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About KatieUsher

  • Birthday 03/09/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. yeh she does the same I've never tried the water bowl afterwards ill have to try that one thanks
  2. Aw that's great to know
  3. Not now as I've had to come to work but when she was doing it she was on my shoulder
  4. She's just done it again after i posted this and she hasn't been eating anything in the time she's been out of her cage
  5. The other day cleo was on my shoulder and started moving her head and I thought she was dancing so I was giggling away..she was doing this for a few minutes but when I looked at her she had a nut in her beak.. Was it stuck and the head movements were her trying to get this up?
  6. Cleo loves the look of a filled sink or dish but refuses to go in..what's the easiest way to get her in?
  7. shes stopped now lol she was probably just being a brat
  8. KatieUsher

    food bowl

    hiya all.. lately cleo has started lifting her food bowl from its holder and dropping it to the bottom of the cage. does anyone know why she is doing this and how i can get her to stop?
  9. i think its just because im still trying to get used to her.. i might not be that she is biting im scared incase she does bite
  10. hi dave.. what do mean by shes not a shoulder bird?
  11. KatieUsher


    hi all, cleo has been really good lately but the last couple of days when she has been out she has bit my partner as he was passing her toy and has starting going to bite my ears when she is sat on my shoulder and also started nipping my arms.. does anyone have any advice on why she could be acting like this? thanks
  12. thanks ray there was more but not sure how to add them all together
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