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chloe's mom

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About chloe's mom

  • Birthday 04/22/1960


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  1. Chloe has been pooping in her food dish and water dish lately, I moved her perches that were by the dishes thinking that would help but now she sits on the edge of the bowls and poops i'm having to change her food and water a lot lately does any one have any suggestions on how to stop this.
  2. Chloe likes to be scratched under her wings for a few seconds then lets me know that is enough but then she sits on my lap and nudges my hand to scratch her so I guess it is on her terms.
  3. I have one for our cockatoo he uses it all the time, I got one for chloe but she never used it so I guess she decided she didn't like it but buddy does I unplug it in the summer and he still sits on it, so I guess it is up to the bird.
  4. chloe loves them to I keep her cover on her cage when she eats them that way I just have to wash it lol.
  5. she got a treat stick and a couple of toys, she is having a blast today.
  6. Chloe is 6 yrs old today, how time flys.
  7. welcome to the forum, you will learn a lot here everyone is very nice and helpful.
  8. she still likes her nuts, she hasn't had any more mishaps with another shell now.
  9. chloe whistles the andy griffin song.
  10. well she figured out a new game for them it's called dunk the walnut and shake water everywhere and laugh lol.
  11. she is a congo and I think that the one had a big enough crack in it for her to start breaking it but small enough to get her toe caught in it.
  12. we have a goffin cockatoo and a grey, the goffin is my husbands and he doesn't have anything to do with me, but hubby takes him everywhere with him so they are close and if he stays home with me he is very quiet.
  13. I thought maybe I will crack them for her but that would take all the fun out of it for her.
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