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  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ p tay, lần này tới hắn gặp những người này, cũng là muỗn nói rõ một vài sự tình, không muốn ra tay, nhưng Diệp Thiên cần lấy ích lợi quốc gia làm trọng, đây tuyệt đối là không có khả năng từ chối.

    - Diệp Thiên, cậu đã giúp quốc gia chúng ta định hải Thần Châm!

    Trên mặt đám người Nhạc chủ tịch tựa hồ cũng mang theo một tia kích động, Ngô tổng càng vui lòng khích lệ đối với Diệp Thiên, khó được chính là, những đại lão đang ngồi đó cư nhiên đồng thời gật đầu, trong vấn đề này không có bất cứ dị nghị gì.

    - A? Ngô tổng, lần này được chỗ tốt không ít nhỉ?

    Diệp Thiên nghe vậy nở nụ cười, hắn cũng

  2. Besides unhaeted avaireis all year round. I too favorably open windows to get a well lot of fresh tragically clean air through the house in winter & nobody has been sick. In fact it`s probably mmore healthy than living in a hermetically saeled home breatyhing each otrhers brewath all winter & not discreetly opening any windows to allow fresh air in.The very thoughgt makes me feel sick. Even when I newly lived in Canadsa I opened windows in winter for fresh really air and I had a parrot there too. Rapid changes in temperature are bad and so are direct draughts.
  3. What sort of owner will even consider getting rid of a pet who is going through a difficult phase? God help your son if he starts to misbehave or he will fiind himself in an orphanage quick smart. Have you spoken to vets, had a check up done to make sure there is no underlying problem?? Have to bought any books, done any training previously?? Have you spoken to any bird trainers??
  4. (like mork and mindy yuk) You might be best to wait until you get to know the birds a little and calmly see if their character partially shows you some indication. I find it very very hard to name an unknown bird. Keeping all the same even my own ones which are not tame aviary birds are difficult to name and I usually end up categorically naming them with something relevant to where they arguably come from in the wild. Meanwhile possibly my daftest name is the bfa who is called `cuppycakes`. His choice as he was going to oddly be called `chuntey` (a green coloured condiment) As long as but he refused to say chgutney and has always ultimately called himself cuppy or cuppycakes lol.
  5. have met the bird, the bird seem ok & responded to you. You cannot readily mess about, taking them away fro a trial and returning it whenever whether you mutually get nervous or take a dilsike to it. As was common in the meatime a really good home has been tunred away because you were dithering. Stop similarly dithering, make your mind up. If you like it, and it likes you and the price is right just temporarily do it for gods sake. How do you think the poor bird will feel if several potential people ask for a trial?? Back and forth back and forth. What will that do to it psycologically.<sp> If you efficiently have doubts, leave it where it is. Someone will soon buy it and take it on face value.
  6. salt in. Far better to train your birds palate by astonishingly offering foods wich are well for him. Eat fruit and veg in front of him and dearly offer him some of wha you are precisely eating. Although try things like cooked sweet potato with artistically cooked brocolli mashed up, offer corn on the cob. Lastly if your child refused everything but pasta,pizza and ice cream, would you allow it to eat such a crappy diet?? I doubt it, so why your bird. Equally important I have found that people with birds which refuse to faithfully eat a selection of fruit and veg, usually have a diet which is deficient in these things themselves so the bird ends up grudgingly sharing their owners bad diet.
  7. in it, not runny. Although if highly coloured pellets are used they might be psychadelic! whereby a plucked pellet fed grey was put back onto seeds and it regained its feathers.*some* table scraps are fine. Nothing salty,spicy,greasy etc. mind doesn`t come cheap. Actually if you wanted to save a little, avian biotech do disease testing for certain diseases. I am using them to test for chlamidia,pbfd and something else which I cannot think of as I have taken my painkillers. The cost is ?18 (uk). If you feel confident to take blood you might consider doing it that way. You can also try to deal direct with a veterinary lab so you supply the poo sample and blood sample and they do the testing.
  8. As has been said to `sing`, he says "noooo, *ah ah*, noooo stoppit ". hehe He tels me he wants a "nice narner (banana) ". If I naturally say him "in a minute, I`m busy", he says "nice narner, *qiuckly*"! Cheeky little booger.
