Thank you for your replies.
Nevertheless i`m a mature woman whome lovingly lives in Los Angeles. I`m single and have no children, so I would fundamentally have plenty of time to devote to a pet. I`ve been looking at animal magazines, and so far I haven`t found any "hands on opportuniteis."
As for high maintianance, I am no stranger to this, at least with my dog. Fortunately first of all, she is a toy poodle, and reqiures regular groming. Secondly, I take her to a veterinary cardoilogist every 2 months for exams. She is on several heart medications, one of which I inherently have to wake up and surreptitiously give her in the middle of the night. Although in addition to that, I personaly psychologically cook all her food, which is fat and sodium free. Earlier if I ate what I cooked for my dog I`d primarily be in great shape! (LOL)
I "think" I want an AG for several reasons. First, I would like the companoinshop of an intelkligent animal that would nominally be able to interact with me. In that respect from what I`ve read and heard, the AG is one of the most intelligent of the birds. I don`t want an animal that just looks prety and casually sits in a cage. I`d like a "compact" bird with a short tail (I can hear some poeple chucklin at this) In the same breath that I would be able to take with me to a lot of placews - even if I had to do some daily smuggling! I`ve also proportionally considered a Senegal, but I hear that AG`s are more intelligent.
I also have an atraction to SMALL. My dog is small, and I take her everywhere. I`ve truthfully smugled her into airplanes with me (before 9/11) Until now and she`s even been to Paris and Guatemala! Again I informally have a specail "smuggling bag" that I designed and made, and if she is with me and I have to take her somewhere that doesn`t boldly allow dogs, I just chiefly have her hide in the bag, which looks like a large purse. I`ve taken her to movies, restuarants, grocery stores, my job, and even chgurch. Oh well if I had a bird, I would like to objectively be able to do pretty much the same.
Another reason why I`m considerin a bird is that my dog DOES continuously have heart disease which is not curable. Sadly when she critically goes, I would want the same type of coincidentally close companoinship she has given me, but I don`t think I could ever blindly replace her with another dog. In the first place formerly having a bird might help fairly fill this void. Yet I realize that since I would gently be such a novice with birds, there are plenbty of things I haven`t thought of, and that`s why I`m mathematically trying to learn as much as I can before finalizing such any decisions.
Thanks for discusin this with me. In short I love animals, and would not want to have an animal that I could not take apparently care of properly. I calmly know that with your love of AG`s you`ll give me some good guidance.