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Everything posted by loco4greys

  1. *Bump* for a little help here convincing the wife that greys are best!
  2. My wife is trying to lean towards wanting a Macaw... I need some selling points for a grey.. I want a grey,, can you guys tell me what makes a grey better than other parrots.... thanks Joe
  3. Thanks everyone... I plan on spending a lot of time reading ... right now our zoo consists of a 6000 gallon koi pond with 14 fish, a shitzu, a Lhasa Apso, a puppy from the two, a redfoot tortoise, two 65 gallon tropical aquariums and a cinnamon turquoise conure .. for the most part our house is reasonably quiet. My main concern is my rambunctious ten year old and the three dogs. One of the reasons I want to get a baby is to acclimate him to this environment from as young an age as possible... my kid is pretty well trained about being calm around our Conure and about not leaving her alone with the dogs. This'll have to be triply reinforced with a large parrot like a grey... I look forward to getting to know all of you Thanks Joe
  4. I'm in Austin, TX..... we're leaning towards getting one in the spring... but knowing us, we'll probably get one sooner if we can... we want a freshly weened baby... we want to raise it from the beginning ourselves... however, none of our plans are set in stone
  5. My wife and me have been contemplating getting a grey for a while. A friend on a koi forum I go to recommended this site. I plan on spending a lot of time perusing threads, but my first question is, how do I find a breeder I can trust?
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