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Everything posted by pjbmom

  1. Price is very good. They should love it.
  2. Happy easter from cicero, ny
  3. Hi everyone, I have Chico now enjoy taking a spray bath. Because he steps up to my hand and is very comfortable with me, I wanted to introduce him to a bowl or sink bath ( Occasionnaly I put him on a perch and shower him too. ) How would you approach this bath in a sink or bowl?Or do you think I should stick with the spray bottle or shower perch for now? Just want him to get exposed to as much possible to see what he prefers the best. thanks.
  4. Wow has Chico really come along since Nov. You would think we had him along.He should be 2 now at thanksgiving he was 18 mos old. I still need to call the vet to get paper work from the previous owners vet.... anyways I have thought him to count to 5 and sing twinkle twinkle little star. So far he has the counting correct of course he doesn't count to 5 all them time but always tries. He is so funny. I will video he someday and post it. Right now he is singing... twinkle twinkle , 1,2,3,4,5 twinkle. I am hoping he will sing the whole song or more of the song soon. I just love it. OMG he memics everything I say. Thank god I don't swear lol. Now Fig (amazon) is counting more and singing (he has conquered this years ago and sings). Seems they like to talk together at the same time. So the sadness I felt from not having my 2 daughters at home anymore is filled with entertaining with my parrots,dogs and cats. Thank god they can't move out! lol.
  5. keep up the good work. Patience is the key and staying close with them both.
  6. I am still using the water bottle for Chico and now changing the water all the time. I like it cuz no more food in the bowl and that nasty smell. Fig drinks water from his bowl all the time. I will have to try the ice cube trick to see how they like it.
  7. Hi everyone, After a few weeks with Chico, I introduced him to Fig my Amazon. Chico did the same thing, they are buddies now, both pruning each other all the time. I was also afraid they would rather have their own relationship together rather than me so I truly give both of them my attention as much as possible in their own ways as both of them are different and want different things. In my opinion it is a good thing as they are getting along and not having to worry about them fightiing. Now don't get me wrong - Fig was jealous I introduced Chico and was very protective of him the first few weeks but we got thru it. Chico never seems to get jealous of Fig. As I am typing they are on the play stand kissing and pruning each other. I did have a video , if I can find it and figure out how to load the video of them kissing I will let all you see them. Good luck with both your greys you will love them!
  8. I don;t cuz Fig still won't stay on my hand. He loves to be sprayed and I soak him too all while he is singing and talking the whole time. He just loves the water!
  9. OMG I am so glad you got him. Loves of hugs and kisses for him.
  10. Hi, I adopted my Chico, who is now almost 2 yrs old, last Thanksgiving. OMG the growling he did everytime my husband walked by was unbelievable. Not to me only to him. I talked and let him out every evening and all weekend with me. My husband continued to uncover him feed him first thing and talk to him. Chico prefers me but will go to my husband on his hand from me handing to him. He rarely growls at him anymore. It is all about you talking,socializing with him every opportunity you can always, offer treats to him, find out what foods hes likes and feed it to him. Chico loved pizza -most birds do lol. He needs to trust you. If you do this I don't see why he won't come around. It took Chico just a few weeks to be comfortable around me but my husband -still work in progress. As far as your cage, My amazon's cage is alittle on the thin side so I always put Chico and Fig on playstands whenever I can - usually as soon as I walk in the door till I go to bed and all day when I am home on the weekends. Plus, easier to cleanup the mess! So just a suggestion to see if you can get a playstand. If he doesnt come on your hand to put back in cage, roll playstand over to the cage. Hope this helps and hope you have a great experience with your grey.
