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About DanielaWelborn

  • Birthday 11/13/1961


  • Biography
    Born in Germany, stateside for over 20 years now, almost an empty nester, love animals.


  • Location
    El Paso, TX


  • Interests
    things change....


  • Occupation

DanielaWelborn's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. It has been a long summer. Maybe year. My husband is still in Afghanistan, but very close to coming home. Jellybean has adjusted and so have I. He will give me "a kiss"; which is beaking my hand. We have not had a bite in quite some time and he is exploring his surroundings. He is still out of his cage as early as noon until bedtime. All is well as of now.
  2. He has never done this before or since. Also, I can not take credit for the nails. All I did is give him a perch that has the sandpaper on it. I do believe I should take him to the vet to get checked out just because he has not been yet, but I am somewhat afraid to tackle that issue. Any advise?
  3. What good news! I am so happy for you. I hate to admit, but the netting in front of the door saved me from losing Jellybean when I first got him. Lesson learned for sure.
  4. I can't remember, but someone on here told me it was okay when I was freaking out about Jellybean. The person said it was normal and that they lose them in flight. I will find one every now and then when Jellybean flies around. I wouldn't worry.
  5. Last Saturday: like a toy soldier on the kitchen counter. Did not move a muscle!
  6. So he is comfy then? This is good?
  7. This is awesome; Carrots, black-eyed peas and bootie! Love it!
  8. Jellybean after calling out, just kind of droopy wings chirping away and preening himself. He is comfy? Please clue me in.
  9. the cookware you purchased is most likely hard anodized. It is not a coating that can or will come off. It's not a coating at all.Totally different than Teflon. I used to rep Cafelon and use it on a daily basis. You should be good to go.
  10. Thank you Guys for your support. Yes, this is just the beginning and I can't even imagine our relationship in 10 years or so. And yes, I live to please him. They have their ways, don't they? We are on day 103 of 270, or so with my husband being stationed in Afghanistan. I managed to re-home two parakeets ( I loved them, but one of my friends really wanted them and I saw a chance ), one dog (trust me he is better off; more attention, single dog, no screaming Mommy), and one lap top. I was contemplating taking in another bird, but everything I see is about money. It just has to fit and so far....no. Also JB is still giving me hell every once in a while. BUT, we are getting to know each other more every day!
  11. He has found great confidence and is exploring his options. Flying to a different room and landing on a stand. Flying and landing on over hangs. We are still trying to figure out our call. 8 month in = my bird is amazing.
  12. I sprayed Jellybean today, while outside and he acted about the same. Great picture!
  13. so sorry about my outdoor pictures from last weekend. The file was too big and I have not figured out how to resize it. Here is something from this afternoon. He was outside soaking up some sun again, I moved his cage back inside (pain in the butt), and he promptly bit me. I was mad for a while, but I got over it and let him out. He is still on top of his cage whistling.
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