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About mego634

  • Birthday 06/02/1981


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  1. She squawks. Lol. She hates baths and hates me for about 10 minutes afterward, but eventually forgets about it
  2. That is cheaper than the pluck no more that I bought. Thanks Dave. Hope it works!
  3. Wulfgeist, I just realized who you are! Lol
  4. I did just get a new puppy. But her over preening started before that. She cannot be bored I went from having 2 jobs two only having one and I've had a lot more time at home. She is out of her cage 80 percent of the day following me, riding the dogs lol, or perching on one of her java trees. We play and learn new tricks every day. She has toys all over the house. Maybe she's stressed because I've been home more hehe. That's not true. She really loves me.
  5. Posting from my iPhone so, bare with me . It's been quite a while since I've posted anything, just been super busy. Bongo will be a year old next month and she is the greatest bird I've ever known. She is super smart and she is very loving. She started over preening a few weeks ago and I took her to the vet just to make sure she is healthy. Blood tests came back, and she's as healthy as can be. She's gone from over preening to clipping and is now fully pulling her feathers out. She has no tail feathers left and is terribly off balance. Her attitude seems to be the same most of the time, I even taught her a new trick yesterday. She's playful and energetic and talkative, but still pulling her feathers. I have her on pluck no more and we've almost gone through an entire bottle. The vet said to keep her on that until she grows her feathers back. But Bongo HATES baths and she gets so mad at me when I bathe her. Anyway, I attached a picture hope it works from my phone. Is there anything else anyone would suggest I do to help her overcome this? I am moving a week from today and I am so scared she will get worse Thanks for reading.
  6. I have made some toys with straws that I take to her when I go see her, she loves them, soon I will be able to graduate to making toys with popsicle sticks. lol.
  7. I know, I know....I will settle for visiting her on my lunch breaks everyday for now. At least I get to see her daily....
  8. I am tired of going to visit Bongo at the breeders! I want my baby home. Some days the breeder thinks she will wean at any time and other days she eats like a little piglet :-( I'm glad she is healthy and want her to go at her own pace so she is healthy fat and happy, but I want my baaaaaby :-( gosh. Any ideas how to pass the time? I'm normally a laid back go with the flow kinda girl. But this is like being 5 years old on Christmas eve!
  9. I agree, see if they will finish hand feeding the baby. But baby Bongo squeaks. alot. especially when she sees me or she is excited
  10. The budgies are Odin and Diana. They got some new toys too, but I am waiting till they warm up to them before taking pic and stuff. Stay tuned :-)
  11. I got it at Mysafe bird store!! on sale with an addtl 10% off. yay.
  12. Um, mom...What is this thing? Wait....there's sunflower seeds in here!!! OK, But I'm NOT moving off of this seed cup! OH!!!! there are seeds in here too!!!! Seriously, this is as far as I'm going! Yes, yes, I'm a pretty bird, but that is enough pictures now.
  13. Oh no, its not ugly! aw. ok its ugly, but its so ugly you cant help but think its cute!!
  14. I was trying to get her being chatty, unfortunatley all she wanted to do was stretch her wings and eat my phone. still so cute Also you have to view from my facebook acct because I do not have a youtube acct. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=440058732674782#!/photo.php?v=440058732674782
  15. We thought Bongo was going to be a boy, and Bongo is cute. Bongo the Congo. I cant change it now that I know she is a girl. I guess it goes either way. Clifford the Sun Conure had his name since his first owners, so I did not change it. Odin is considered a God of poetry and wisdom and my male budgie is pretty smart, I just liked it. Diana the albino Budgie is named after the goddess of the moon, cuz she loooooves to sit by the window in the moonlight :-).
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