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About TIMS

  • Birthday 07/26/1976


  • Location
    Mumbai, India

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi all. Is there anyone else here from Mumbai (India)? Anyone from India who's into parrots an parrot supplies.
  2. Hi Folks, There has been a good amount of improvement in Kikki's interaction. He has started following me around the house (will not step up though). He will walk around the house and come and sit near me if he doesn't see me for sometime. At least he has become bold enough to get down from his perch and on to the floor. He's been doing this for the last 3 days. Thanks for all your inputs
  3. I guess you are right Birdhouse...Maybe I am going too fast for him to digest. Will ease off and let him take his own sweet time. However, I'm sure he is quite comfortable with the head scratching because he calls out to me for it. The moment I'm near his perch, he gives his head forward and enjoys a nice long scratch on his head and neck. Will cut down his bathing to twice/thrice a week. The toys are going out for now till he's comfortable. And yess!! The Mantra too goes on the fridge. Thank you!
  4. Thanks ZulusMom.... the loofah goes out of the window...Will find some other use for it.
  5. The two very scary monster like toys.... Looks my poor fellow never got to see anything colourful, that's why he is so scared of these two. Any advice here guys????
  6. Look what he's done to himself. Right now he is still a little fluffed. You should have seen him after his daily bath. :eek:
  7. Hi folks, Here are some pictures of the seeds, lentils, beans that I got today to make Kikki's food mix. I can name some of them.... Soybeans, Red kidney beans, black eye beans, green gram, melon seeds, hulled mustard seeds, wheat, maize, linseed, barley, Jowar (Indian name), Bajra (Indian name)plus two other bird seeds.
  8. Thank you Jayd and Birdhouse. Really appreciate all your help. I have just bought a lot of lentils and seeds. Have soaked all of them for sprouting. Will mix them once sprouted and pack them in daily pouches and into the freezer. Will post pictures in sometime. Wont be able to name all of them as they have different names in the local language. Hopefully the pictures would help in recognizing them. And Birdhouse, you were absolutely right about the plucking. Its getting worse. He has almost cleaned up his chest overnight. I wonder when he's gonna stop that. I am not even leaving him alone. Somebody is always there trying to entertain him. I tried my hand at some DIY toys. He is just too scared of them. He shrieks just at the sight of them. If I get them close to him, he runs/flies away....Yes!! Thats right. He flew a bit today and had a smooth landing too. So I have just left the two toys around his perch/cage so he gets used to seeing them and doesn't feel threatened.
  9. Jayd, thanks a ton. This is really useful information for first timers like me. I am going to take a print out and stick it on my fridge. I had a few questions though:- 1) Is it necessary to cook the lentils. Is sprouting not enough? I sprout a mix of chick peas, black peas, green mung beans, black eye beans etc and give him. 2) Same for veggies. I it necessary to cook them. So far I have been giving him raw veggies (carrot, beet, pumpkin); the way they would find them in nature. (I wash and scrub them though) 3) What varieties of nuts can I give him? 4) What about the dark green leafy vegetables? Do they also need to be cooked? 5) Is it ok if I give him whole wheat or cereal biscuits? What about corn flakes, rice crispies, muesli (and other unsweetened breakfast cereals)??
  10. I too love my Microfibers....but they are totally dedicated for detailing my car. I disinfect his area with a disinfectant when he is in the bathroom having a shower (which is in another room). And then I give the entire area a good wipe down and air it well before I bring him back. Steam sounds great but I do not have a steam cleaner so I guess I'll go with vinegar. Thanks again mate.
  11. Wow!! Thanks Birdhouse for the string of compliments.....I already feel like an expert... And thank you for so many valuable inputs. Just doing my best to give Kikki a good life and trying to learn as fast as possible. I admit that tiles ARE really easy to clean. The poop doesn't stick. Just wipe and it's gone. I use dettol solution to clean up. Off late Kikki's been scratching a lot and plucking in the bargain. He's moulting I guess. So i got some Aloe Vera juice and soaked him with it using a spray bottle. Since then he's been upset with me. (he doesn't like misting. Whenever I use the spray on him, he gets upset and doesn't let me touch him. Takes a couple of hours to be normal again., But doesn't mind the cage being put under the shower. He enjoys that)
  12. Dear ZulusMom, I am still struggling. Tried getting Harrison's Adult Lifetime pellets but it's working out to be a bit too expensive. Imagine, a $40 bag working up to $160 if I try to import it. So till now, no pellets. But I'll definitely get some.....somehow.
  13. Yes. That's exactly what I give him..... Veggies every day. Fruits twice/thrice a week (that too only after he eats his veggies). Once in a while I give him half an Arrowroot biscuit (its fat free). Do you think I need to include anything else in his diet. Plus I add a few drops of BAVN to his drinking water (which is changed twice a day). BAVN is an avian feed supplement that we get here in india.
  14. Yes! I'm completely with you on this. He doesn't get fruit if he doesn't eat his veggies. That too is only twice or thrice a week. I hope that's ok !? Plus he loves to eat the seeds of chilli peppers. I give him one a day (about 4" long green chilli)., Poop has been good so far. (as per "Grey" poop standards)
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