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About TiTI

  • Birthday 12/24/1967

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  1. TiTI

    Bed Time

    i to have a cag who screams when i put her cover on she does get quiet really quick thou ... when i do put her covr on she is quiet until i take it of in morining. but whem she is out and its bed time ( i dont force her in cage) and just close lights.. she is up early calling on me.... i would prefer to get her in routine and have her covered every night but i cant hanfdle my babygirl just yet... when i do .. she will get covered ever night like clockwork so i can have my peace in morining untill i can have my coffee
  2. great vid.... cant wait to enjoy Titi that way....
  3. thank you all some grear advice ...alot of what i read applies... i live alone so there is only me in the house.. thats the reason i got her , to keep me company... i guess what im absorbing from you all is just to take it at Titi s pace... let her make all the moves... thank you for all the encrouging advice.. i in reply to the treats... she has never taken treats from me.. dont let me get close to her and when i put it in one of her bowls, she wouldnt touch it... but noticed yesterday that she started to destroy the treats and ate them all up... so today i put some apples she tried it but didnt eat much of it.. will try mango soon.... getting her use to the idea that theirs treats in that bowl.. i will try to hold it my hand next time and see if she comes.. follow up.... tried handng a treat and she started scrambling again so i put in her bowl and walked away... she went for it right away.... what do u guys think if i tempt her with it tomorrow and if she dont cometo me not to give her her treat ?
  4. Thank you guys... great advice... keep it coming luvparrots ...damn 21 months... i guess in the grand scheme of things 4 months in her new home is still short.. I suppose i should be happy in the progress she has made so far.... we do play sound games but only when im not in room... she has learned to mimic 2 of my sounds alreaduy and she does this when i leave room.. ty again guys ... some of the other post are great reads also..
  5. hello againI I have had Titi for about 4 months now. i i think she is about 3 yrs old.. (she dont let me look at her band) my problem... i cant seem to get close to Titi. if she is in cage when i aproach she just sarts climbing to top and pacing back and forth... when she is out of cage and i aproach (she only stays ontop of her cage) she scramblers to the back of cage furtest spot she can walk to i would really love to start training her to step up and take showers and even tried tempting her with treats to come to me but nothing.. this is heart breaking since i know how effectional greys can be... any advice to try and get her to trust me would be great in Titis defense took her a month to start coming out of cage and when i walk away from her she does mimic my whistle to come back to her but she just refusses to let me handle her or get near her..... backround: Titi is somewhat of a rescue.. she was never let out of her cage before and wasnt given much attention.. but cant be sure of this just my thinking.. and she has yet to say a word even thou previous owner said she has.... HELP
  6. Ty for that advice.. i did set up her food outside on her cage .. wont be doing that anymore... inthe mean time i guess i have to wait for her to let me hold her... anyone else on advice such as he bath and her feathers ? should i get feathers cut ?
  7. hi all I have had my Cag for about a week now.. and i think she was kind of abused.. her feathers are all torn up and he looks like she needs a bath badly but i am unable to handle her yet...i have started to leave her cage door openand to my suprise found her ontop of it..its kind of nice to see her out since i was told she was locked up for almost yr.. my problem is i dont kow how to get her back in the cage at end of day... i dont want her to freak out every time it time to go back in... she doesnt respone to anything to get her to step up... she still has fear and keeps running away and hiding.... ohh and because of striped feathers her atemps to fly have met with lands to floor...i dont want to discourage her from coming out of her cage..... Any help or advice i would appreciate it Andy&TiTi
  8. just wanted to stop in and intruduce myself.... i just bought a African grey whos about 1 yr old.. sry to say i think he was abused ... was never let out of cage and never washed,,, his feathers are in tak but some of them stripped... anyway ... more to come as im sure i will need much advice in raising my new member to the family... Andy
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