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About BrookeIsRadical

  • Birthday 08/05/1992

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  1. You're right... it would be better until I settled down. Maybe I won't get an African Grey since they require a lot of time with their owner, but I would still like a bird. Maybe a conure, a parrotlet, or a IRN? Maybe?? Haha, I just really want a bird buddy! Not so much a parakeet.....
  2. Hello! This should probably be in the introduction thread, but I saw more people viewing this thread! (: Anyways, my name is Brooke. I'm from South Carolina and i'm 19. I'm in college and I work part time as a waitress. Long story short, I want a bird. I used to have cockatiels in high school but I gave them away due to me not having enough time to care for them, so I gave them to a better home. I would go to school from 7-2 then work from 4:30-10. Now, I have more than enough time on my hands and I want another bird! I know jumping from cockatiels to an African Grey is a huge milestone but I have experience with them. You see, my aunt is an animal enthusiast. She has 10 acres out in the country, consisting of 10 horses, a pig named Kirby, 9 dogs, a barn cat, a 9-foot deep pool full of koi fish, and she has 5 birds. She has 2 amazons (1 yellow necked and the other blue something?), 2 sun conures, and 1 hawk-headed parrot. She used to have an African Grey named Gabby, who I adored. She would allow me to put her on her back and rub her tummy, give her showers and wrap her up in a towel like a baby, let me kiss her on her beak, and all kinds of stuff. We loved each other a lot, and I would spend my summers with my aunt in high school and I took care of her. But sadly, while my aunt was gone one day the bird managed to open the cage and the dogs got her. Maybe that wasn't making a long story short... haha. But i'm ready for another bird. I have about $3,000 saved up for everything, but... i'm in a bind. Since i'm still living at home, the bird will have to stay in my room (I can put a play stand in the family room) and i'm limited to space in my bedroom. I only have room for a 32" Long x 22" Deep x (doesn't matter how tall) Will this be big enough for a Grey? Maybe a Timneh? Or will I have to resort to a smaller parrot? I probably won't be moving out until about 3 years. I'm starting the nursing program at school in the Spring and it's a 2 year program. Yay! I'll be and RN!! Please and thank you!! Brooke
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