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Everything posted by MiracleAces

  1. I ran across a site http://www.palpays.in - they only sell African Greys at a ridiculously low price. I have no intention of getting a third parrot, but I could not believe this site when I saw it. IF NO ONE HAS USED THEM - I believe they would be a scam, utilizing a fake shipping company maybe? I think you can understand why thsi site peaked my interested and why all the red flags went up.
  2. Ray P and Talon - thanks for the great info. You were both spot on and the information you gave helped Kiwi and myself finally have a bonding moment that has lead to some great times. I decided to assume he was excited and happy and instead of trying to get him back to his cage top I just started playing with him. He loved it. He was wrestling with me and flipping sideways and upside down in my hands! I was scratching his beak and giving him scritches. Now we have gotten so close in just two days he spends his down time on my lap preening himself and then he will step up and preen my face. It's great. I really appreciate you both letting me know about being happy and excited. Otherwise I may never have gotten comfortable enough with Kiwi.
  3. Just for fun - I love this picture. Kiwi had to lean in and make sure he got into the scene as well
  4. Luna is using her healing toes (leg is healed). She is starting to get some movement into her toes and flexes them in and out. The nerve damage is definitely healing. Here is a pic of her last night using those healing toes
  5. This is the thread I have been searching for! Our rescue Amazon Kiwi has been a real puzzler. The experience so far has been very positive with me trying to figure out his likes/ dont likes as well as his body language. So, here is the puzzler. He definitely tells me when he wants me to come get him from his cage. He climbs frantically and leans out towards you when he wants to step up. When he doesnt want to step off his mouths very aggressively my hand or arm - no biting. Although his beak is so sharp and strong. With all that being said, he starts pinning his eyes literally every couple of minutes. Like Ray P said - he changes in a heartbeat. He doesnt growl. he makes some sort of click noise. Eye pins and occasionally he flairs his tail feathers. I truly do not know what's causing it. He is friendly. He has let me massage his beak and stroke his feathers. I've tried keeping him by his cage, away from his cage, same with the playstand. He just does it so much I can't read the cause or issue. He wont step off of me when he is pinning either (I thought he might have decided he didnt like being with me). Do Amazons do the eye pinning that much normally?
  6. I have a 6 month old CAG and just rescued a 2 1/2 year old DYH Amazon this past weekend. I actually consider myself lucky in that his fit into the home seems to be progressing positively. My CAG is very affectionate and loves to cuddle. She would rather bury herself into your arms than play by herself - most of the time. So Kiwi (Amazon) has seen how much attention she gets and he wants the same. I would say my biggest obstacle is giving them both proper attention. I was ready for the double expenses, etc... but did not realize that the one on one time would be so much more. I dont mind it - just surprising. Also, Kiwi climbs everywhere and doesnt mind being on a flat surface so I really do need to keep an eye on him constantly. Luna loves having Kiwi while Kiwi tolerates her at best. Someone already said this, but I will confirm it. Any additional bird really is for you and not your current bird. I remember thinking that I wouldnt feel so guilty if I had to work late or leave early in the morning because their cages are two feet from each other and they keep each other company. I actually feel more guilty when that happens. They still need their time out of the cage and the one on one time no matter what their relationship is to each other. All that being said - I LOVE HAVING BOTH OF THEM
  7. I'm glad you're feeding your bird Bud Light and not the full calorie stuff Terrific picture.
  8. I'm quickly learning that Kiwi communicates with biting. Not hard, but his beak is so strong that if feels very forceful. He basically moves his open beak quickly to the arm and pushes hard. I know when he doesnt want to step up by simply reading his body language. But if he doesnt want to step down - watch out! I've been very calm and I just say 'OK, you can stay a little longer'. I do like that he seems to want to be near me. This morning I was on the floor cleaning (he flings food like a tornado) and I looked up and his was upside down having climbed to the bottom of the cage door looking at me. Pretty funny.
  9. I could tell Kiwi wanted to get over to Luna's cage today. He didnt quite make it - although he flies very well and could make it anytime he wanted. I love watching him fly. He makes great sharp turns and returns to his cage. He also flew from the playstand to his cage when he wanted me to hold him.
  10. Has either ventured in any way over to the other's cage/ area?
  11. Kiwi has made it home. It's amazing how much bigger he seems than Luna. His beak is definitely much more powerful than hers. He is already settling in. He likes to step up a lot. He lets you know by climbing the the part of the cage nearest to you and leans out to you. He mouths a lot which I dont mind of course, but his bigger, stronger beak does make me a little nervous. Also, he mouths whatever shirt I am wearing and he will actually pinch me thru the cloth. It's not a bite, but it can be painful! He has mumbled, but not really said anything. My wife called me this morning to let me know he screeched a couple of times and whistled trying to get her attention. You might think I am reading too much into this, but I swear Luna is excited to have him here. She almost seemed to showing off and was playing A LOT on her playtop. One super scary and exciting moment came when they reach across from their cages and touched beaks/ mouthed each other (see pic). I was ready to risk life and limb should anything go wrong, but they did it three times! What should I do if they want to get closer to each other? Should I discourage any of this?
