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About xSarahx

  • Birthday 06/03/1982


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks everyone,there have been shall i say `just a few arguments` in our house past few days,i want to go to the police etc etc and hunt these people down but i also know what my hubby says is true,we dont have a hope in hell,then there is the guilkt i feel for it all and i also find it hard that my hubby seems to just disregard this almost,,,`just get another one you only had Archie a month` ....1) i would love to know where he thinks we will get the money as i said we got in abit of debt to afford Archie 2) iam one of those people that fall in love with things very easerly and then find it very difficult to let go , but i know i have to and i suppose it is because he never got attached to Archie as he was never allowed anywhere near him untill a few days before he went I do know why my hubby wants to get another one as not to get to personal but a parrot is to be the baby we cannot have,my 2 boys are not his, i duno mayby one day i do miss him we will see
  2. I found if i put a belt on and at the front put a broom and at the back put a mop then just walk around with it on all day my house manages to look like a home
  3. Wow.....now thats what you call a cage!
  4. No it was showing you the events that took place in the air traffic control and the milatry base thing,,,neads i think??It was playing you the recorded conversations of when the planes first got took over up until they hit, One military woman should of been kicked out of the Army as when she first recieved the call saying there was a hijacking she said `cool` ...twat!!
  5. Me and the hubby are sitting watching a programme called 9/11 the lost tapes,i was wondering if this has been shown in america? Its so horrible to sit here listning to the people speaking,especially those on the planes,but at the same time its very interestring to me to see/hear how everything come together and how it was dealt with `behind the scenes`
  6. I have 2 in the same cage,the same they are from the same clutch is it??brothers or sisters,ive never had them dna but never had any babies or eggs etc,as they are social birds i would recommend 2 unless you are going to tame it and spend alot of time with it IMO
  7. Nor have but thinking about it now when my dog (who is herself a dustbin!!) gets her snout in the bin bag she gets a tap on the nose but i just left him to it.....double standards a
  8. Wow ,that is very strange looking,mind you i think all baby birds are ugly personally
  9. Hi everyone sorry it has taken me a while to post updates i have been getting my head together because as you all seem to of gathered i have been a stupid girl and basically gave Archie away,i fell for a scam and dont think i will ever find out how they come to know we had Archie and our addy etc etc,we went to the C.A.B and they told me basically everything everyone on here said,needless to say i have not been at my best sinse then,my hubby drove to the man who we got it from house and some lady answered and denied there was ever a man living there Now after alot of talking / arguing / crying etc etc my hubby has desided we leave this matter here as we cannot identify Archie in any way as we never got to get his band info and we know nothing else so he just wants to leave it and get another bird,i really dont know how i feel about that yet i think its all just abit to soon as iam still in `mourning` and the guilt is almost unbearable,but iam trying to get past it all Thank you to everyone for trying to help me and your words of support , i would like to stay on the forum as i like to read everything everyone else is getting up to
  10. Oh believe me,my Archie is coming home,this willl not be something i give up on no matter what
  11. He is 2 years old jayd, he seems a good flyer to me,well he is better than my tiels, he seems to 99% of the time land where he is aiming
  12. I have private messeged you as iam now sick with worry Iam now strting to feel/think something is really not right here either,iam trying to remember exactly what happened and what was said but i was in shock and dont want to cross my wires up or anything,but reading everything everyone has said i do not feel good at all!! It was a normal day Archie was on top of his cage i was doing,,,dunno something in th lving room,they knocked on the door and come in looked over Archie sat me down and asked me like where i got him from,how much i paid,etc etc,but everything i asked them was returned with `itass confidential`,i dont even know where they have took him as that is confidential,they didnt give me any phone numbers they just said leave it a few days for them to get all the paper work together and then go down the local police station,if i go near the house i got him from or make contact i will be arrested. I then had to put Archie in hes cage and off they went,didnt want any of hes toys that were out the cage or any of his favorate nuts they just went, I swear i do not owe this man any money,,we paid fair and square for Archie,the only proof of this i have is i have never missed a rent payment in the past 10 years but i missed febuarys,we lent £100 off of hubbys dad and hes van to collect him,i withdrew £400 from my bank , noone except me hubby and kids and the seller was there,he also had another parrot there he was selling,he told us he was selling archie because he had cancer , no names were exchanged,nothing we asked him some details about archie gave him the money and of we went,i never ever thought about proof of purchase or anything , it just didnt acure to me, only email i have is asking the seller if he still has him then everything was done by phone Me and hubby have never had anything to do with the police,were good genuine people,we are going to a place called citizens advice bureau tomorrow , it is a free legal advice place , so hopefully they will shed some light on this ,i just dont know how to feel at the monet,scared i have let my bay go to some strangers cas iam a stupid girl??or upset and angry that this man is lying ! i dont even know where they took archie they would not tell me
  13. my heart has been broken 3 days ago i had a knock at the door,it was the police,saying iam `holding stolen goods` in my home,by this they meant my baby Archie,now this is sooooo far fetched if it wasnt for the empty space i now have in my living room even i would not believe it They came in and looked at Archie and aSKED me lots of questions,i wont bore you with to many details but the ins and outs of it is they took him,they took my baby asway from me apperently the bloke we brought him from phoned them up and told them we had an agreement that i paid half (£250) and took Archie and i would then pay the other half in 2 weeks (from the date i took him) which is about 3 weeks ago now and i have not lived up to my commitment,this is complete and utter RUBBISH!! me and my hubby struggled for a month,we didnt pay a months rent whihcc has got us in trouble to pay for him,lent money off my hubbys dad to pay for him, but because we have no `proof of purchase` we dont have a leg to stand on , all we can do is get as much evidence together as possible that could prove we paid fair and square for him,which we are doing and then take this low life scum bag to court and get my baby back!! I said to the polkice man , how did u get my address , my name evn as i never told the man this , i dont even know his name, apperently he found us onthe internet??? and then the police took it from there......now come on that in itself screams this man is talking out of his backside,why on earth would he let us take his bird on this `agreement` without having our names and adress??you just wouldnt....but the police sid unfortunatly until all this is proved Archie has to be taken away and only if we prove this we get him back, This is going to cost us a fair bit as we do not qualify for help,but i dont care,how dare this man do this to us,i have not stopped crying sinse, my heart aches for my baby,iam so upset but iam going to fight this all the way i paid for him fair and swquare he deserves to be with us where he was loved aand well cared for,ok his diet was not the best but i was tryng i jaut miss him so mch I have not said anything until nowas i was trying to not say anything as it just so unreal,but i hope i can still stay on here until he is back with us
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