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About quixoft

  • Birthday 02/16/1978

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  1. And all Spike wants is a piece of ice to chew on...
  2. If your problem was solved, Cages by Design just moved way up on my list for a new cage. That is good customer service.
  3. I saw some other CPVC playstands on here and thought I would make my own. I'm not finished with this one but it is for Sam, our green cheek conure. It's a mixture of mainly 1/2" with some 3/4" for her to have some variation and stretch her feet. I bought a second base and enough piping and fittings to build a larger one for my future TAG that will be here in July! Sam of course was fascinated with the build, drill noise, pipe cutting, and all. She was with my wife watching but decided to take it upon herself to come on over and check things out. She decided it was hers immediately and started climbing while I was halfway through building it. I need to configure it a bit better with the perches a bit closer together. Although she is a pretty good jumper and made her way up to the top without help, she had to reach and had some close calls on the slick pipe. She's pretty acrobatic though and is good about making safe landings if she misses a jump. The vet tape and sisal will help out a bunch when I add it over the next few days. I have a few places to hang toys and such and will have a hanger for a toy at the top. The eyelets are stainless but the flanges on the bottom are galvanized metal so I'm going to find a different way to mount it. I can probably find some CPVC fittings that will attach to the floor. I'll post pics again when I'm further along and another when I'm finished.
  4. We are going to try and visit a few times but the breeder is 6 hours away in Louisiana so it will probably only be two or three times before we got pick her up. Unfortunately we were unable to find anyone nearby that had Timneh's. I'm very pleased though because our breeder we chose is very helpful and has answered all of our questions quickly with pictures of the baby to boot!
  5. Hello, My wife and I put a deposit down on a 3 week old Timneh Grey just last week. We are very excited and July can't come soon enough! We've been researching greys for the past year or so and now that finances are together and research is done, we took the leap! We live in Austin, TX and currently are the proud parents of two dogs, five cats, a ferret, five corn snakes and a green cheek conure. Yes, it's a veritable zoo and I'm quite sure we'll end up on that animal hoarders show soon! But we love all of our rescues and wouldn't have it any other way. Sam, our green cheek, has been with us for two years now and she is an absolute delight. She absolutely loves to torture the cats and deliberately splashes her water on them when they come near her cage. We are looking forward to getting our Timneh home to join our flock! I've already found tons of great info on this board so thanks for the help already! Ryan
  6. Hey folks, I will be getting my first Timneh grey this summer. Deposit is paid on an April 6th hatchling so I expect to pick her up sometime in July. As for a cage, I've done quite a bit of research and it seems everyone says that bigger is better, yet for a TAG, do not exceed 3/4" bar spacing. However it seems the larger cages are all 1" spacing and greater. I've looked around and I'm leaning toward the following cage : EZ Care Playtop Cage for Medium Birds It seems good for a smaller Timneh but I would like your opinions as well. If I was getting a Congo, I would have gone with the larger with the 1" but as it seems folks are very adamant about 3/4" spacing for a Timneh, this looks to be a good option. Thanks for your help!
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