  11. OMG i have been here in a while. Been working alot of hours at work. I agree there. Noone really understands until they see my birds for themselves. Then my friends are amazed. So.. can I tell you how much I love Chico. He is a great bird. He will go to everyone! I am teaching him to cound and sing. 1-5,twinkle twinkle little star. OMG he is so smart! 1 2 3 twinkle twinkle 4 omg to funny. He talks all the time, is very comfortable with all of us! I just love him. Fig well he is still very protective of Chico,I love him too. I wish he would sing more often so Chico will pick it up. Someday maybe. . Thinks he is the boss.. Still loving when he wants to be and still the same only that you cant get chico off the same play stand as Fig without Fig trying to run and get you. So Fig goes to another stand first. Like having 2 kids. Hoping I can come here more often. I enjoy reading all the posts. Hope everyone loving their parrots like i do! (And of course my cats and dogs and lol my family)
  12. thanks, I agree both pros and cons. I empty twice a day,morning and nite. I am not home during week days to change but now will definietly will do more often on weekends.
  13. Congratulations, you will have so much fun! Mine talks,counts,sings, hopefully yours will too. Have fun and enjoy
  14. I use both and honestly like my play stands, less cleaning of the cage! lol
  15. pjbmom


    Good for you. Sometimes I have that problem too and I use treats or peanuts to help me.
  16. So Chico was taking 1/2 his food in putting in water dish so I introduced a water bottle and he took to it within a few days. So now I use the waterbottle inside the cage. I put his water bowl on playstand but only until Fig gets on his cage - as Fig likes to throw his bowls around and of course he thinks he is funny! You cant trust Fig with bowls for one minute! Thank god for the waterbowl. No more bad smell from water bowl with nasty food in it.
  17. Well I havent been posting due to holidays and working alot of hours so I wanted to give an update.WOW does Chico talk,whistle make all kinds of noises now. Even says words and sounds like me! So surprised how well he is doing in only 2 mos with him My Fig(amazon) and him are best of buds. They talk together it is like a mad house with both of them talking different words at the same time I can't hear the tv lol. He still sounds squeaky but more and more clearer words. I am hoping he picks up Figs singing and counting. I worry that Fig and Chico bonded so good already that they will want each other than me and my family. I really am trying to keep both of them busy with playing and talking with them. I don't want to loose my relationship with Fig and want Chico to become even more friendly with me. He always wants to be with me,wants on my shoulder but I don;t let him until he learns that the shoulder is not the answer to being with me. He is getting there slowly. Any suggestions I should do that I might not be doing to keep Fig and Chico friends but not loose my trust would be appreciated. I have read that parrots can bond together and forget us which I don't want to happen.
  18. oh boy that doesnt sound fun. Good to know when giving kisses.
  19. My Chico is now 20 mos old and he and my amazon Fig kiss,regurgiate almost everyday now. They play,talk,prune,kiss,regurg.. already and we have only had Chico since Thanksgiving.I am very surprised they get along so good already. I am also happy that Chico has fit in very well.
  20. Hi and welcome. I have a papillion who is only 6 lbs and barked all the time when I got Chico a month ago. It lasted 2 weeks with the barking, now Pepper my papilion doesn't care at all about him, neither does my Standard Poodle or 2 cats. My amazon can walk on the floor and none of them bother with him either. But never do I let them alone, I don't trust anyone of them with each other, never know who will get who - so far I have never had a problem with my dogs or cats.
  21. Welcome, you will love this site! I have a grey -Chico he is 1.5 yrs old and Amazon -Fig.
  22. Welcome, you will love this site! I have a grey and amazon. My grey is 1.5 yrs old I have had him for 1 month now his name is Chico, my amazon is Fig . My other grey died 3 yrs ago and we loved his so much and now we have another.
  23. Hi everyone, Just curious as I never had a baby parrrot... Chioco who is 1.5 yrs old .... I have had him for almost a month now... He whistles all the time, very cleary,loud and alot. When he talks , he talks in this squeaky voice, says alot of phrases..... do you think this squeaky voice is because he is so young and will outgrow it? Just curious... I love him so much it doesnt matter I was just wondering.
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