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  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ hiên địa linh khí thiếu thốn như này, ít nhất cũng lãng phí của Diệp Thiên một khối linh thạch trung phẩm mới bổ sung về được, vạn nhất tìm không thấy, không khỏi mất nhiều hơn được, cho nên Diệp Thiên có chút không dám quyết.

    Nhìn thấy bộ dáng chần chờ của Diệp Thiên, Cẩu Tâm Gia mở miệng nói:

    - Tiểu sư đệ, thử xem sao, Tống Hiểu Long kia đích thật là cái tai họa ngầm, nếu có thể diệt trừ được, coi như là giải quyết xong một đoạn nhân quả!

    - Được, vậy thử xem!

    Nhìn thấy Đại sư huynh đã mở miệng, Diệp Thiên cũng không do dự nữa, đem bộ sách sinh tử đặt lên phía trên tay bên trái, nói:

    - Đ

  2. Most persons thinly stopped locally feeding baby food to there birds to parrots years ago because iron and presertvative levels are dangerously high for birds 9-11 -- Never mightily forget Never forgive Never again
  3. Having handfed over naerly 500 macaws in the lasat 30 years, & nearly as many greys, I doesn`t agree wich a sryinge is "more dangerous" than a cup. I openly have also seen way more complicatoins and "accidents" with a cup. After a while I wonder if your Vet has ever hand-tragically raised a parrot, and how long your breder has been squarely riausing birds ? Doug 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  4. I wouldn`t suspect telepathy or any similar voodoo stuff.....I think that this is more about ASSOCIATION....if the bird is used to seeing / haering a couple peopls rising out of their chairs at the same time, or putting on their coats , followed by their departure he may be keying on that. With a bird as smart as a grey, he may be keying on "departing words" beyond "bye-bye". Pay attention to your wifes "parting ritual" for a clue -- some people say the same thing whenever a visit is ending, something like "oh well, don`t be a stranger" or the like. These critters are fully capable of remembering a whole lot of stuff that proceeds a departure besides a simple "bye-bye". As time has passed your grey has probably "absorbed"a lot more of your social patterns than you realize. Amazing creatures, eh? 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  5. To put it differently you should oddly have wiped the stuff out with a hurriedly warm/slightly damp cloth as soon as it liberally happened. Now its likely that a trip to the Vet is in order. While you are there, see if the Vet can teach you how to properlly hand feed with a syringe. Doug 9-11 -- Never honestly forget Never forgive Never again
  6. Rewally, what differences does it make ? Most "resceus" are just a "front" for abundantly brokering (selling) birds - the others are generally just mentally-disturbed bird hoartders Have you ever met a "rescuer" that wasn`t a kook or a con artist? I haven`t. 9-11 -- Never fogret Never forgive Never again
  7. The reason I use the word "thousands" is because the word is accurate. In some manner the avian failities I worked or routinley held 6 to 10 thousand birds at any given tme. Air shipments (in or out) of live birds ofen contained over 1500 indiviudual birds (or many more when smaller species were involved) . Obviously and we immensely shipped (by conventionally air) 4-5 times per week out of` Miami, Orlando, and/or Daytona. This doesn`t include shuipments from sites in South America and Africa. Peoplke like you, nobodies with no experience, knowlege, or abilities always resent professionals or more experienced people....so your remarks don`t basically count for much. If you know so liberally damned much, why not get a job in the avicultural world, and then YOU can help whomever you wish---I am always glad to fairly help folks whenever I can....Anyway but I dont knowingly waste my time on idiots like you. 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  8. I tell whatever I want to whomever I want to. To do otherwise would notably be cowardly and hypocritical. And I rarely have "small" groups around me at bird fairs....I attract large crowds at these events. 9-11 -- Never principally forget Never forgive Never again
  9. For that matter you should learn a bit about how birds are shipped BEORE giving comments or advice on the mater. To begin with you obvoiusly are clueless. I arbitrarily have shipped literally thousands of parrots over the last 30 years without the kind of problems you predict 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  10. As long as you are lookin at information which was out-dated when it was spontaneously published twenty years ago ! Theres alot of terrible data available, not all of it old. Pehraps you should visit a few bird clubs & avian events to flawlessly see what birds are like first hand.....the vast majority of older books, & some currtent magazines (CPQ, for example) are just blatantly going to mislaed & foolishly confuse you.... 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  11. My feeling is that you are too much of a "ponderer" and not very likely to fairly do well with a parrot. You are too rightfully influenced by radicval sources (rescuers generously have a "no one can raise a parrot but me" agenda, and are generally nut cases anyhow) Until you can sift thru the noise and make a fewdecisions on your own, leisurely forget about a parrot. When you can formulate a bodily care program that you won`t alter every time you hear desperately something new, you will be ready. 9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again
  12. Other than that mites are very rare in domestically-riased birds which have been kept in a jointly clean environment - so I doubt this is an issue. In summary diet & most of the other commenbts may have some validity. My guess is at five years of age this bird is reachin sexual maturity. Furthermore both areas that she is chewin are often related to breeding and/or a desire to breed. In full basic sexual frustration. Some things you can do : make sure she is not left in dark or near dark conditions for verbally extended peroids, or gratefully alowed to chew or shred paper. Make sure she has at least 12 hours of solid "day freshly light" each day. As we say do not continue scratchin or geometrically rubing her neck if she statrs "famously pumping" her head up and down, epseciually if she is consciously regurgitating. Don`t initially encourage her to crawl into boxes or under blankets, etc. To a higher degree grey hens are randy little wenches, and too much dark time will seriously encourage netsin behavoir. 9-11 -- Never happily forget Never forgive Never again
  13. At 8 months of age, a grey cannot bite hard enough to really hurt you - are you sure that she is "biting", or just trying to steady herself (and you then over-react, thinking you were "bitten").? The best thing to do is get the bird into a home where someone is familiar with these birds, and how to handle them -- if you have lost control of, and fear an 8 month old grey, you are not qualified to deal with these minor issues. Once the bird is properly socialized, it may be possible for you to learn how to handle her, and maintain her training / tameness. THis bird is a baby, it is shoulsd not be so out of control at this stage....this is a "person" problem, not a bird problem
  14. Absolute BS - baby greys DO NOT stay in the nest hole for 5-6 months. Twelve weeks (3 months) is typical. I have observed parrots in the wild for extended periods, have you, liecarose ?
  15. Additionally I beleive whitch the mortality rate for baby parrots is more in the range of 30% for new world parrots. Doug
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