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Status Updates posted by Timbersmom

  1. Everything OK with you and your flock? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

    1. murfchck


      Sorry,  internet is hard out here! All is good here. Took a mental heath day today to get caught up!

  2. How are you? I'm concerned because I haven't seen you post recently.

    1. katana600


      Thanks, I have had a bit going on in a good way.  We have traveled about 2000 miles round trip three times Feb, April and May to Texas from Georgia to see our grandkids.  Of course the entire entourage comes along for the ride.  I am coming in to post about Gil Girl and her progress.  Health wise... I am taking two steps forward, one step back and learning my limitations.  It is just a matter of finding new things to keep occupied while allowing my body to recuperate.  I am in pretty good shape.  Thanks for asking and sorry to have taken so long to get back.

  3. I totally understand. I often don't notice "notifications" for several days! :)

  4. He definitely sees them as flock members (my cats as well). When they leave the room, are out in the yard etc. he is always contact calling to them. He also interacts with them when they are in the room. It sounds like Toulouse has a similar relationship with your family. I had to take a lot of time and patience to get Timber's trust and to get him to step up and let me give him scratches. I was also bitten several times in the early days. I suspect my family could handle him, but you have to put the time and effort in and they just aren't willing to take the chance.


    Great to hear from you!



  5. Hello! I rehomed Timber in June of of 2012, so we are coming up on two years. With a rehome it is difficult to be sure or age (I am at least his third caretaker) but he is supposed to be about six years old. Believe it or not, people lie ;) I haven't had a CAG, so don't really know what the differences might be. From what I've read on the forum, they are very similar, with most differences being a result of temperament and personality rather than CAG v TAG behavior. I am the one Timber has bonded with in the sense that he will sit on my arm and cuddle for a long time. My husband and my sons have relationships with him though, and get along fairly well. They have boundaries that don't apply to me. For instance, hubby has to be careful about sticking his hand in Timber's cage to change the forage ball etc., he WILL be bitten if Timber can get to him. When Timber is outside the cage, he isn't "bitey" with Gary or the boys.

  6. Well, thanks for noticing! I read all of the posts, and think a "thanks" is deserved in most cases. If people take the time and effort to post on the forums, it's the least I can do! The forum has been an enormous help to me. Don't know where I'd be without it :)

  7. I saw you mention Carbondale. Illinois by chance? I'm in Southern Illinois.

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