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About Featherbird

  • Birthday 02/29/1980


  • Location
    Pretoria, South Africa

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. He can say his name, 'come Twiggy' and he mimics words here and there, Afrikaans words, to most it will only sound like squeaking but I understand him. He can whistle up a storm though!
  2. Sorry the pics are huge. I am a bit new at posting pictures on forums! Jayd, be blessed you saved lives! The first pic is of Twiggy climbing up my leg and the second one is of him planning his next ambush on my PC's mouse! That was number 3 I am on number 4 now. He loves them.
  3. Hi Kim, This is my dear Twiggy; [/img]
  4. So my guestimate on the age would be Twiggy is a 2 and a half year old boy, we would have had him 2 years in June and that would have made him about +-4-6 month when we got him.
  5. Hi Kim, Twiggy is a Blue Lacewing. One day about 2 years ago now, my boyfriend was out in the back yard when he called and said there is a cockatiel that just flew in. I got a towel and went out to catch it so that we could give it food an try to find it's family. On closer inspection, I saw that is was a IRN. We had a cage ready for the conures, that I ordered from a breeder, so in 'she' went in to the ready made cage. You see when I found it there was no ring. So based on what I have read I assumed it was a 2 year old female. Reason for the name was, when we found her she was chewing on a little twig, so Twiggy is was. No one ever calmed her and that was alright with me. As she was the only one of our parrots that actually liked me, and me only! The other two tolerate me, probably only cause I am the one feeding them. A couple of month ago, after a molt suddenly a ring appeared. So now it's Twiggy Boy, I don't really want to change his name as he knows it and can say it. And that explains why he likes me best and not my boyfriend - it's a boy!
  6. I have been reading about this for some time now, and this is one of the most amazing stories I have come across; http://www.alexfoundation.org/index2.html I am still not to sure about how happy and content the Greys are/were, involved in the project, but is shows the amazing ability of these specific parrots! Sorry if I am reposting this, I read the first few pages and jumped to the end wanting to share this.
  7. Hi AriIsaMis, We have a Basset named Turner, a Dachshund named Jessie, Min Pin Chihuahua X named Trixie, a Indian Ringneck named Twiggy, a Sun Conure named Vicks and a Yellow sided Green cheeked Conure named Joffy. We have a big family!
  8. Unfortunately the 4 year old little guy has also found a home :-( But I'll keep on looking. I would prefer to adopt rather than shop, but we'll see. Thanks to all for the advice and interest!
  9. Thank you all!!! I am now waiting to hear from the current owner...
  10. Thank you all for replaying. This specific Grey has already found a home, unfortunately for me, but I found another one. This young man is 4 years old and his mommy can't keep him due to a divorce. So hopefully this works out, I will definitely first see whether we get along before I bring him home. A question regarding diet, Nutribird P15 Tropical, is it a good diet for a Grey? How much should I give a day, if I use this, how may grams? I will feed this along with fruit and veg salad and a calcium supplement. Is this the best I can do? Thanks for all your time!
  11. Hi All, I saw an add for a 6 year old Congo African Grey, the gentleman can't keep him any more due to his asthma, the Dr advised him to get rid of the CAG. 2 Questions, can I change his name and is that alright? And the fact that he belonged to a man, me being a female will that pose a problem? Thanks all :confused:
  12. Hi Judygram, Thank you for your response! I have the other 3 on 50% fruit and vegetable salad (this includes cooked rice and pasta sometimes) and 50% seed mix, the seed mix consists of half special budgie seed and half oats in the husk. I do NOT feed sunflower seed at all, I saw what sunflower seed did to an African Grey in a pet store once; fatty growths so bad the poor guy could barely breathe. I think that the seed mix might be too small for an AG, and decided on pellets. However I have had no luck with pellets with the IRN and the Conures. What do you suggest? Blessings, Featherbird Ps. Not important at all - what name would an African Grey find easy to say?
  13. Hi There, First of all, thanks to Grey Forums for having me! My boyfriend and I live in a townhouse and have three little parrots. He has a yellow sided green cheecked- and a sun conure; and I have an Indian ringneck. Add to this mix my basset hound and dachshund and his min pin x, stir a few times and we have a wonderful family. The thing is I have always wanted a big parrot, an Umbrella Cockatoo was high on the list. But I realized that maybe it is not such a wise choice, I do not want to put my boyfriend or other pets in harm's way. Now I have finally decided that I should rather get an African Grey. The question is would I be able to keep a Grey with the other birds (in a separate cage of course) and will it still learn to talk, do tricks and sing or would it just mimic the others (conures screaming)? Also my boyfriend is a parrot magnet, if I want the Grey to like me best should I get a male or doesn't the gender of the parrot matter? Thanks for your time. Featherbird:confused:
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