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Tess Denise

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Everything posted by Tess Denise

  1. where did you get your sleep hut and what size is it so I can get one for my CAG
  2. when Lucy hisses she doesn't have raised feathers or pinning eyes , she does grab my finger but only gently and I really think she is just being silly and playful.
  3. My grey has starting making a hissing sound like a snake and then she bops her head like a snake too, could she have seen this on animal planet. I didn't think greys do this silly thing , and when she does it it is quite silly to watch. any advise for this silly behavior
  4. thanks so much for all the great advice, all of you grey owners are awesome
  5. HI, i adopted a grey 3 months ago , and the lady that I got her from said that her wings were trimmed to short on one side , the other side was long and it looked real strange for her to have one side long and one side way short. so I tried to even them out but could never even see where the person who cut the one side so short and where they were. I just trimmed alittle so she would not be so clumbsy. Now the one side that was not trimmed too short is growing fine, but the side that is so short , I can't even tell if they are growing at all, will they ever grow out again after somebody multilated my poor baby, I feel sorry for her. This also makes her very clumbsy. Messes up her balance. Please help , does anybody have any advice about this,
  6. Thanks Dave, really appreciate the advice, I will not give this to her more than once a week just to be on the safe side.
  7. My grey ate a tiny bit of my peanut and honey sandwich he LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that I did not harm her by letting her eat alittle I just remember reading that someone who has a grey says she gives her toast with alittle peanut butter in the morning, and what about the honey????? Advice is muchly appreciated
  8. I to have a grey who does not want to go bed , and i do cover her , she just is like a child and does not want to go to bed. once she is there she settles in and goes nite nite, also when I did not cover she would start whistling and making all sorts of annoying noise at daylight. now with her covered she stays quiet until I uncover her.
  9. Thanks for your e-mail response, she is fine tests are good and so , I guess we just wait and see vet says she is very healthy !!!! Maybe it was just something she ate don't know.

  10. Lucy is I think 5 years old. at first when I got her the lady I got her from told me that she was 3 , as I got her from a rescue, and then she gave me some vet papers and it said that she was 5 years old so either three or five.
  11. my grey doesn't like green leafy veggies so what can I give her instead to make sure she gets enough calcium. I do give her almonds and pinenuts. she loves carrots, and sweet potatoes, just won't eat leafy veggies , any ideas would be great.
  12. I am so happy for you about the 7 day quarantine. I hope He won't be to lonely and they take good care of him as well, can you go and see him during the 7 days , that would be great ! anyway God bless!!
  13. tonight my grey went kinda stiff and her eyes started blinking and then a few seconds later she was fine this happened twice. I am scared to dealth, I am going to get some liquid calciboost tomorrow from my vet and see if this helps her . I don't know what to do I feed her very well, carrot , sweetpotato and peas and fruit, low fat cheese she won't eat spinach though. I just love her so much and I am so worried about her. she eats zupreem pellets and a small amount of a seed diet. Please advise would be great thanks Teresa
  14. I hope to not upset you but I know a few people who moved to Hawaii and they quarnantine your pets for I think 4 months when you bring a pet when you move there, I hope this is not true for your sake, Please check and see. Maybe they do not do this to birds , I don't know.
  15. thanks so much for you help, feels so good to get help from people who know greys and own them , anyway the little picture of the grey on my threads is my Lucy she is such a sweet bird , loves her head rubbed and never bites , sometimes she does hold my finger as if to bite but no pressure, I love her so very much even If she only say hello and wow and barks like a dog and makes phone sounds and backup truck beeps, she is quite silly/ Any advice on how to teach her to talk more, I do hear her mumbling to herself alot but I can't understand her or hear her very well.
  16. Hi I have a book on african greys and in one of the pictures there is a grey with what looks to me like a small rawhide dog bone, can they chew on these and are they safe?
  17. Thanks Nancy for you good advice I really do appreciate it. This forum is great . Greys are so much like a little child in so many ways.
  18. thankyou danmcq for your advice I feel so much better now she does not flap her wings at night at all, I think she just wants to stay with me . She is such a sweet bird I just adore her.
  19. It seems that just lately she is terrified and does not want to go back to cage to sleep , she is out all day with cage door open and goes in and out freely all day except for when I let our two german shepherds in . she has a large playtop on top of her cage. her name is Lucy and she is 3 years old and I have had her for almost 6 weeks, I got her from a rescue. I do cover her at night as well. I do have a smaller cage and she does not want to go in it at all, I think it is because the small cage is the one she came to me in . I got her from a rescue and she had to travel in this small cage for about 7 hours in a car and so she has a fairly bad memory of the small cage, this is why I am going to find another small sleep cage for her. Her large cage is to big to roll into our spare bedroom.
  20. Hi I recently got a Grey and adopted her from a rescue, she is 3 years old and lately she seems terrified of going to bed at night she clings to me and I can hardly get her into her cage. I feel terrible for her , I think she is having night terrors. I have tried to put her into a smaller cage to sleep in a spare bedroom but she is also terrified of this cage as this is the one she came to me in and I think she is afraid of this cage as she might think I am going to take her away. I am thinking of getting a different smaller cage for her to sleep in and see what happens , any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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