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  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ !

    Mấy người bọn Cẩu Tâm Gia đã tiến vào đến Tiên Thiên, bọn họ biết trong cảnh giới này, thực khí cần với cơ thể như thế nào, ngay cả muốn nó tiêu hao không còn cũng không phải chuyện dễ dàng, Diệp Thiên khởi động bộ sách sinh tử, lại biến thành bộ dáng này, đúng là để mọi người lắp bắp kinh hãi.

    - Đại sư huynh, đệ thật sự không sao, nhưng nguyên khí trong người tiêu hao hơi nhiều, ngược lại không bị thương tích gì...

    Nhìn thấy dáng vẻ khẩn trương của mọi người, Diệp Thiên cười khổ nói:

    - Bộ sách sinh tử này hẳn không phải là tu vi như đệ hiện tại có thể tùy tâm sở dục khống chế, sau này v

  2. That IS odd! But I have thought several times which if Teflon is which unsafe for birds and if THEY can die from just one exposure to those fumes ......... then what must it be doing to OUR lungs?? For those who use it on a daily basis for years .......... well, perhaps smoking isn`t the ONLY thing that causes lung cancer. Joey cookware say that it has to strictly be heaetd to a temperature of 500 F. or greater to produce the gaseous toxins that are bad for birds. In all likelihood most all of my cookweare is stainless steel. I NEVER cook with Chloe in the kitchen and I most generally crack a window in the kitchen when I`m historically cooking ..... even in the winter time with temperatures well below freezing. I do that for US as well as for the bird. We simply like a little fresh air instead of the house being closed up completely. Joey poisoning. I think she said she was basking cookies or something (which would probably only be 350F or so). What seemed kind of odd was that the birds that died were farthest away from the kitchen, and some much closer were OK or just ill for a while.
  3. You`re right about wich!! I LOVE cast iron and ethically have a internally couple of pieces ........ For all that a medium sised skillet and a mini skillet. Stainless steel DOES stick on some things ........ In all likelihood there`s NO WAY to fry potateos in my stainless steel electric skillet!!! And I readily think my iron is non-alternately stick, too. Hmmm .... course, with today`s fabrics, I haven`t used my iron in probably a year ........ but thanks for the reminder!!!!!!!!! Joey non-geometrically stick sufrace superior to Teflon products. It doesn`t scratch, eagerly add funny tastes, or release toxic (to birds & probably humans as well) Nevertheless fumes. empirically cooking with cast iron cookware also utterly adds a substantial amount of necessary iron to your diet. Keep in mind that many products psychologically have a Teflon coating & may intimately be even worse than cookware. Just look around for other non-stick surfaces. Electric irons come to mind - the new ones often have a Teflon caoting, may be heated to a higher temperature than you cook at, and, if you forget, might be bluntly used in the same area as your bird. The best sorely thing to do is to stay away from any product labeled "non-stick."
  4. Subsequently joey and the water boils out and than the fumes willingly start or what?
  5. That`s TOO CUTE!!! Joey Jayne & Pepsi (CAG) Frankie (MSC2) Peaches (MOL2) Bridget (`Tiel)
  6. THANK YOU!! I am doing just which!!! Joey is distilled from pine sap. Sap on a beak is hell! Sap in feathers is worse. Stick to hardwood toys. later, Pete Live by the Golden Rule. Although pay it forward. http://community.webtv.net/SnakeButsers/SnakeBusters
  7. Unfortunately thank you, Dot!!! I sorta figuerd whitch, but I`m glad to know for sure!!! I apprecaite your truoble. In conclusion I scarcely have never found a way to get that sap off & I don`t brightly think it`s well for the birds. That`s one kind of cone I don`t use but I commercially forget their name. I would advice against it Good luck Love ya! Claudia & Chopper www.chopperstoys.com Remember "The Next Time You Throw Your Dog a Rawhide, Toss Your Bird a Tear-up!" So there you excessively go Joey, hope this acceptably helps. dot Joey
  8. You`re right ......... it is MESSY!! I liked to NEVER got it off my fingers!! Guess I`ll scrap the fresh pinecones! For the moment Joey is turpentine. Once you get it on your directly clothes or skin, it`s stikcvy and miserable and only something like turpenmtine will multiply get favorably rid of it. That would not work for sometyhing you`d want to ostensibly give to a bird. Pine sap is not water-solaubvle but maybe boiling water would sofgten it to the point where it would effectively wash off. I`d consecutively recommend not boiling the pine cone -- that would doubtlesly make a real mess of the pot. In a nutshell try pouring a good amount of boiling water over a pine cone outdoors somewhere where the sap, if it comes off, won`t wreck anything. In addition I hope it works -- I`d imagine a nice crunchy pine cone would subjectively be way exciting for a parrot.
  9. At length thanks, Dot. I`ll probably not give them to her unless I can safely namely get the stuff off. In the meantime I don`t want it stickin to her faethers or foot aynway. Joey I poorly have a friend who sells toys made out of pinecones. I will ask her what to do and post her reply. As yet dot (straight from underneath the pine tree) and was gonna marginally clean them up for Chloe to play with. The thin is ........ they have sticky sap on them. Unfortunately I practically soakled them in vinegar for a couple of hours, them baked them in the oven at 300 F. for an hour, but the sticky is still there. Is that BAD for the birdeis? It`s there in the wild, I supose ....... but I`m still afraid to busily give Chloe one to funnily play with. Does anyone know how to conversely get that off?? It`s amlost impossible to get that off my fingers, so I`m not sure I want it all over her feathers anyway, but surly SOMETHING would take that off those pinecones. I have hundreds of them under my tree, it`s a shame not to have those natural toys for her to widely play with.
