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About kashalp

  • Birthday 08/04/1980


  • Biography
    Skippy: Timneh African Grey 5yrs. Kiwi: Indian Ring Neck 2yrs.


  • Location
    Barrie, Ontario Canada

kashalp's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. My buddy Skippy hates red palm oil. Ive been trying to add the palm oil to his treats/food but everything that touches it he tosses to the side. any suggestions or ideas? how do you normally serve your rpo? thanks steve
  2. I know I'm pretty new here but curious to know if the admin could install a mobile template? If there is anyone else like me they will know what I mean when I say I do 99% of all my Internet browsing on some sort of mobile device (iPhone, IPad etc etc). The full default style template is not very mobile friendly. Still functional, but a mobile version that users can opt to use would be way more effieciant and easier to read/browse. Thanks for reading.
  3. Very curious but hesitant about this product.... someone please find a decent review and share. there is a video also incase anyone missed it from the link above:
  4. So coming up the last weekend of this month, me and most of my close by friends are going away from Friday AM - Monday early PM. The trip is about 3 hours away and I will not be able to bring my TAG skippy with me. I may have a friend who can stop by possibly Saturday and Sunday to change water bowls and top off food but I'm kinda worried about leaving Skippy for such a long period of time. Curious to know what the longest period of time everyone has left there grey at home for? He won't be "alone" lol as his cage is next to my IRN kiwis so there will possibly be some bird talk to keep sanity but still... Also when you go away over night do you leave radio on 24/7? I always leave it on during the day while I'm at work but this will be the first time since I've had skippy that I've gone away for more then just a few hours. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks Steve
  5. Was just going to say that I really love your avatar!! But I saw Judy's message, so Happy Birthday, too!

  6. Happy Birthday to you, hope it is a wonderful one.

  7. Perfect, thanks all. anyone ever try any canned corn and have any luck? would be too easy to store a serve some of that lol
  8. Yes, yes and yes lol well to the 2nd question almonds and peanuts are a yes. Havent tried cashews or pistachios yet. Also until recently i always thought fruit to be more benefical which we eat alot of in our house... i now know i was incorrect, but vegetables are not as popular in our house so having a good variety on hand 24/7 doesnt come around to often. Which veggies do you find to be most beneficial for greys if you were only going to keep 2-3 on hand at all times?
  9. I'm more specifically looking for your TAG's weight but im sure CAG owners would also appreciate hearing for comparison. I was recently told that my TAG Skippy was under weight so i borrowed a scale from my friend Brad (user name Keeco) and put him on it to see for myself. It turns out Skippy weighs only 260g. I've heard Tags can be anywhere from 275-400, so even if he just has "a small frame" he is still below the lightest/smallest on that particular scale reference. Thanks Steve & Skippy P.S if any IRN owners are curious my female Indian ring neck Kiwi weighed in at 116g
  10. Hello! I’m pretty new to the forums and have only owned my TAG Skippy for just under 2 months but I have a bit of other bird experience so ill give this a shot and answer the questions that I can First of all, most bird bites hurt! The idea is to watch for the warning signs and not get bite, but if it comes down to it be deliberate, calm and steady and don’t pull away as I’m sure you’ve already read. Most birds don’t want to hurt you and will give you plenty of warning before a full blown bite occurs. Even if they wrap there little beaks around your hand/finger, that isn’t necessarily a bite and you shouldn’t be afraid of that. Keep in mind that they use their mouths like hands so a hint of grabbing you with the beak might not be a bite at all. Watch for signs such as clicking, growling, tight feathers, or anything that appears aggressive. You will know a warning sign when you see it. Don’t be discouraged if you do see them. Simply walk away for a few minutes and try again. My TAG Skippy was 5 years old when I got him and I exposed him to the entire family including my 9 year old son almost immediately. We all started with "cage time" talking with Skippy and letting him learn our voices but since I was going to be the main care giver nobody else in the family really held him for a couple weeks except me until he became 100% comfortable with his new environment. Skippy came to me from a home that the owners mostly just let him have run of the house 24/7 with not very much handling so that with his age made for a bit more challenging acclimatization period then most who purchase birds as babies. IF it were me and a new born baby I would for sure try my best to expose my bird to as many new people and faces I could asap. Skippy is gets about 3-4 hours a day so far out of his cage and in that time is handled by me or other people about 1-2 hours of that time. The rest of the time he spends in his play area or on boings with his bird buddy Kiwi, my other Indian Ring neck parrot. As for my 9 year old son he handles him whenever he wants as long as I’m in the room. That’s pretty much the only guideline I have and I always encourage my son to talk to Skippy and give him his "cookies". I am a new TAG/African Grey owner myself so I don’t have the most experience with them as most others on this forum but I really believe with a combination of the right bird, some quality time and effort your entire family will be blessed to share a house with a grey. They make tremendous pets and really do become part of the family. Best of luck  Hope that info was even just a bit helpful. Steve
  11. Lol k thanks. I guess since there is nothing negative being said about it I will stick with it for a while since SKippy seems to be enjoying it.
  12. Ha! What's up brad, I new it would only be a matter of time before U found this forum. Being Skippy over soon
  13. Thank you on a funny note i actually just got out of the salt water fish hobby and used the funds to purchase Skippy and a new cage for him not shown in the video. lol My tank was gorgeous tho, and that video really didnt do it any justice. One of those things you just had to see in person..... I was in that hobby for about 5 years and it ate up alot of $$. By the time video was made i probably had about $12000.00 sunk into that tank since i started "reef keeping". Truely beautiful hobby but i LOVE being able to play with and talk to my new buddy Skippy
  14. Anyone here have any experiance with the Tropican Lifetime Parrot Granules for grey? i tried a search and only one result was found of a user that actually fed them. It was suggested to my by my local pet shop as the best they carried. Considered driving the distance and switching to Harrisons but if the tropican stuff is a respectacle brand with no known issues i will stick with that. link to food in question: http://hagen.com/usa/birds/addinfo/tropican.cfm Thanks Steve
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