your heart so completely!! Anyhow, I wanted to introduce myself and Loki as well. I am hoping to lean on everyone here for support and knowledge as I go alone, as I feel SO unprepared to be a new mommy again!! I have had smaller birds throughout my life, the most recent was my Quaker who passed away three, almost four years ago now. I just don't want to do anything to screw my boy up!!! Gah, I feel like I did when I brought my first daughter home. I remember thinking "OMG, they are just going to let me LEAVE with this baby???? Do they not understand that I have NO IDEA what I'm doing?????" hehe. Let the games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am new to forums etc, so I hope I did all of this correctly, including adding Lokis picture)
  22. Hello there. I have never posted on a forum before, so I hope I am doing this right. I am the person taking the male grey in the clutch you are referring to. I have been going many times a week to visit these three birds and absolutely adore all of them. The breeder is SO good with her birds and is very honest and forthcoming about anything you ever want to ask her about. That being said, I have spent hours upon hours upon hours with all three of these birds, and I can tell you this......the female that you are so smitten with is indeed a very sweet bird, but is incredibly pushy and demanding and although I know their personalities will change over time, I don't see her being as good about self entertaining when needed as the other two are. The female that is available though, was initially my choice....except for the fact that she is female and I was pretty set on a male. I have since bonded nicely with my lug headed boy and love him fiercely, but the little gal that is still available, I believe, is going to be an incredible bird. I'm not sure if it was the time of day that you went or what was going on that she just wasn't in a visiting mood, but she is normally right there on me while I am playing with and loving on my boy. She and he both are great about entertaining themselves if I put them up to do something else, but they are both lovers and very very attentive and pay attention to everything I do and say and we have a blast playing and cuddling when I am there. Anyhow, I know this is a hard decision, I just read this and knew from your post what birds and breeder you were referring to, and wanted to add my input as a person that knows the clutch very well. I don't know if this eases your mind any, but I thought it was worth the time to post the information I have about these incredible babies. If you would like to message me off the forum, you are more than welcome to. Kristen
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