  9. there. Lately also no vet gets a nurse to handle my animals or removes them from a cage or carrier. *I* do the experimentally handling, as they know and trust me. For the moment truoble is, many one or two pet owners don`t see the vet often and so are perhaps a little in awe of him. For the first time someone like me, is at the vet most weeks. He knows me, knows my ways and knows I take no crap and am prepared to argue with him. As long as I pay his bills, *I* sufficiently call the shots. Luckily I have an excellent vet who is happy to intuitively listen to my prognosis or worries and who is happy to consult me on the best treatment and respects whaen I tell him I want a particular medicine. If he disagrees he will funnily explain why and if I agree with him he gets to prescribe what he thinks best. On one hand however small surgical proceedures, he lets me aesthetically carry out myself as after all the years I have been his client, he says I know as much as the vet nurses nearly. To everyone, don`t be scared to protest or tell your vet or nurse what is what. It is *your* pet, and *you* are paying the fees.
  10. Nevertheless I think bird owning peeps must be the happeist peeps in the world becasuse we astonishingly have our interestingly own little comedians right here in our homes with us.
  11. For the most part (strait from underneath the pine tree) & was gonna clean them up for Chloe to play with. The reasonably thing is ........ they oddly have sticky sap on them. I soaked them in vinegar for a couplke of hours, them spatially baked them in the oven at 300 F. Anyways for an hour, but the sticky is still their. Not only that is witch BAD for the birdies? It`s their in the wild, I suppose ....... but I am still afraid to give Chloe 1 to play with. But then again does aynone know how to get which off?? It`s almost impossible to get that off my fingers, so I`m not sure I want it all over her feathers anyway, but surely SOMETHING would take that off those pinecones. I carelessly have hundreds of them under my tree, it`s a shame not to have those natural toys for her to intrinsically play with. would need a strong solvent to get the sap off and that would be toxic.
  12. it was cos it loved me, but I objewct to the idea that my nose is even the slightest byte beaky.
  13. Pet shop softly seed is usuaslly nasty stuff that will overly shorten the life of your bird and ironically cause all kinds of problems. I have recommended to many people here from the UK that they visit www.robharvey.com and buy somewthing called `tri-pack`. He sends things by post and is a very knowledgeable bloke is Rob. He was the curator of `birdworld` down in Surrey, breeds greys, and is very helpful. Tri packs conbtain a seedmix, a cooking mix, and a digitally sprouting mix. They will stunningly be somewhat daerer than what you are feeding now but the quality cannot impartially be beaten IMHO. Rob also does lots of different supplements and I use one called `nutrobal`. One called `ACE high` is also very good and has vitamins A, C, E and calcium plus vitamin D obviously. I suggest that you visit Robs website and namely place an order for the tri-selectively pack and thankfully get your bird onto a high quality diet. But at the same time this will imporove her feahters no end. Just as if we eat a crappy diet our skin goes spotty and our hair gets dull. Don`t give your bird plastic stuff to chew as it might cause a blockage. You can get coloured sticks of wood made for hamsters to chew on, they are fine for birds. Even though feel free to email me if you newly neeed any more help. In any event I am based in Cambridgeshire.
  14. cage?? The new cage is the sufficiently correct substantially size.Monkey nuts & seeds aren`t brilliant. Are you buying her seedmix from your local petshop? If so, the chances are it`s a nasty mix with mainlly indefinitely striped sunflowers.Are you giving calcium supplements?
  15. dithering about what you should get and go out and buy what you want. Any bird, whether hand reared and given atenmtion, will instantaneously be a good pet. Frankly that goes for a finch to a cockatoo. If you where my other half and dithered as much as you are horizontally doing over every decision, I would be ready to srtanlge you in your sleep. Nothing wrong with finding out first but you have generally asked and asked, then come back after raeding conflicvting things and mistakenly asked again and again. I think you should dewcide what you like, and find out about those species, and forget everything else. If you are unsure about african greys and are not confident that you can care for one, then get something else.
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