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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Thank you Judygram. I wasn't aware that birds had erogenous areas and will pay attention to your advice. Thanks again.
  2. I recently inherited my neighbors 12 year old grey. Harley seems to be settling in fine and is now in his third week with me. After the initial period of being wary of being handled and nipping or biting he is able to accept my hand now, steps up and will sit on finger, arm or shoulder. Of late he is inclined to regurgitate bits of food when I hold him. At first I thought he was sick but in researching this it looks like it is a sign of comfort. It seems to becoming habitual. I read somewhere to put him back in his cage when he does this which I have done but doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?
  3. Tim

    Too big?

    I recently inherited an ill friends 11 year old Grey. He seems to be making the transition to life here relatively well. He comes to me with the cage he has lived with his whole life which though quite beautiful seems smaller than what I am reading about as a preferred size. It's internal measurements are 27 I/2"Wx18"Dx36"H. The cage is a designer style furniture grade wooden frame with inset metal cage. It's very handsome yet seems undersized for the bird. Yet, Harley has spent his life with this as his home and seems relatively happy with it. He maneuvers his way around it ok and is content to stay in the cage despite many opportunites each day to leave it which leads to separate question of mine being how much should I encourage him to leave his cage? I know he is still adjusting to the move and the cage likely represents familiarity and security which I don't want to deprive him of. But I also don't want to see him live a less than fully happy life either. I guess I'm trying to sort out his needs from my own and feedback would be welcomed. Thanks.
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