Vai passed away!!!! =( She faded so fast in such little time I don't know what happened! I'm in complete shock! For a moment her runny nose stopped because shortly after i posted this thread, I checked on her and i didn't see any more mucus...her nostril looked clear, but she still had goopy eyes. I had just gotten her carrier ready and when i went to go grab her, I saw her flip upside down on her perch. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. I knew she was fading. her wings hung limp, she was shaking, but she was holding on. I stepped out the door with her in my arms, the sunlight hit her, she flapped her wings.....and took her last breath.............I've been a wreck ever since. She had just turned 4 months today. RIP my baby Vai. =( =( =( =( =*(