dear Twix, Zulix mom, Jeffnok, Dave007 , CLB, Jayed, thank u for ur comments.
As a bird lover what is important to me is to take best care of what i have with me so i love my birds in whatever color and shape they are .
dear friends i think some of u have gone little too far but this red clour appears naturally while breeding natural colored african congo grey , i haven't done anything special like breeding african grey with red lorry and getting red grey, so with respect red color genes are there with birds and it may become dominant and reflects this way. Although i respect ur wish not to change nature as nature has its own beauty , but what if nature gives us something different , how can we deny. i am not some genetic scientist , i am just a bird lover like one of you . i don't know about these birds parents in very detail or neither their history as both of them bought separately , but when i try to trace their history i came to know that male was imported here in pakistan from some other country but female was local breed and their parents have some red factor in their feathers but not all of it and one thing more they were not even so red few years back but slowly getting red color more enhanced even if they are on very same simple diet and fruits which i am offering to all other birds.
so i fully respect ur views to not alter and playing with nature as i am of same mindset as most of you but at same time we must keep in mind at times nature takes different coarse and provide us something different.
one thing more dear dave the examples u have given like macaws and amazons , dear these breeds have sub species with different colors as u have mentioned different macaws breeding and producing different colors but dear bringing in ur notice greys have just two different subspecies
1) african congo grey
2) timneh african grey
i don't know the way how can u enhance or reduce red color in grey parrot but if there is any method , please mention i will be obliged.
my common sense says red color genes are always with greys and it may appear more in some birds or it may not , its all nature's decision .
any how no offense to any friend , i hope u like my collection and please do share if some friend have some red factor grey with him or her as this naturally occurring different birds are very rare and this make them special and different .
thanks again to all those who like my birds.
warm regards
hasan bashir