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Everything posted by turtlepunk

  1. Hey! I'm worried about the same thing with my 4 month old!!! The breeder let her fly up until the day I picked her up, but she has been chewing on her clipped feathers too! =( I didn't want them clipped at all.....but the breeder felt otherwise.....sad. Anyways, I'm not sure how different a CAG molt is from a sun conure...but in my sun conure's case...he came to me with clipped wings...he was five months at the time, he is now 11 months and he is just now starting to grow in his wing feathers =) so far he only has one new flight feather in. I really can't wait until he has them all in.
  2. Hello! Nice to meet you! I am so excited for you! =) I love your blog Idea! I actually have a blog on my pets as well...but I kind of stopped posting when my grey passed away =( Anyways, Excited to see the pics and read the stories your new grey brings you =) -Sarah K.
  3. This is AWESOME! I want to make it into a plaque and hang it in the kitchen!!!
  4. I am so sorry about everything you have gone through, I truly hope they find out what is wrong with Red so you can fix it fast!
  5. thats awesome Ray! I'll definitely check them out! THANKS!
  6. Hello, the cooler weather has set in and I'm a bit worried about it. I live in a really crappy apartment, Our gas heater is always broken...landlord SUCKS......this will be the first winter I will spend with my flapjack. The apartment gets REALLY cold at night..sometimes down to the 50's......I manage with my pile of blankets......The only thing I have come up with is to keep have flapjack sleep in a small sleepy-time cage, covered in thick blankets...but I don't know how much it will help. I could get a space heater...but are any of them made without teflon? I used heat pads with my reptiles (under the tanks)....Im wondering if I can place one under FlapJack's sleepy-time cage....(controlled with a thermostat)......what do you guys do to keep your birdies warm at night? any suggestions? HUGE thanks in advance!
  7. I'm sure it varies from vet to vet, but how does pricing work on lab work? Do you pay fees for each test done to find different things? or can you pay one lab fee for lab work that will find multiple things? can one simple blood test rule out multiple diseases?
  8. Thank you everyone for your input!!!!!! i greatly appreciate it!!! Thank you so much for sharing your story Katana! you have persuaded me to get my conure to the vet for his check up. Im really sorry to hear about your sister =(
  9. Hello everyone.....I want to take my sun conure in for his check up but I'm a bit paranoid about it. i will be taking him to a bird clinic (Dr Nemetz) for an exam and some probable lab work done to make sure he's not a carrier for pacheco's disease or chlamydiosis. Because it is a bird clinic, I'm worried about bringing something back home with us............its happened before in a difference scenario, at a different animal hospital......brought my rats in due to them having URI.....came back with FLEAS!!! it was HORRIBLE. (that was some time ago, before my bird) However, this clinic is top notch...so I'm guessing they should carry out procedures to prevent this from happening......what do you guys think? is it rare to bring an illness back with us? am I being way too paranoid?
  10. Vai passed away!!!! =( She faded so fast in such little time I don't know what happened! I'm in complete shock! For a moment her runny nose stopped because shortly after i posted this thread, I checked on her and i didn't see any more mucus...her nostril looked clear, but she still had goopy eyes. I had just gotten her carrier ready and when i went to go grab her, I saw her flip upside down on her perch. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. I knew she was fading. her wings hung limp, she was shaking, but she was holding on. I stepped out the door with her in my arms, the sunlight hit her, she flapped her wings.....and took her last breath.............I've been a wreck ever since. She had just turned 4 months today. RIP my baby Vai. =( =( =( =( =*(
  11. omg I've been frantic all morning!! I woke up and vai had mucous in one nostril and goopy eyes!!!! im devastated!!! she acted so normal yesterday!! Ive been freaking out even more because the vet i go to is closed today because the doctor lost his father. I have a vet appointment today with a different vet. OMG i'm freaking out. I hope all goes well.
