Hi, this is my very first post here. My name is Tania, I live in South Florida and I'm bringing home our new CAG (Congo African Grey), ZuZu, on Friday. We have been visiting him since he was 7 weeks old at the bird store and he has been weened now for about a week.
My previous CAG didn't have a foot ring, but this one does. When I was growing up and interning at a veterinarian's office for 1 year, I saw parrots come thru with terrible injuries from their foot rings.
What are your thoughts on keeping this foot ring?
Also, what are your thoughts on getting a CAG microchipped?
My previous grey didn't have either. She died of teflon gas poisoning (sad story) 10 years ago. And I just now could bring myself to getting another grey and I'm extremely happy about it !!
Zuzu will be fully flighted bird and will be harness trained as well so he can fly outdoors without getting lost. Because he will be a flighted bird, I worry about him getting lost one day. I want to do everything in my power to make it easy to find him should that ever happen.
Altho, I think the chances of finding a lost grey are slim to none no matter what I do, I want to tip the scales to my favor however possible.