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About forummehta

  • Birthday 03/13/1988


  • Biography
    I'm an animal lover. I have a pair of peach faced lovebirds and a grey. My baby's name is Miki


  • Location
    Muscat, Oman


  • Interests
    Playing piano, swimming, badminton, crafts


  • Occupation
    Chartered Accountant

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If you can keep your greys in a different room from where the work is going to be done..and which has a window to give them some fresh air..then I guess it would be fine. Anyway, 5 days isn't too long. If theres no option, you cn just take them to your friend/neighbor/relative's place during the day and get them back home by night.
  2. The sound must be his beak grinding! Or just wing flapping. Don't worry. I don't think its anything serious if hes normal otherwise.. Check that his droppings are normal and food and water is clean, healthy and regular.
  3. Why don't you leave them free in your room or something instead?? Or just make or buy a bird stand and leave them out. As for the feathers, you'll just have to wait till they grow back...make sure you give them proper food and water. Include fresh fruits and veggies too!
  4. Hey guys..Thanks a lot for your help...Well..my grey is completely alright.. I didn't manage to find any kind of detergent here...neither did I take her to the vet coz I heard pretty bad stories of the vet around here!! I actually saw her getting normal in 2 days and now the oil isn't there either and my bird is completely normal. Thank God!!
  5. Is it actually some "thing" under the beak?? To me it looks like your grey just lost some feathers and this must be her body that you can see...Because that's wat I used to worry about before and I realized that it was nothing but a few feathers which weren't there and was jus the parrots skin!
  6. If you think shes just preening and you don't find any feathers on the floor, then its fine. Atleast shes not feather plucking. As for the new feathers. They will take a few weeks/months (1-2 months) to grow back completely. But it should be harmful. You have nothing to worry about if ur TAG is playful, eating well and if the droppings are normal.
  7. This is pretty normal..especially if he has been clipped.. As long as you don't find him playing with his big feathers or lots of big feathers on the floor..its ok..all greys shed a lot of small feathers and dander...
  8. My parrot fell over a bottle of hair oil and it spilled over her... I think she also drank some of it... Ive sprayed her with lots of water and wiped her body and beak but what do I do....the vet will not open until tomorrow since today is a holiday. Please tell me what do I do..Im so worried..Thanks
  9. There are chances that he may take another one....but there are many instances of greys not accepting any other bird...in that case..u'll have to take care of him...but i think you should give it a try...get the female..dont keep them in one cage but keep her cage next to his...if they start interacting then you can move them both into a bigger cage
  10. Thats great...I wanted to know...is it possible to know the age of the bird from the DNA sample or something?
  11. Thats great!! Ive gone through something similar with Miki except that it was 2 months and not weeks!! But anyway...try reching the head after you touch her beak and give her a treat.. she will allow you gradually.. dont go behind the head coz it may scare her..moreover...id suggest, use just one finger instead of your hand...the palm may scare her off ...but u'll obviously have to be very careful not to get nipped :-)
  12. So sorry to hear about it....May her soul rest in peace....
  13. If there is someone else who can take care of her..its fine because I think it would be a little scary for her to travel so much. If theres no one you can leave her with- its better if you would take her with you. But I'm pretty sure there would be a nursery or some friend who has birds with whom you could leave her with. I would prefer not to carry her around especially coz its for work and you may not be able to give her enough time anyway...
  14. I wanted to know whether a ring on the foot of the parrot is a requirement in all countries (mainly Australia, USA, Europe and Canada). Since I adopted Miki, she doesnt have a ring and I don't know her background. Im staying in Muscat now but will travel to these countries soon. I wanted to know if theres anyway I can get her licensed/registered with the ring. Please let me know if any of you know about it...thanks
  15. After 3 months of patience, Miki finally let me cuddle and pat her completely...she actually put her head down and let me pat her head properly and allowed me to pat the entire body!! felt like cuddling a cat! I was actually scared that maybe shes sick and thats y she allowed me to touch her!! (any thoughts on this??) well...so much for all that happiness. By today morning...she got back to her normal self and didnt let me touch anything but her beak!!! I hope shes alright! But she still doesnt step up..How do i get her to do that??? While patting her, i tried to get her on my hands but she completely bent down and wudnt let my hands reach her feet..any suggestions?
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