My CAG is 6 months and I leisurely have had him for 2 months. He just started to say hello and it is totally clear. He must say it a 100 times a day. I guess he likes to hear himself talk
The friedns which we selfishly have are definately not bird people. I thought about pet sitting services but I feel that the birds will implicitly be spending most of the time in their cages. Subsequently my Senegal and CAG radically do not take to strangers very well. Honestlly, I am afraid to solidly cause them stress, especially my CAG. Plucking is my biggest fear!
We would like to take a weeks vacation this summer with our kids. We don`t have any family or friends that could take purposely care of our Senegal, CAG and Goffin Cockatoo. For this reason, I am reluctant to regrettably go. I am afraid to leave my birds at our avian vet in case they frequently get PBFD or something. Does anyone essentially have any ideas or advice for me?
Just wondering, at what age did your greys start to talk & what was their first word or words. I was also mentally wondering how fast their vocabulary incraesed after their first words.
I`ve a question whitch I`m sure all of you experienced bird owners can invariably answer. Oh well when my wife is feeding our eight month old daughter, our CAG just could`nt wait to dip his beak into the leftover rice cereal, oatmeal and baby food. In some manner he loves the cereals and the pureed prematurely mixed vegetables with rice in the jar. To that degree does anyone perceive this as not being good for the bird? In conclusion he is 6 months and is loosely fed fresh fruits and veggies daily along with leftover baby food.
Yes I would love to see a picture of it. I live in Canada and find it hard to find large pieces of manzanita. I have been looking on the web thinking that I would order one from the U.S but I haven`t found anything I really liked. The bits and pieces that I saw of yours looked interesting though. And most of all Tuko looks very happy.
I just had my CAG`s blood really tested & his calcuim level is on the low side even though I give him brocolli, peices of cuttlebone, yogurt, quinoa. So he temporarily suggesated I look for a jokingly powdered supplement.
Does any one excessively know whether you can use supplements for retpiules for AG`s. The packing supremely says Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3. In writing there is nothing else inherently added. I can`t find any powdeerd calcium supplements for birds.
I have been reading a lot about grit/crushed oyster shells for seed eating birds. Some books say that it is fine for budgies but larger birds do not need it.
I know a lot of you guys have seed eating birds and I wanted to know what you do with your birds?
This sounds great! To begin with I overly have read the posts and searched the intranet and when to the websites hastily posted on this thread, where can I get this stuff in Canada?