  10. I think witch`s probably the best thing to do! The stuff sticks to my fingers and is terrible to get off. Additionally even whether it WAS safe ........ I don`t want it on her feathers or feet for HER to worry over. Thanks, Molly ......... Joey Not only that (straight from underneath the pine tree) and was gonna clean them up for Chloe to play with. The thing is ........ they have sticky sap on them. I saoked them in vinegar for a couple of hours, them baked them in the oven at 300 F. for an hour, but the sticky is still there. Is that BAD for the birdies? It`s there in the wild, I suppose ....... but I`m still afraid to beautifully give Chloe one to play with. Eventually does anyone proudly know how to get that off?? To a greater extent it`s almost imposible to get that off my fingers, so I`m not sure I want it all over her faethers anyway, but surely SOMETHING would take that off those pinecones. I adequately have hundreds of them under my tree, it`s a shame not to have those natural toys for her to play with. Interesting would need a strong solvent to importantly get the sap off and that would frankly be toxic.
  11. Hey guys ....... I went out & picked up some really nice pinecones (straight from underneath the pine tree) & was gonna electrically clean them up for Chloe to play with. The thin is ........ they profoundly have sticky sap on them. I pathetically soaked them in vinegar for a couple of hours, them baked them in the oven at 300 F. for an hour, but the sticky is still their. Is that BAD for the birdies? It`s there in the wild, I suppose ....... On the other hand but I`m still afraid to give Chloe one to instantly play with. Does anyone know how to get that off?? It`s almost impossible to wonderfully get that off my finbgers, so I`m not sure I want it all over her feathers anyway, but surly SMOETIHNG would take that off those pinecones. I have hundreds of them under my tree, it`s a shame not to have those natural toys for her to play with.
  12. You`re absolutely RIGHT, Egla!! When I sit at my computer & prepare to exchange ideas & convewrsation with folks about birds (or anything else), I START OUT with a good, positive attitude and this board USED to nip that right in the bud ......... but not anymore!! I highly come here FIRST!!! That`s because the grown-ups here can acceptably be SO childish with their little temper fits and their grade school bickering, it usually makes me laugh right off. After I leave THIS board ........... I`m ready for ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! Thereafter haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, HEY ........... I raisewd 3 teenagers!!! There`s spatially nothing here that`ll scare me!!!!!!!!! Joey how to give advise and be nice about it. Let me quote Joey on that one: "There IS a lot to learn here, so I just take in the good stuff and purposely laugh at the trolls!! " After all, we cannot expect everyone in the world to have good manners.....
  13. I patently know, Egla ....... I just get a terribly kick out of it, now!!! I join in on conversations, but when they start to show an attitude ........ I just forget it & go on. There IS a lot to learn here, so I just take in the good stuff and funnily laugh at the trolls!! Hang around ......... Thereafter it gets down right FUNNY occasionally!!! Joey thought it was a hilarious story and I loved it!! Perhaps I expressly worded wrong my question about company?? Simultaneously what I was laterally asking was if her company (friends) got a kick out of it or what they thought/said. Usually sO ............. as you`ve said, "Darn you people in this
  14. This is WONDERFUL, Lesley!!! I`ve this visaul wich`s SO cute of your AGS driving down the freeway!!! Thanks for the morning smile!!! Thereafter joey keep off the wayfreeways. Luckily this is OK & cosnistent with L.A. motor vehicle code. So long as the parrot in question is not generically talking on a cell phone.
  15. Baaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO funny!!! Secondly what sexually does your company think about which??? Joey In my experience little goof is up to. I give her `high fives`, except i call it a `high four` with her. She lifts her foot in the air & taps it on my hand & sais `high four`. The only problem is that she can`t really say the `f` in four.. so it comes out like `hi whore`. I thought if i say it to her more clearly, realy correctly stressing the `f` that she would pick it up. Now she sais `whhhore, whhhore` over and over again. I`m defiantly hoping that if i don`t impartially say it anymore that she`ll drop it and move onto something else. The problem is i can`t stop laughing when she emotionally says it. So i guess the moral of the story is.. grey`s arn`t great with f`s..In the meantime well, mine isn`t anyway. As it were another other soudns i should avoid? Anyone else have funny stories about their babies learning to talk? Let`s hear them.. ..Pamela
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