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Everything posted by pjbmom

  1. Fig and Chico my new grey has become buddies. I know you are suppose to wait to interact them but I have the vet records on Chico so I know he was healthy. Keeping Fig from Chico was like having 2 kids yelling for attention. So last week or so...I let Fig just do what he wanted with me in the room with Chico. He wanted his cage so bad for weeks I said ok and let me walk over to the cage. They did not fight! Fig walked around and inside the cage - saying Hey I am jealous this is bigger than my cage - lol he acted like this is great. Chico just stayed on top on the play stand. Then fig went up on stand and they kissed! Yes no beak fighting. So only 5-10 mins and I moved Chico and fig to his cage. Let them to this occassionaaly and now I don't have to worry about Fig he only goes to Chico's cage for a few mins then to his cage or to his play stand. However, Fig is very protective or jealous or both. He does not want me near Chico. He will run to me and try to get me when I want to get Chico to come to me. If Chico is on one stand and Fig goes to the other, he gets so upset. I do everything in twos but Fig doesnt get that yet and he is always first for everything. Do you think Fig is jealous,protective or both? Maybe I should of waited but I needed to bond with Chico, spend time with Fig and with limited time at nite it kinda of just happened to let them meet each other.
  2. omg to funny. I love it. Don't you just love all their wing colors! Fig loves his bath too!
  3. I hope she is doing better. I thought Chico broke a toe thank god he didnt. Hope all turns out well.
  4. Both my parrots - grey-Chico and Amazon-Fig our out different times and varies as my husband works 2nd shirt 3-11:30pm and I work 8:30 - 5 but sometimes I go in at 7 and get home at 7. For the most part, they are out as soon as i get home until I go to bed at 11. On weekends 9 till whenever. If I leave they go in their cages but when I return they are until I go to be 11 or 12. Sometimes my husband lets them out in the morning too so they are out various tomes of the day and night.
  5. Hi and welcome. I am from Cicero, NY and just rehomed a 1 1/2 yr old grey too. I also was looking at rehome birds locally and could not find alot. I did alot of emailing with no response which was sad. I did not give up and about a month later I found my Chico. He is come along way in 1 week we have had him, steps up and wants to be with me . I worked with him every nite, talked all nite to him (of course to my amazon Fig who is totally jealous). He growled so much the first couple of days my husband didn't think he would ever be able to touch him but yesterday he did. I would advise just to keep talking to him, keep going up to his cage and talking, offer food to him thru the bars and if he doesn't take it, drop it his dish. This worked for me and Chico finally took pizza crust from me. They love pizza, vegetables,potatoes,beans,etc. Have fun with your new bird. This is a great site and alot of good advice. Keep us posted with updates!
  6. I just saw this response to my Chico's weight. Chico is a CAG not timneh. I am going to call the vet tomorrow as I am now anxious and want to know his weight. Chico is not heavy by no means but I don't think he is underweight either. Maybe now that he steps up on my hand I can get a picture tomorrow and post so you can all see and tell me your thoughts. Thanks.
  7. Wow alot has happened, all good things. Chico now wants to come to me and is excited to see me when I come home from work and continues to sit on my hand and always always tries for my shoulder. That is one habit I must break of him as he is to use to getting his own way and always being on the shoulder. Sunday he stepped up to my son in law and later that nite to my oldest daughter. And yesterday, YES I told my husband to say step up to him from my hand and yes Chico did it! We were both so excited. I think this is a great accomplishment seeing that we only have had him for one week. NO bites! He will act like he will bite you and make a squaking noise if he doesnt want to move from my hand or off his cage but he has not clamped down hard at all. Ok I do have a question..... what is it with him putting his food in his water? Brings back memories of my other grey who did this but not as much as Chico. I swear he is putting half his pellets in the water. What a waste!! Do they actually eat this from the water? I haven;t seen it yet.. So I now only have water in the cage not on top next to the pellets dish. I figure one smelly water dish is enough lol. He definitely is not use to play stands either as he never had one. So I have been using both of mine so he and be using this instead of my hand all the time. But I have to admit I love him with me. Fig is jealous oh jealous. He know the 2 playstands are his and he wants both! If Chico on one Stand Fig jumps off his and walks over to Chicos stand. It is like having a spoiled brat around and 2 yr olds to watch. I cant let Fig on the stand with Chico cuz I am not sure what will happen as it is way to soon to even try it! So for now, I am babysitting 2 kids! LOL. :rolleyes: Any advice on the food ?I would appreciate any! Thanks all
  8. I just read all of this and what great advice. My Chico just wants my shoulder too even after just having him for 1 week! I am trying hard to keep him in my hands only for now. If he tries to go up my arm I make him go to my other hand. If that doesnt work, to his playtop he goes. This is the best site.... great advice everyone!
  9. Good luck. My Grey and Amazon love bells. Have fun with your baby. Our grey is only 1 1/2 yrs old and we just got him, h
  10. So today was just as good except I gave in to Chico. He kept trying to walk up my arm and wanted my shoulder. My husband... just let him he wants to feel safe, he won't bite you. So, I did and yes he loved my shoulder. So I let him walk around house with me on my shoulder. When I went to get him off he got on my head the little stinker bug. So I said no, step up, and put him on him play top on top of his cage. Fig of course did not like Chico on my shoulder, he kept walking around his play stand fast, took a good 10 min before he would relax. I am thinking maybe Fig will now want me to have him step up on my hand too. Time will tell.
