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About SimplyGrey

  • Birthday 07/17/1970


  • Biography
    Parrot Lover


  • Location
    New York, USA


  • Interests
    Saving Lives


  • Occupation

SimplyGrey's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. My Nut-Nut is a lover. He will sit beside me or on me soaking up hugs and kisses and head massages. Greys are simply amazing birds and I love my guy completely.
  2. That's the right attitude MoonRock!! And DAVE.... I could sit and read your replies for hours. I just love your knowledge and sense of humour. Great to have your giving advice to the flock.
  3. GREAT news! BUT remember, the cage is a birds safe haven. Be patient and don't rush her. It looks like Rosie is food motivated, which helps out a lot too. Let us know how things progressed. Keep the faith my friend!
  4. Yes, I do use a full spectrum bulb for my fella and he loves it. He actually sits as close as he can and shares at it. I have not tried to offer him a chicken bone, but will do so and see if he likes? I also have red palm oil and will start putting it on the foods he will eat. Thanks again!!
  5. I ride the train to work and there is a gentleman riding who is a police officer. As you listen to him talk, it seems that he is almighty and everyone else is shit. He is very cocky and a big womanizer, thinking once again he is Gods gift to women. Frankly, if you took away that big badge he carries he then might be somewhat of a decent person. But then again, maybe not!!
  6. No I am not worried! I just thought that maybe adding a vitamin would help to brighten up his tail feathers. He is somewhat of a picky eater and will only try different foods on rare occasions. He doesn't even like almonds or walnuts. He doesn't like birdie bread and hates chicken. He may eat a piece of cheese, depending on his mood and sometimes eat rice or pasta, but those foods are just carbs. He doesn't like baby food or nice warm birdie formula. He is who he is and that's OK. I just thought that since he is a very picky eater by adding a multi- vitamin would aid in what he is missing in his diet. He weight is good being at 416 grams and he is not sick. I know there are other Greys out there like him and wanted to hear others opinion. Thanks for your replies!
  7. Well OK! I also thought that the act of regurg was showing a sign of sexual dominance, so I generally try not to encourage it. Little did I know that my fella was showing me LOVE. That's awesome, he does it usually once a day for me. Thanks for sharing on this subject. I love this forum!!!!
  8. AMEN Brother!! I love what you wrote AND yes! I am on that list. I understand now why all of my friends look at me weird(hence, because I am a parrot lover). Oh well, they don't know what their missing cause its absolutely awesome!!
  9. Thank you friends for all your replies. I guess the subject of whether or not to add a multi-vitamin is sensitive. I hear what everyone is saying by adding more green leafy veggies or even make birdie bread, BUT I have to say that I have tried exactly all of that and my boy won't have anything to do with it. He is very selective when it comes to eating. As I stated before, he will eat grapes, blueberries and granola until he is blue in the face! I know there is not enough nutrients support from eating that, but the other good food I offer him either goes to the floor or just rots in his food bowl. I got a reply from kins2321 saying that you could help me personally. Are you a avian nutritionist or behaviour consultant?
  10. AMEN! Words spoken from a true parrot lover! I am so glad to be part of the Grey family of friends
  11. My CAG doesn't eat many veggies, if anything, he will eat broccoli sometimes. He will eat a little more with fruit like grapes (favourite), blueberries, and sometimes apples. Everyday I make him up a mixture of grapes, blueberry and broccoli with a sprinkle of organic granola with hemp seed and pumpkin seed. He loves it!!! During the day he has his bowl of Lifetime granules made by Hagen and mix in some high quality of seeds and nuts made by Goldenfeast and fresh water daily. So now the question is, should I be adding multi-vitamins? There is a avian company called "Avitech" and they offer various kinds of vitamins to help with feather plunking, calcium deficiency and aggression issues and so on. I have noticed lately that my fella's tail feathers are a very dull red and he is also preening his feathers a lot, but I think he is going through a molt. Another thing I forgot to mention was that I also use a avian full spectrum lighting in the morning for about 4-5 hrs a day. Would adding multi-vitamins to his pellet dish or even sprinkle it over his grapes be helpful? I have also heard that certain types of oils such as flax, hemp, primrose and coconut help out. I would appreciate what other CAG owners what their opinion is on this issue?? I'm not sure what way to go to help bring back the brightness in his feathers, as well as help in overall health. Thanks!
  12. Happy Holidays to all of the CAGs and TAGs and their families. Hope Santa left you a little something under the tree. May your New Year be filled with many blessings. Luv your friends Peanut and Tori.
  13. Peanut LOVES grapes and recently likes blueberries as well. He is not into veggies, but will tolerate broccoli and mash potatoes. He also like rice and pasta to some degree and he really is not interested to what is on my plate at dinner time. And of course, he eats his pellets and some seeds, absolutely no nuts for my little nut!!
  14. Thanks for sharing. That was sooo cute! Merry Christmas to you
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