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About nasupops

  • Birthday 10/13/1993


  • Biography
    Me and my family own an 10 year old african grey


  • Location
    South Africa


  • Occupation
    University Student

nasupops's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi. so i've been spraying the grey with aloe vera but it's seems as if he's more stressed out when i sprayed him than anything else. Today when we sprayed him immediately after he pulled a feather right out in front of me! He absolutely hates the spray bottle and even bathing. What can i do? And i haven't been showing my emotions about this in front of my grey. :confused::confused:
  2. So my grey hasn't been speaking for many years. In the beginning he(or she im not sure) would say one or two words but none of us knew of + re-enforcement. So after a lot of attention and talking to her she started speaking again! it's hilarious coz now she says "hello boy" exactly like me! She even says my name, my sister's name and she starts mumbling sentences and sentences. I get so excited and happy. When she speaks i make sure to go and say "good boy" or something to make sure she knows we proud of her! I just hope that she can eventually gain the confidence to start speaking in front of me and others. She's already used to her new cage and plays with all her toys. Im really proud of her progress in such a short amount of time!
  3. Thats perfect! thanks so much. Been worried about him getting sick. Thanks for all the help everyone!
  4. thanks guys. I have purchased the aloe vera juice. I Live in South Africa and its Winter here. How do you recommend me spraying him with the aloe vera without him getting sick?
  5. Hi guys. My grey has plucked off all her feathers from her chest long ago and they are growing back slowly. A while ago i noticed that the top part of her chest has like a red round part to it(almost like a bubble) And im nt sure if i'm imagining it but it looks like its become even bigger. I'm not sure if that's how grey's look under their feathers or is something seriously wrong. Please help!! I'm really worried! Even when my dad touches that part of her chest or she thinks he's going to pet her there she backs away immediately!
  6. Thanks Nancy, I had no idea about the new and old cage part. I wish I knew beforehand. I always open the cage doors and always put new food and water for him and sometimes some apple or other fruit. Seems to me like she's getting used to the cage very slowly. I sprayed her with aloe Vera and she's stopped plucking her feathers!
  7. Ok. Will follow this. I'm not sure about the perches. We used 2 out of 5 from the old cage. Do you think I should soak her in aloe Vera now or after she settles down in her new cage
  8. She's been in her new cage for 2 weeks now. We got rid of the old cage. When we introduced her to the cage my dad made sure to stand with her and let her check out the new one for a long while. And I'm with her most of the time standing next to her and talking to her. She moves around to the bottom of the cage and to the feeding bowels. Her old cage was much too small and had no nice perches for her to sit outside of the cage. now I'm worried! Is there anything else I can do to make her feel at home??
  9. Hi everyone. My grey was a plucker A long while ago. The vet said to feed her pellets instead of food. That seemed to be working but ever since we bought a new cage he's been very nervous and started to either pull her new feathers on her chest out or to break the ones on the top of her wing. I have no clue how to stop this coz she gets in a frenzy and won't stop no matter what. :confused:
  10. Thanks everyone. No my bird has been with us since he was a few weeks old but I was like 8 years old. But technically in maybe a few months I'll have to take complete responsibility for my grey as he'll live with me
  11. Hi everyone. I'm actually doing this backward since I started a thread in the training section b4 even introducing myself! Lol, well I'm from south Africa and me and my family have a 10 year old African grey that I hope to be best buds with after gaining his trust! With ur help of Ofcourse. So far a whole lot of you have been very welcoming and supportive. I really appreciate that! Thanks so much
  12. Ok awesome! Thanks so much! Really needed the advice and support!
  13. Hi Nancy, well I think at first I'm gnu do my best to get used to him more and let him get more used to me and when I'm more comfortable I think my dad should pass the bird to me for a short time and each time slowly increase the time till he's not so stressed out. I've learned that when he's streamlined than he's either scared or is not happy with the situation. So when that stops happening then I'll know he's comfortable with being on my hand. How does that sound? Any comment or advice?
  14. My dad uses his bare hands so I can kinda understand why he was trying to chew on my jacket. I definitely need more confidence! Guess I have something new to aim for the next few weeks or however long it takes! He did nick me today bt it was nothing and I wasn't upset about it like b4! Lol, seems like u guys have helped me already! Thanks for all the advice! And seeing how so many of u'll have been bitten and still persevere, lol, has helped me be more calm about this whole thing
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