Hi Kim,
Twiggy is a Blue Lacewing.
One day about 2 years ago now, my boyfriend was out in the back yard when he called and said there is a cockatiel that just flew in. I got a towel and went out to catch it so that we could give it food an try to find it's family. On closer inspection, I saw that is was a IRN. We had a cage ready for the conures, that I ordered from a breeder, so in 'she' went in to the ready made cage. You see when I found it there was no ring. So based on what I have read I assumed it was a 2 year old female. Reason for the name was, when we found her she was chewing on a little twig, so Twiggy is was. No one ever calmed her and that was alright with me. As she was the only one of our parrots that actually liked me, and me only! The other two tolerate me, probably only cause I am the one feeding them. A couple of month ago, after a molt suddenly a ring appeared. So now it's Twiggy Boy, I don't really want to change his name as he knows it and can say it. And that explains why he likes me best and not my boyfriend - it's a boy!