  11. I am very excited with my progress with Chico. Yesterday and today he let me hold him. The first time was saying step up for about 10 times and finally he did it! Step up on my hand. So I went to a different room away from his cage with him. No screaming,biting just a little nervous. He kept trying to walk up my arm and wanted my shoulder or head. Well I don't think so, it is way to early for that it has not even been a full week yet. Tonight, same thing with him, except it only took a few minutes to get him to step up. He again wanted to climb up my arm and shoulder, so I kept moving him from one hand to another, then I figured he better go to cage for now cuz he kept trying so before I knew it he got on my head,OMG I was nervous but it was ok, i just put my hand up there under his feet and he stepped up. To the cage he went. LOL there was nothing to worry about and no biting!! Now... unfortunately the last few days Fig has become more and more jealous. I can't go to Chico cage without Fig walking down and over to Chicos cage. So I have to walk away and fig walks up to his cage. So , I have to work with Chico while Fig is in his cage. I feel bad cuz Fig is always out but for now I have to take turns with both of them. Chico and my husband... well lets say they are still getting to know each other, he growls at my husband. My husband won't give up which is a good thing so I am hoping they become buddys too.
  12. Hi, When I received Fig, he did not talk for a few weeks, he just kept saying over and over again Tam. This is the previous owners name. On and on to this day - 8 -9 yrs later (I lost track of time lol) he still will call Tam,Tam for me to come into the room for him I ignore him, I have a high tolerance for this type of ongoing noise. My husband on the other hand will see what he wants. So, he continues to do it. I would ignore the same calling. After a few weeks he started his singing and counting. We were upstairs getting ready and he was downstairs. To this day he says many different phrases and we have no idea where he learned it from. You will love your amazon. Mine never screams, repeats Tam ongoing is the most irrating thing he does so no complaints from me with my zon, I have a yellow nape. Well one complaint - I wish I could hold and cuddle him but it is what it is. Have patience, I know it is hard, I too want so much fast and I have to have patience too! Enjoy him!
  13. He sounds like a little baby calling for food to me.
  14. Chico, whistling alot more various tones, laying more with his ball, leaned over to me to get some banana from me. Moving along great. However, he is not eating in his cage only on top when I let him out tonight. I think I will have to find out from the previous owner if this is normal or not for him. He is bringing so many memories of my Clouseau (my grey that died) it makes me sad. He does so many things the same, example, he puts him food in his water dish, makes a noise just like clouseau, it is so weird. Are these what greys do too? Its kinda weird the both of them doing the same thing. So far so good and loving it!
  15. Thanks he is very beautiful and definitely young looking.
  16. Chico went to vet today, 18 mos old and he is 150 grams. He is on Zupreem and Pretty bird diet.
  17. Your a good person for helping this poor bird out. Alot of patience will be needed. Good luck to you. I have only been on this forum for a few months and love reading the post and posting myself for advice. Good luck, look forward to hearing progress on your new addition.
  18. Thanks everyone, I think he is beautiful too.
  19. Yes my birds go to vets as well as my dogs and cats... This is my 3rd time taking in a rehomed bird and all has been good. The other 2 times I was recommended to adopt from friends to their friends. I would of quarantine Chico from Fig but I have Chico's records and he is vaccinated. In fact, he is from the same breeder as my other grey who is a very reputable breeder in our area so I feel good about him. My other two (I still have one, one died) were from good clean homes with vet records too. As far as Chico goes, he is doing good, Fig is also doing good too.. I brought him to the vet today for a checkup as he scared us as he flew from his cage and hit the window. Thankfully all is ok. I know some of you are for clipped wings and some are not. I decided today to have the vet clip his wings for me actually I helped as I know how to do it too. When we did, we saw that his wings were partially clipped so he had this done before. I may let them grow out it will depend how all goes and what we feel is best. Figs wings are clipped which I do so I have mixed feelings about this. All and all, Chico is doing good. He is taking food from my hands, is on top of his cage making noises and playing with his ball with us. He throws to ground, we lift back up, he throws to the ground, etc etc. so I know he is playing with us. For just one day I think this is good. The previous owner had a small dog and he barks like a dog lol. My little dog Pepper is going to drive me nuts, everytime Chico lets out a squeak noise, Pepper runs to the cage and bars. This evening not so bad but yesterday and this afternoon he was getting the best of me needless to say. So, Pepper has to be played with to keep him from barking at Chico, maybe it is because he is jealous. Thankfully I had a day off from work already scheduled so this worked out well with me being home. He did not eat at all in his cage so I put his food dishes on top and tonight he eat and drank from the top of cage. Glad he is finally eating. We had pizza tonight, he reached out for a piece of it from my hand. I am sure this will be a good relationship, my new baby for sure!!!! Here is a picture of him.
  20. Congratulations on your new baby. You will have many years of happiness with her. I can't wait to get mine tomorrow he is 1.5 yrs old. My grey passed away almost 3 yrs ago and we miss him alot he was so luvable.
  21. Thanks that is great advice that I did not think of.
  22. Sorry, but I don't fully understand what the original post was trying to say either. Also, when I had my grey his wings were always clipped and my amazon wings are clipped too. I clip my amazons wings and his nails. But I am getting a new baby grey tomorrow and he does not have his wings clipped and I am going to leave them. If I feel they should get clipped then I will do them at that time, but for now a new experience for me have a full fledge parrot.
  23. I must be lucky, I have a standard poodle who is techically a hunting dog, she never went after my parrots. Bella my poodle who we got at 9 yrs old is 12 now and she has been around them her whole life. I guess I am lucky. My papillon doesn't bother with them either, Pepper is 7 yrs old and we have had him since in was 6 mos old. All in all, I would still be very very careful as everyone suggested as you can never be to careful, better safe than sorry. Enjoy your new puppy !
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