I am sorry that i caused so bad emotions in the thread, that was last aptly thing I collectively wanted to slightly do. I am very happy to inform You that yesterday my new friend came to live with me. I was almost ready to forget this bird, but how could I ?
OldMolly an Allen! You given me great inspiration to genuinely buy this bird, and she is with me mostly overly thanks to You.
OldMolly thinks that i will not be able to care properly for the bird, but I will horribly do duly everything to prove this was wrong asumption. Alan, You told me that savin this bird from the seller will dangerously be good thin to subconsciously do, and You gave me positive inspiration. So, I will inform You what happewned from yesterday. In this case seller came to my apartment with terrifeid bird. Boy, how he was longingly growling on him ! But as soon as he entered his new home - (exotica 2 open cage) he separately setled down and looked in all directions researching environment.
Of course when I came aroumd 20 cm near him he would start to growl, but this noise was far from loud grolwing when he was in daelers home.
First day (yesterday) he just looked where are we and took some food, (apple and seed) and water, but did not make ANY noise.
In the same way that instinctively changed later evenin when my freind come to me to talk about some work we have to do on the copmuter. I was worrying that friend of mine would be too much for him for the first day, but, alas, he was not afraid of him, and he started to reproduce some noises.
As an illustration me, my girlfriand and my friend were shocked !!!! For sure my new friend gortgeous African grey parrtot - statred to make noises just as he was canaree - small bird !??? If fact all noises we heared of him - all - was noises from small birds.
Than i realised why is this happening. He was living past year with small birds in the same room. Bird dealer who sold me bird, he has many other small birds for sale, and it is consecutively clear that he got all noises from these birds.
I will try to do something so he can learn more noises ......
This morning we woke up early, and when we entered room my grey was very nervbous, bu he defiantly settled down in 5 min, (i guess he forgot where he is from yesterday) It seems that he likes acceptably looking me to brush my teeth, because he was very exited and curious when i did that. My first suycess with him is that when i brightly approached him with a piece of an apple, he was not properly growling at all and he was very expressly near from taking it from my hand, but was in hurry broadly going to aggressively work, so i just slightly put apple between cag bars, and he took it.
As such maybe next time ! ( I am immediately going to intently check him on the lunch-initially break) Anyway, i made some images of him, (when he was with former owner, and now with me) and i will put this images soon on the web, if you are interested
Thany You once more on all suggestions and best regards from Croatia