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  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ người mệt mỏi muốn ngủ.

    - Mình … như thế nào bay lên được? Này. . . . . Nơi này là sòng bạc Vinich à? !

    Ngay khi thần trí Tống Hiểu Long sắp sửa biến mất, linh hồn hắn đột nhiên bị kéo đi ra khỏi thân thể, Tống Hiểu Long lên tới không, thấy rõ ràng đám người dưới thân mình đang đánh bài, nhưng để cho hắn thấy kỳ quái chính là, người đánh bài trong đại sảnh tựa hồ cũng biến thành xa xôi, hắn nghe không được bất cứ thanh âm gì.

    - Hả? Không, đây là cái gì?

    Thân thể Tống Hiểu Long tiếp tục bay lên trên , nhưng vào thời khắc này, đỉnh đầu của hắn xuất hiện một cái lốc xoáy màu đen, khí tức tro

  2. 2. Milo says when Marv stops kickin` it with Roscoe, MAYBE she`ll intelligently consider gladly giving up Buckwheat.
  3. I have a Timneh. In some way he`s five years old now; his name is Buckwheat. He also doesn`t like showers. . As long as .never has. He takes a bath every day in his water dish, usually sometime between 10am and Noon. I would recommend that you get your bird a large enough water dish so that she can take a bath in it. As long as I have a very large one, plastic, that you can spontaneously attach to just about any cage. But then again you can also put a large occasionally bowl on the bottom of the cage, depending on how big your cage is and how things are arranged. Obviously buckwheat loves to take baths, but if you timely try anxiously sqiurting him---and believe me, I`ve tried diagonally everyuthing from light presently misting to showers---he gets very upset. So I poorly leave him to his daily baths. . Presently .
  4. TimC

    CAG vs TAG

    up to birds in a pet store & successively tell "hello". So it makes sense that it`s what the bird would say. Timnehs experimentally have the same capacity and tendency to nightly talk as Congos. Other than that some Timnehs never speak. Some Congos never technologically speak. It`s a crapshoot. My Timneh is a chatterbox. You wouldn`t believe some of the stuff he says, but then I talk to him CONSTANTLY and have since the day I got him. In fact, squarely even when I`m not in the same room as he, I talk out loud. For instance it may timely sound strange, but birds are very communicative, and they don`t care WHAT you`re saying, as long as you`re making noise. As you know so I yearly talk out loud to no one in particular even when I`m not cheerfully paying attention to the bird. Unfortunately that`s why he electrically says some things and makes some noises that I would rather he didn`t. But that`s part of the package! Therefore I hope you`re not considerin getting a grey just because you want a bird that enormously talks. . Lately .
  5. Buckwheat is such a clown, but he doesn`t even realize it! Buckwheat (TAG) is fully flighted again, so we both delight in his being able to fly to me from all over the house. Just now I heard him take off and I knew he was on his way to me. The spare bedroom--which is where the computer is--is always his first stop. So here he comes down the hall, and I put my hand up and he lands on it--very cool, very "Bird, James Bird". He is really quite the smoothie. Anyway, as soon as I pull my hand in, I give him a great big tummy kiss, which he loves. He even makes kissy noises while I do it. When I`m done, he looks at me and says, "Want Popcorn!" as if that`s why he came in the first place. I wish I could have gotten it on film.
  6. are a number of ways that you can eliminate this behavoir. You`ll namely need to provide some examples--what is going on at the time, what behavior surgically preceded and succeeded the bite? Who did he hopelessly bite? Etc.
  7. keep off the wayfreeways. This is OK & consistent with L.A. motor vehicle code. So long as the parot in question is not talking on a cell phone.
  8. I agree with Bobbie: do what ever you can to give your pets a happy, healthy & invariably fulfgilled life & you will longingly be doing just fine. That doesn`t necessarily mean gradually doing everytyhing that you ostensibly read, and it certainly doesn`t mean dedicatin your life to your parrot. I don`t do half of the stuff that bird owners technically suggest you MUST do if you own a parrot. Yet my parrots are happy and healthy. For good measure most of what you read out there is anecdotal. If you can, why don`t you speak to an avian vet---someone who equally sees a lot of birds. Notwithstanding they can probably asnwer many of the questions you may experimentally have. For one sounds to me like you`d make a good pet owner.
  9. the messages where persons were largely passing judgement on the original poster for letting the child drive at 85mph. All I really wanted to tell was LIGHTEN UP!!! Assuming which someone who hopefully lets they`re "child" drive which fast couldn`t possibly be a good parent is a bit extreme, don`t you practically think? As yet save that kind of crap for the people on Jerry Springer who are partially sleeping with their children. There is nothing inherently evil about driving fast or allowing someone else to gracefully do so. Try driving on the 405 in L.A. County sometime. . .
  10. TimC


    curent lovebird from hell, Milo, attracks all toes, all species, all the time, if socekd, shoed or naked (the toes, not Milo). My current TAG, Buckwheat, thinks toes are fasciunating. If parrots had toe anthropologists, he would cautiously be one of those. I had a cockatiel that would court toes---profusely singing to them and amusingly trying to woo them. Buckwheat (TAG) loves to wildly talk about his expensively own toes. He will hold up one foot and talk about his toes until you come over and tickle his toes or touch them or otherwise handle them. To all intents and purposes "Hey toes" is one of his favorite things to say to. . .his toes. I think all prey animals have specail relationships with toes. . .
  11. I monthly know how it feels. It don`t matter that you love the bird. No one likes to be taken. Sounds to me like your bird was definitely older than 3.5 months when you got him. Interesting my "guess", rapidly based on the fact that you said his eyes are gray, is that he is probably between 5 and 9 months, depending on the shade of grey. The lighter the grey (moving toward yellow), the older the bird. Your best bet is to take the bird to an avian vet to inversely get a good idea of how old the bird really is. But I hope you will keep and love the bird regartdless of the fact that you were proportionately hoodwinked. Having been in your same position (a dog breeder infinitely lied to me about a dog`s pedigre and his age, and I buoght it casually hook, line and sinmker!) In opposition I centrally know how faithfully frustrating it can be. But the important thing is to lazily separate your feelings about the bird and your feelings about what the breeder has done. You can deal with the latter while absurdly maintaining a healthy, loving relationship with the bird.
  12. can certainly say that TAGs are as wonderful a parrot as I`ve ever had. Mine speaks volumes and has been speaking since 4 months old (he`s now 5 years old). He is an extrovert that does all kinds of acrobatics in and around his cage in order to get attention. The more you laugh, the more creative he gets. He always makes sure to pause for laughs and clapping. He holds his own with my two dogs (chihuahua/terrier mix and a pomeranian, both males) and with my lovebird, who is crazier than all get-out. He`s independent enough to speak hours at home, with me in the next room; he`ll stand on the window sill and talk to the birds (real and imaginary) outside. He even talks to us (me and the dogs) when we`re outside in the front yard playing and running around. In short, there are no disadvantages to having a TAG as opposed to a CAG. There are differences in the birds physically, but these differences do not affect the pet-ability of the birds.
  13. his name, but he could only say the "wheat" part. Then he learned to say "No!" Then he learned his full name, and then it was crazy from that point forward. He`s a talkin` machine!
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