Your grey is beautiful. I agree with the others that it looks more like natural feather loss. I have one bird that mangles her feathers due to stress and another that doesn't. The feather mangler often looks disheveled. Your bird looks great!
Bottles of aloe vera juice can be found at most pharmacies. If you go that route to mist your CAG, be sure to dilute it with 3 parts water. (Pure aloe vera juice can have a laxative effect. I don't use it on my birds at all.)
I hope you'll research about parrot diets. There are a LOT of foods that they can eat and a number that they can't. NEVER give him salt, chocolate, caffeine, milk, avocado, rhubarb, onion, garlic, or seeds, pits, stems or leaves from fruits like apples, peaches, cherries, tomatoes, etc. Some good treats are cooked brown rice, cooked unsalted beans, corn on the cob (without husk), plain unsalted hot-air popcorn, pomegranate, brussels sprouts (raw or cooked), sweet potatoes, almonds, and the list goes on and on. Mix it up so your bird doesn't get bored. Each bird will have his favorites but --just like with kids-- it is good to expose them to a variety so they don't get finicky and malnourished.
********Please do me a BIG favor.... ****************
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