  12. Thats awesome! such a great feeling isn't it? YAY for progress =D
  13. Aerial, baby wipes are SUCH a life saver lol. Im constantly using them! thanks for the great idea penguin! I'm so proud of baby Vai! We had a couple of training sessions today and she's catching on so fast! She's too nervous to "step up" onto my hand so I found an old wooden dowel to use. She steps on to that just fine! Then she'll "step up" onto a chair, then back onto the dowel. She's doing so well! I'm using a clicker and giving her cheerios as a reward. She's just learning dry foods, so I don't want her to crave seeds. With cheerios I think she enjoys chewing on them more so than eating them! haha. This evening she had fun flying to the high ledges then "stepping up" onto the wooden dowel. Getting her down is much easier!! Of course I still have to step up onto a chair to reach her but as long as she continues to step up I will be happy. She also stepped up onto my hand a couple of times before bed. aw so proud of her!! =) yay for progress. She's also enjoying her veggies!! what a relief!! =)
  14. I've been wanting to go to a bird fair too! I just missed one a few months ago and am really bummed about it! SUPER COOL PLAY STAND!!!!!
  15. thanks everyone! happy to know that I am rightfully admitted into this elite bird lovers club!! lol so today is vai's second day home and already she came out of her shell! she was quiet yesterday and pretty much stuck to her perch, only taking flight once. Today she is quite the chatter box (she sounds like a little seagull). She's a big ball of energy and just wants to fly fly FLY. The trouble with that is, we have high ceilings and all these really weird high ledges that she LOVES to land on. She knows how to fly very well, but she doesn't know how to land properly or fly down. Once she lands on a high ledge she stays up there and we have to find a way to get her down. I have a lot of work cut out for me! Right now I'm just cuddling with her and trying to teach her how to step up. Earlier today she took off from the top of her cage and landed on my FACE. I got a claw RIGHT UP MY NOSE! Another time she took off from her cage, i was further away. It looked like she was trying to figure out how to land on me because she hovered above me for a few seconds, but then freaked out and ended up crash landing on a high ledge in the kitchen! Do birds ever learn to land right or is that something I'm going to have to teach her? I know she's still young right now and just learning how to use those wings. How do you guys teach your greys how to land and also to fly downwards? anyways, enjoy more pics! =)
  16. Hi everyone! I'm new here! My new mom brought me home from San Diego. My name is Vai and I am 17 weeks old! I'm a little nervous in my new home but mommy holds me close and cuddles with me. It comforts me and calms me down. Once Im calm I just HAVE to climb on mom's shoulders and play with her hair!!! I pulled a prank on her earlier today!!! I pooped down the back of her shirt and she didn't even know it! She went to the store with poop on her shirt!! hahaha >=]
  17. so today I took a trip to San Diego to pick up Baby Vai (CAG) from Eva Rosen. she is a DNA'd female and is 4 months old just learning how to eat dry food =) She is unclipped and flies beautifully. This is the first unclipped bird I've had and it is such a THRILL to see those beautiful wings being used for what they're meant for! It makes me so happy! I love the baby noises she makes! she sounds like a little piglet! I was cuddling with her today and apparently went to petsmart with a big runny bird poop on the back of my shirt!!! hahahahahaha anyways here's a pic of her
  18. Hello everyone! I've been lingering around the forums reading as much as possible. My name is Sarah. I have a sun conure named FlapJack, he's such a CLOWN =) I love watching his silly antics! I have been researching parrot care for what seems like forever now and will finally be bringing my little congo african grey home in a few weeks. flapjack came to me clipped but it isn't a severe clip. He doesn't fall to the floor like a rock at least. I requested the african grey remain Unclipped, so a flighted parrot is something new to me. I read all about the hazards: ceiling fans, windows, doors, etc. His cage is placed in our small living room so i worry about him flying out the door as someone walks in or out of it. I don't have the option to place him in a different room. (just bedrooms and a bathroom, kitchen is out of the question). what are your experiences with this? thanks in advance! =)
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