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About jbsmomto1

  • Birthday 07/25/1971

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  1. I only rub his neck, beak, cheeks, and just under the bottom beak close to the hole or whatever you call that thing, once in a while I will rub his little tiny birdie feet, but he doesn't usually let me touch them i dont often go past the ear holes (not sure what they are called, but ears work for me lol), I thought it was his butt, back and wings that I shouldnt be touching?
  2. LMAO I just said to him "so you are a protective horn dog" ....good lord please don't him repeat such a thing lol ...
  3. LOL Storm does that as well when I try to put him where he isn't sure he wants to be, he knows that if he doesn't let me go....smart birds
  4. .....So I was here the other day after being bitten by my boy and not sure why as well as he is chasing after people in my house, (always males, except for the time he bit me a few days ago, than it was males and me)...It's really hard to accept that my boy could go from this : ...this is normal for him, so sweet, so loving, so gentle, but then this happened : I admit it made me kinda nervous to hold him but I did anyway and he has been fine since that moment in time, he is back to his sweet self (with me) but he still isn't thrilled with males, but isn't chasing them either but he was also handfed by a woman and its only myself and daughter that live here so exposure to men is NOT something he has had a lot of, so I guess his dislike for males might be normal? Today he started doing something new as well, when I pick him up his wings are droopy, I mean they are not dropping bc they are hurt I am certain they are not but they droop and it kinda sounds like he is whining or squeeking, its hard to describe the sound. ...I know he isn't sick because he only seems to be doing this intermittently and only when I am close to him, if I am not in the room he is fine, plays, whistles, hollers for me to "come see me" lol.....so I don't think he is sick, I thought maybe hormones but A) he is barely 3 years old and I have done everything possible to try and prevent breeding behaviours. He only gets light for 12 hrs, 7pm-7am. He gets NO soft warm foods but I still do feed him the healthy foods but mostly pasta and crunchy harder foods, his pellets, parrot cookies, nutriberries, etc etc ....so I don't think it can be hormones, or if it is than what else do I need to do so I don't ruin a perfectly amazing parrot and cause him any harm emotional or other .....help me please
  5. Won't spraying him with water cause emotional damage and\or trigger a fear of water?....he would never bathe again ETA: wouldnt it also cause him to lose trust in me?
  6. I don't think he was mistreated, I know he has never been since I have had him and he was almost 5 months old when I did. His handfeeder is amazing also so I am fairly certain it has nothing to do with neglect or poor treatment. He is very bonded to me, I have tried to help him to enjoy other people but he really doesn't care for people other than me, its been just about the last 6 weeks or so that he has finally allowed himself to have a lot more interaction with my 12 year old, it's obvious that they DO enjoy each others company and she plays with storm differently than I do, which is what I think he likes. As I said he is very bonded, he needs to see, hear or be with me, if not he hollers for me by name. I am pretty sure my neighbours must hate me, my dog howls something awful when I leave the house and of course I don't always shut the windows and than now about 2-3 weeks ago Storm started going to the window and hollering my name out the open window. If he can see me he just says "c'mere" or "c'mon lets go" but if he can't see me he hollers at me until I answer. LOL, I do feel bad for the neighbours but yet I find it crazy hilarious that he does that, my neighbours told me that one point they heard someone calling me from a window and when they looked they saw the bird there but they hadn't made the connection that it WAS HIM doing the hollering...lmao again I think it's funny, Maybe I have loved him to much or maybe the wrong way? Maybe I have done nothing and he is just as someone described earlier " a young punk" or "a thug"....Maybe he is growing up and testing waters to see what happens....
  7. your Jardine and Storm could be related by the sounds of it lol. He is so loving and so sweet , he has always been with me, not so loving with other people but he would never take off after them like he has done for the past few days, I don't want to clip, there is something about watching him do something as normal as flying that makes my heart melt, he doesn't fly all over the house either is in one of 3 places, the kitchen, the bathroom (if I am in there) and the bedroom, ok 4 I guess bc the living room is a room but its his man room. I guess I am thinking clipping will take some confidence away but really I don't want to take that away from him, or give him reason to lose it or not have an abundance of it....
  8. Storm is just over 3 years old (July) he up until very recently has been quite an amazing bird, I am not sure what has happened but the past few days he really has been a demon parrot, he is taking off after people, he has bitten people and yesterday I walked out of my bedroom and he flew at me and started biting me and OMG does he have a good grip.Really it didn't hurt physically as much as it did emotionally, he is such a sweet guy and always gives me kisses and snuggles etc etc but yesterday morning he hurt my feelings more than anything else. The bruise will go away and my feelings were less hurt after I stopped taking it so personal, but I don't understand why he is doing this. He is seriously flying after people they duck down to the floor pretty quick and he is just a split second to slow to actually get them, but then he does it again and again .... So I have been trying to figure out what the problem might be, nothing has changed in the house, no new pets, no new furniture or placement of furniture, nothing has changed for him. I think its probably just hormones but I also wondered if its because he is flighted, its been about a year since his last clip and I really wanted to let him have free flight in the house, but if the sudden aggression is partly due to his not being clipped, I just don't think I can leave him unclipped. Does full flight cause or lead to aggression? What do you do with the sweetest grey ever normally and suddenly starts being a meanie butt?
