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About aw64

  • Birthday 02/26/1964

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes me and my son designed it
  2. Its finished guys yippy, just a section of roof to go on tomorrow, 1st photos on here then just found out need to add the rest on second post..........coming up next
  3. Oh yes pictures will follow, work will not begin until towards end of the month my son has booked some time off work just to build Alfie an outdoor play area........ bless him in the mean time I'v got a load of wood to stain safe wood and bird safe stain, been doing my home work for weeks and plans all drawn up area in garden marked out...........just wonder how long it will take Alfie to accept his new play area!!!
  4. Thanks danmcq, off to order it now yippy
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120915435992?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Can some one please confirm this is safe for out door flight area, for African Grey thank you
  6. I have copied this from someone, but so pleased with it lovely way to save some of those feathers
  7. know such thing as a stupid question I have seen this with my Alfie and wondered the same but with in couple of days the feather was out and is now sitting proud with my collection
  8. this is so sad but I admire your determination to get your baby back with you, I have know knowledge of these things as I'm in UK but look forward to hearing you are both back safe and sound, good luck
  9. I know you will all think I'm mad but so happy Alfie has proved his love for me had my first experience of him regurgitating!!!! Don't worry I stayed calm and showed no reaction and started playing with his toys as a distraction. But its official he loves me even with his bites lol
  10. great vids and love your bird room
  11. so funny, wish Alfie would just stand in water let alone dive bomb it
  12. That's made me cry, I'm so pleased she's back home safe and sound, don't blame your self it could happen to any of us however careful we are, bet you have to keep going and checking she really is back, so pleased for you all
  13. as others have said tend to come out in pairs, I get so excited when Alfie drops a flight feather means his getting his big boy ones in place, is anyone else as daft as me I keep them all in a little pot!!! why? I really don't know
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