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Everything posted by Linnea

  1. Hello everyone, this is my second topic here.....so ill keep it short for now as to not be an annoyance. i do not currently own a grey but i wish to do so. is there any grey owner from southern sweden or denmark(near copenhagen) that i could visit to learn from? the reasons i wish to do that is as follows: - i have never owned a bird, or known anyone who has had birds. my mother did have one but he died before i could remember him, so it doesnt count. - i am a bit shy so im not sure how to behave around a bird. id be so sad if i scared it or if i wouldnt be funny enough to play with. - i wish to know if i am even the least allergic to birds. i cant go into pet stores as they keep guinea pigs, rabbits and let dogs go inside as well. so, its impossible for me to tell. (i am allergic to a lot of things, all things all my relatives are allergic to, but none of them are allergic to birds and i have never showed any signs either. its just ive gained allergies the past 3 years yet again) is anyone here allergic to a lot of things and still keeping parrots without a problem? i cant make myself believe i could keep a parrot if i was even a little allergic. its impossible and mean towards the bird. are greys jealous? i have a lizard whom i love and spoil a lot, and he is very curious about everything so he is always getting some attention when he feels like it. could i expect the grey to be aggressive towards a 45 cm lizard?
  2. thank you all for the encouraging welcoming words. I was just wondering....im very used to using only one pet related website, and it has a caresheet that is easy accessible, is there any such thing here? of course ive been taking notes from so many different websites with caresheets already but i think id like to trust this specialized website a lot more! if i am looking for african greys in countries close to me, is there any club or the like i could join or famous breeders close by to visit? i found lots of breeders through a regular trading site called blocket, but i kinda dont trust that the birds are from a good breeder since the website also has a lot of animals in bad shape, in particular reptiles which i specialize in. (though ive only been a herp owner for one year, and its working great!) do greys have anything against lizards? i know all new things can be scary, and i wont introduce them to one another, but im sure a grey could get into the terrarium if it really tried. im just worried if a grey might show aggression towards a medium sized lizard? (possibly jealousy) is anyone here allergic to a lot of things and still having no problems with greys in well ventilated houses? i have lots of allergies, so mammals are a no no. i wish to make sure that i can handle the dust from this particular bird when i clean every day. if there is a smart way to clean id love to learn! (im wearing a mask while changing substrate for my lizard, i show no signs of allergy for birds) my allergies have followed me my whole life and doesnt bother me, however i recently developed allergy to several mammals. its made me litterally depressed as i was hoping to get a sociable pet when i was older and got my own place (im 19, i hope to get a grey before 25 since i counted the estimated lifeleght of the bird and myself). Keeping a bird would be important to me, and i dont mind having it outdoors half year. im outdoors a lot so if i had a parrot it would probably mean at least two walks a day - is this okay for a bird that has had time to settle in? there isnt a lot of people around here, and i can avoid them completely and just walk in nature if its good. how about when its cold outdoors, are walks okay? i can think of so many questions but ill save them for later since i wanna see what i can find in the topics already written.
  3. Hello everyone! My name is Linnea and I am an admirer of the african grey bird since about 2 years back, when i discovered some small videos about the bird on the net. after that i did a thorough research on the net as well as checked out what some bird owners thought about the bird itself. i do not own an african grey, but i am very much interested in getting one as soon as i have a budget that will allow me to purchase what is needed. I am also a reptile owner (blue tongue skink<3). Other hobbies are photography, drawing, reading, videogames and nature sightseeing (traveling abroad or just being outdoors). i took a great step in finally becoming a member here x.x so ill be reading all your posts from now on, and i will gladly listen to any new advice i can get!
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