  9. I have a bad mouth, I often worry that he is one day going to pick up my truckers mouth, so far he hasn"t thank goodness,nobody wants to listen to a swearing bird.
  10. it's the feeding response I am referring to ....he does that between my thumb and index finger
  11. Storm has been pumping between my thumb and index finger, is it part of hormones or something he just likes to do .....curious as to what it is because than I will know if I need to discourage it or don't stress and let him pump til the cows come home,,,he just turned 3 if that matters
  12. as well I have few questions about the way he is maturing ..... Storm my TAG is going to be 3 years old in a few hours. This hatchday has me super excited with no understanding of why lol. However I do have some questions about his behaviour, I had thought that TAGS do not mature until about 5, but about 2-3 months ago I was shocked about his behaviour that have me puzzled: 1) Clearly I am the chosen one, I am pretty sure I knew this just after we got him. He does the neck thing you know the up and down action and then the next thing I know he has left me a little gross gift, he tends to leave it on the couch when he is there, but a few times he has so badly tried to leave it in my ear. I suspect I may have hurt his little birdie feelings a few times with the disgust and horror. I knew it could happen and I knew it probably would, but he wasn't quite 3 at the time it started so it caught me off guard. I have read to not pet his back and since I have never done that anyway but honestly only because he hates it, he hate his toes touched also. But he now he lifts a wing ever so slightly as if he is asking me to pet under his wings, I haven't obliged because I am thinking it may be a hormonal thing because he typically hates it, is that right? I have also made it dark in the house at the same time it got dark in the winter months so he wasn't getting longer days as I was told to limit daylight hours because that is what starts the hormones...is that accurate advice? 2) he seems to be so desperate for attention (not like he gets it all day long most of the time) but now he is only wanting more at night and will sit on the arm of the couch and put his head down asking for scritches, if I do not do it fast enough for his liking he twists his neck around and then of course I laugh hysterically and can't help doing what he is asking (it IS the funniest thing ever to see his head the way it is and it makes his feet look like they are on backwards lol. is this hormones or is he just needy? Is he not to young to have hormonal behaviour? is that even what all that is?... I also want to know about how long a molt takes? it seems like he is losing feathers everyday but we have never had a big pile of feathers which is what I was kind of expecting it just seems to lose a few everyday rather then a proper molt...is this normal? Last one, I was told to feed him aloe juice, I can't find that in my town and I cannot seem to find any online that are 100% aloe, most have just citric acid and aloe. Will the citric acid harm him? I can find an aloe juice drink but given the list of the many ingredients I am assuming this is NOT what I want? I do have facebook and post there more often than anywhere, I also keep pics of him, an update about the craziest thing he has done on any given day etc etc...he recently even tolerated me recording him, he normally gets really tall and thin, you know the look when they are scared or nervous when the camera comes out and he goes silent, like dead silent. If you want to add me, I will accept, my name is Barb Leigh, my picture is of a kid wearing a mardi gras type mask
  13. Is it possible to teach your parrot to stay? Storm has suddenly become a very busy boy. He never wants to stay where I want him to, always flying around, his newest destination is the kitchen sink,not sure what the fascination is about it other than that I do NOT want him there. i move him, ask him to stay, he looks at me with his eyes pinning and holds up his leg for me to pick him up, if I puck him up he's fine, if I just walk away it suddenly becomes a race to see who can get to xxx faster......I pick him up, replace him and say stay. I have 2 huge boings hanging from the ceiling. one in the kitchen and one in the boot room so he can people watch out the door. He has a cage in the living room, a play stand in the living room and a table perch that goes wherever I take it ....he has TONS of areas to play and LOTS to play with. He has foraging toys, chew toys, noisy toys, foot toys etc etc this boy lacks for nothing. He will be 3 in a couple of months and I suspect that may be part of the issue. I really do not feel comfortable with him having so much access to the house, I have a blanket blocking the kitchen from the living room...this blanket now is full of holes that allow a certain parrot to go through to get to the kitchen. He is afraid of hats so I even went as far as hanging up a hat..it worked for a few weeks but now he kinda likes those hats lol.... SO how does one teach a very stubborn parrot how to stay where I put him.....
  14. I am looking at getting Storm a playstand. This is the one I am looking at https://elite-pets.com/default/stand/a16-white.html I suck royally trying to imagine if it is a suitable size for a TAG, Storm is almost 3 and weighs about 314G .....I wish places would say what birds it is suited for but they don't...so what do you think?
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