Posting from my iPhone so, bare with me . It's been quite a while since I've posted anything, just been super busy.
Bongo will be a year old next month and she is the greatest bird I've ever known. She is super smart and she is very loving. She started over preening a few weeks ago and I took her to the vet just to make sure she is healthy. Blood tests came back, and she's as healthy as can be.
She's gone from over preening to clipping and is now fully pulling her feathers out. She has no tail feathers left and is terribly off balance. Her attitude seems to be the same most of the time, I even taught her a new trick yesterday. She's playful and energetic and talkative, but still pulling her feathers.
I have her on pluck no more and we've almost gone through an entire bottle. The vet said to keep her on that until she grows her feathers back. But Bongo HATES baths and she gets so mad at me when I bathe her.
Anyway, I attached a picture hope it works from my phone.
Is there anything else anyone would suggest I do to help her overcome this?
I am moving a week from today and I am so scared she will get worse
Thanks for reading.