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About CAGLulu

  • Birthday 01/18/1995

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  1. I’m thinking of getting a second baby for my CAG. I have a little girl just 4 months old snd I’m thinking of getting a baby male who is 2 months old. There would only be a  two month difference in age and my girl would only be 6 months old or so when I hit the baby male. I’m wondering how it all turned out for you with yours.  

  2. LOL, now it becomes clear why I can't understand what you are saying ;-) No need to apologize but thanks :-) It is more likely me misunderstanding or simply not understanding what you are telling me but I do now after reading it through again. I'm originally from Lebanon but I live in Denmark so my main languages are arabic and danish :-)
  3. Alright... So what you are saying is that my two greys can become friends and I can still play with them, cuddle them etc. but if they start to breed then I'll be totally out of the picture? I'm confused because I know people who have greys that has laid eggs many times before and they live in aviaries but their owner can still interact with them. They are very friendly towards them even though they have laid eggs before. Do you mean that I'll be out of the picture only in the time of breeding - the time they are about to lay eggs? I love to research about greys and other parrots. I do it everyday so hopefully I'm getting more information and getting more knowledge :-) Still waiting for dave to chime in and tell me more hehe ;-) Thanks a lot for your help - all of you. I can now tell you that after having them next to each other i separate cages and only out one at a time Lulu is still afraid of him but not as much as she was before. They are getting all the time they need but I think I'm seeing a bit of progress :-)
  4. Hm... I'm confused now.. So if my greys bond they will not have anything to do with me? That sounds a bit strange. I know people that have two or more greys that are bonded to each other and they can still play, cuddle, train them etc. Even my breeder that have bonded greys in aviaries can play and cuddle with them and they must be more wild than those living inside the home :-)? My breeder told me that he will teach me everything there is to know about hatchlings I just have to tell him. He is a very good and helpful breeder :-) Again, I do not understand the fact that once they bond with another grey you will not be their friend because I have seen otherwise :-) Maybe I'm misunderstanding something? As you probably have read I'm not the best english talker hehe :-) Your advice are very helpful AryoAsh and I will take every single one and learn from them :-) For now I'm keeping them in separate cages and they are only out one at a time, if they are out on the same time in the same room Bobbi will fly over to her which will cause her to panic and fly all over the place. Sometimes I do have them out on the same time just in different rooms :-)
  5. Thanks for your advice Morana. I do treat Lulu as you are saying; giving her food first, taking her out first etc :-) Now to the breeding thing, you should keep in mind that if I am able to breed on Lulu and Bobbi it will at least take 4-6 years from now on before they lay eggs. I totally agree with you that I should be more educated about greys before breeding them but if I keep on reading and learning about greys everyday, hopefully I will be educated enough to breed them in 4-6 years :-) Thanks alot! I will keep you updated. You are all very nice and kind on this forum :-)
  6. Thanks for your kind replies. Your words give me hope :-) Funny how similar our situation is Jane. Here it is just the other way around, my old female is scared of the little boy. I have now placed the cages next to each other and now they can figure it out on their own. No forcing at all. I really hope they become good friends and bond. I'll keep spending time with them everyday of course so I don't get left out in the cold :-)
  7. I'll let them figure it out by themselves. I do want them to mate in the future when they are old enough and my plan was to have them in a big aviary but unfortunately it sounds like that is not going to happen? I was aware of that they might not become friends and that is why I have no problem at all keeping them both inside separated from each other :-) I can't describe to you how much I love them. I only want the best for them :-)
  8. When I had them in the same cage it was in Bobbi's cage. It is big cage meant for two parrots :-) What I do know now for sure is that it was completely wrong to put them in the same cage just after a few days... Nothing to do about it now other than making up the mistakes. I think time will tell what will happen. I just got the idea that when they are at such a young age bonding should not be a problem for them. That was what I had been told on other forums :-) I think the biggest problem is that Lulu is very afraid of him. If she is on me and he is on my dad and my dad approaches me she will fly away like she has just seen a huge monster. When can I know that it is time for them to try being out of the cage at the same time? Is there any signs or is it just something I will have to try after some time? Again, I'm very glad for your help. Can't thank you enough :-)
  9. I have put them in their own cages. I did not mean to force a friendship between them by putting them together in the same cage, I just thought that was the right way to introduce them to each other because I have been told so. I should've done some more and better research and/or asked my breeder... Stupid me. Forgot to mention that they are also fully flighted. Now I stand with few other questions 1) Are chances good they will get along? I know it is up to the birds themselves but since they are so young should the chances not be quite good? :-) 2) If they never are near each other how do they know they do not like each other? Body language communication? 3) When do I know they will definitely not get along? After a week, month, year? I really do appreciate all of your help. Sorry I'm coming up with so many questions :-)
  10. Here I am again with another question. Some of you may have read that I now have two african greys, a male and a female. Lulu, my female afrian grey is 1,5 years old and Bobbi, my male is 3 months old. I picked up Bobbi saturday so he has been with me only a few days. When I got him I was told by someone I know that when I introduce them to each other they should be placed next to each other in their own separate cages and after a day or two I should try putting them in the same cage under supervision. Well, I did that and that didn't work out well. Lulu is very afraid of him and she seems very uncomfortable when she is near him. She will fluff up when he walks up to her. She does not bite or hurt him in any way. Sometimes she will walk up to him and kinda pick at him while she is all fluffed up. I have now come to realize that what I was doing was wrong. So what should I do now? I don't want to ruin their chances of becoming good friends. I do think they can get along someday since they are so young. I just need to know how I should introduce them to each other properly :-)
  11. Sounds like most greys do not like to bathe. I don't like the idea of forcing them to but I guess it is important and they'll have to get a wet sooner or later. Thank you all for your replies. I appreciate your help. Morana you are very lucky your grey enjoys baths even though he hates the first few minutes :-)
  12. Thanks judygram. I didn't see the threads before you told me. It was good reading and I will try some of the advices. I didn't know that the greys preferred cold water over warm so I will try that ) I will not force him to anything Talon, thanks for the advice ) I've come to know that you must not force a parrot to do anything they will not do... Stupid parrots ;o)
  13. Hello all I picked up my second grey yesterday from my breeder. He is 3 months old and is the cutest little thing He is still settling in but he seems to be happy.. He is playing with his toys, eating etc... I also have a female grey she is 1,5 years old and she absolutely hates baths. I've had her since she was 2,5 months old. I do not want to make the same mistake with the guy I picked up yesterday so I want to know whats the best way to introduce a bathe to a grey? Please excuse my poor english..
  14. Thanks for your help danmcq and thanks for your suggestion Greywings, I will definitely try that. It is hard to force her to do something she doesn't enjoy but i guess it's the best for her
  15. The only Aloe Vera juice I can get right now is 99,4 % pure Aloe Vera, will that be good enough? I honestly don't know what the last 0,6% are but i guess water?
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