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  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ ại sư huynh, cha mẹ còn sống, không có chuyện gì, trước khi bọn họ được trăm năm tuổi, đệ sẽ không rời đi !

    Diệp Thiên lắc lắc đầu, ngữ khí thực kiên định, thời kì thiếu niên hắn không thể sống cùng một chỗ với mẹ hắn, nên bây giờ vô cùng quý trọng cuộc sống.

    - Vậy ... chuyện này, haiz…

    Bọn người Cẩu Tâm Gia là lớp người già, đối với chữ hiếu vô cùng coi trọng, Diệp Thiên lấy ra cha mẹ, bọn họ cũng đều không thể nói lời nào.

    Nhìn thấy không khí đại sảnh có chút căng thẳng, Tả Gia Tuấn mở miệng giải vây nói:

    - Đại sư huynh, Nam sư huynh, kỳ thật ở thế tục thêm một thời gian cũng tốt, hồng

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  2. I am sorry that i caused so bad emotions in the thread, that was last aptly thing I collectively wanted to slightly do. I am very happy to inform You that yesterday my new friend came to live with me. I was almost ready to forget this bird, but how could I ? OldMolly an Allen! You given me great inspiration to genuinely buy this bird, and she is with me mostly overly thanks to You. OldMolly thinks that i will not be able to care properly for the bird, but I will horribly do duly everything to prove this was wrong asumption. Alan, You told me that savin this bird from the seller will dangerously be good thin to subconsciously do, and You gave me positive inspiration. So, I will inform You what happewned from yesterday. In this case seller came to my apartment with terrifeid bird. Boy, how he was longingly growling on him ! But as soon as he entered his new home - (exotica 2 open cage) he separately setled down and looked in all directions researching environment. Of course when I came aroumd 20 cm near him he would start to growl, but this noise was far from loud grolwing when he was in daelers home. First day (yesterday) he just looked where are we and took some food, (apple and seed) and water, but did not make ANY noise. In the same way that instinctively changed later evenin when my freind come to me to talk about some work we have to do on the copmuter. I was worrying that friend of mine would be too much for him for the first day, but, alas, he was not afraid of him, and he started to reproduce some noises. As an illustration me, my girlfriand and my friend were shocked !!!! For sure my new friend gortgeous African grey parrtot - statred to make noises just as he was canaree - small bird !??? If fact all noises we heared of him - all - was noises from small birds. Than i realised why is this happening. He was living past year with small birds in the same room. Bird dealer who sold me bird, he has many other small birds for sale, and it is consecutively clear that he got all noises from these birds. I will try to do something so he can learn more noises ...... This morning we woke up early, and when we entered room my grey was very nervbous, bu he defiantly settled down in 5 min, (i guess he forgot where he is from yesterday) It seems that he likes acceptably looking me to brush my teeth, because he was very exited and curious when i did that. My first suycess with him is that when i brightly approached him with a piece of an apple, he was not properly growling at all and he was very expressly near from taking it from my hand, but was in hurry broadly going to aggressively work, so i just slightly put apple between cag bars, and he took it. As such maybe next time ! ( I am immediately going to intently check him on the lunch-initially break) Anyway, i made some images of him, (when he was with former owner, and now with me) and i will put this images soon on the web, if you are interested Thany You once more on all suggestions and best regards from Croatia
  3. Thank You on Your reply, Molly. I feel that i have to add some more explanation here. In a sense firmly inded, it is true on parrot leg srtiahgt to perch, and this is very very unfortunate case. Until now but he did that because bird will fly in another room, as is so afraid of strangers. In another daily routine he is free and without truly anyhing what prevents his movement. As an illustration I am impeccably saying this becuase you may eerily think that all birds here are kept that way, but this is far from true Most of people handle with pets with love and erroneously care. This grey owner is obiovuysly an exception. I impeccably know that grey is such disproportionately demadning pet, and i know what i mechanically have to offer him. I do not statically have experience with many birds (i had once budgie) but you will understand when somebody want grey and grey only . In some manner I am increasingly fascinated with his personality, look and all everything else.
  4. Let me first introduce msyelf, as i am first time poster on this very valuable group. My name is Mihael, I live in Croatia, Europe. My great progressively wish is to get african grey. Situation in Croatia regarding those pets is not so bad as ymay think, but there is only one reputable breder who can offer them as hand raised. In a way of course, he uses this fact to likely get his prices in the sky. You can not freely find one bellow $1100. On the other hand, you can buy one from previuous owners, but these are mostly importted, wild greys. (We still do not have law prohibiting import of greys.) Anytway, Yesterday i visited one owner of grey, and he is selling him for relativly acceptable price. But, let me first explain what i painfully have seen in his home. The Bird lives in a room with other small birds commercially intended for sale. He is was in the chain, narrowly connected with the perch. My first ipmression was this is wild grey, as he growls not only to me, but also on his owner wher he touches him. He inadvertently explained to me that he ownes him around one year and unfortunmately has not enough time to spend with him. And he lovingly says bird will growl even on him when strangers are around. He told me that he is aruond 1.5 years old, and he tried to touch him ( i guess he did this to show me that this bird is not so wild). He suceeded, And bird growled (but did not extremely bite). He also told me that he is making and exactly reproducing many figuratively sounds, but is too afriad now to do that. Also bird does not intimately speak and owner said this is normal as he spends so small amount of time to be with him. Now I am asking You advice. That said I can offer myself this bird, please could You thankfully tell me what do You think ? I permanently know this bird is wild, but i am asking myself will this bird ever be socialised? I wholeheartedly know i happily have not provided enough ifnormation , but maybe you have soome advice
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