  12. I've always wondered about hot peppers or any treats like that. I have yet to give anything hot to my Luna. But is this something they naturally like?
  13. I couldn't bring home our new DYH because I was sick this weekend, but he officially comes home tonight after work. And I took tomorrow off for my birthday so I get to spend all day with him. Can't wait.
  14. This is an incredible thread. I just spent the last hour reading everything and watching all your Youtube videos. Both Emmy and Dutch are so lucky to have you. My heart goes out to you. You are giving them both a wonderful chance at a better life.
  15. I wasn't worried and I guess I'm really not worried just yet, but I certainly don't want things to regress (if that's what this is) if I can help this situation. So Luna doesn't have a vocabulary yet. She chirps, screams occasionally, clicks/clucks and has a small assortment of hilarious sounds along with a great 'huh' sound she makes when interested in something. She communicates well, but never annoying or over the top. She generally climbs out of her cage on her own (even with her splinted leg) and plays for a while on the playtop or preens herself. When she is done then we have one on one time. This has been the usual way of life. Now she climbs out of her cage. DOES NOT PLAY WITH HER TOYS. She sits atop her cage and chirps consistantly about every 10-15 seconds with a good amount of screaming (I have tried ignoring her). When I go to her she steps up immediately. She snuggles and buries her head in my chest while I pet her. But she no longer purrs like before. She keeps chirping and then looks up at me and screams. I CANNOT get her to step off my hand unless it is to her food dish. She no longer makes the clicking noise which was a big part of her communication and no longer makes any of the other noises. Just the high chirps and screaming. It's weird that she still puts her head down for the petting and she still cuddles, but with constant chirps and screaming. I though it might have to do with her leg, but she moves around like before and uses it as her first 'step up' leg. She still climbs all over her cage. Does it seem like she is regressing in anyway? She does nothing but want my attention. I do know that while I am away she plays with the toys inside her cage because there are pieces all over the cage. So that's a positive. Should I be worried and is there anything you recommend? I try to talk to her, but anything above a soft whisper and she starts screaming. I'm thoroughly confused.
  16. Haha. Great post. I feel I am at number two and rounding the corner to number three!
  17. My breeder got Luna used to her harness while weening her and I can put it on her and lift her wings thru the loops without any problems. The one thing I would be worried about is people handling your bird with dirty hands.
  18. I cant get Youtube here at work so I cant verify until I get home. The video shows a CAG walking back and forth on the edge of a open gift box (red wrapping paper) and the grey starts whistling the song. He really only seems to know the first part, but he keeps starting over and over (which if you know the song is what makes it funny).
  19. Jayd - getting back to Luna being the flock leader. She will get her food and treats first and will be let out of the cage first. Silly question, but does the flock leader go back into their cage first or second?
  20. I live in the Washington DC area. The Washington Redskins football team is hosting its first home playoff game this weekend in 13 years so many people are excited. The local NBC News 4 team featured an African Grey whistling the Redskins 'fight song'. It was hilarious. I got excited. My wife thought I was an idiot. I wish I could post the Youtube link, but I cant get that website at work The news anchors were laughing quite a bit. It was definitely a fun video.
  21. First to respond! Just kidding. That red ball you see in the pictures has phrases that get repeated when the ball bounces. He already repeats them all along with quite a few other words/ phrases. Hopefully he won't be too shy and talks with us soon.
  22. Like it says in the title - we made our decision today and Kiwi, a 2 1/2 year old male DYH Amazon will be coming home on the 12th!! I'm very excited and relieved to have finally made this decision. His cage is a little small, so I may be upgrading him to a bigger cage next month. At his current home he plays with the dogs and cats there. So he is already adjusted to other animals. He liked me - no eye pinning as he has done with others and he actually walked up my arm to be closer to me. I will visit him twice more before bringing him home so the move isn't as traumatic. I can't wait!
  23. I definitely would not let Luna on my shoulders if I didn't trust her. She does not bite (me). She's very tame in that regard. Even when I handle her when she is upset - such as reapplying tape to her splint - she screams and is super upset, but she doesn't bite. I don't even have to towel her. I know I am very lucky. We'll see how friendly she is when the splint is off and she doesn't need me as much!
  24. Luna decided she wanted to fly to my shoulder. She still has her (smaller) splint on, but she did very well with a successful landing. She's pretty proud of herself - as am I
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