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Everything posted by Christol

  1. I also agree please dont give up on your grey, I have had Lillie for almost 2 months (she is 8) her previous owner told me that Lillie loves men but hates women and has never in her 8 years allowed a woman to give her scritches or back rubs. I found this to be true, every time I got any where near her head she would attack and usually brought blood, she lets my husband and son scritch and rub her back anytime they want! BUT just last week I was holding Lillie and she lowered her head and allowed me to give her scritches, this went on for an HOUR!!! She has allowed me to do this every day since. My husband and son are still her favorites, but at least we are making progress. So please dont give up, it just takes time and patience but most of all LOVE
  2. Welcome to the forums lou198! You will love this site, I have been a member here for only a little over a month and the people here are very knowledgeable and always willing to help if they can. Please post pics of your grey tequila, I would love to see them. I have had my Grey for about a month, she is 8 years old and a plucker. Her name is Lillie and I just adore her. Have a great day
  3. Thanks for all of the great advice! She does get sunshine, just not a daily dose, I usually put her cage on the front porch at least 2-3 times a week and she absolutely loves the sun and being outside. I will try the feather duster idea (I would have never thought of this) and I will also give reading a try. Thanks again for all of the wonderful advice
  4. Her cage is in the living room and sits against a wall next to the entrance to my bedroom, I leave the door open at night. She sleeps between 8 and 10 hours per night. She came with this cage, it is very large but it is the same cage she has been in for 6 of her 8 years. Do you think I should cover her cage at night? From what I understand from her previous owner she has never been covered at night. We live out in the country with no neighbors, but we do have 3 dogs that ocassionally bark at night, but their barking does not seem to bother her, during the day when they bark she usually barks right along with them. She does not stress this way when I leave for work, its only at bedtime. Thanks everyone!
  5. Ok everyone I have had Lillie for a little over a month now and she has been a true blessing to my entire family. I believe I have mentioned in earlier post that she is 8 years old and a plucker. My question is, does anyones elses CAG stress when its time for you to go to bed? Lillies cage is right outside our bedroom door and every night when we get ready to turn in she starts stressing. she will cling to the side of the cage closest to our bedroom and start yelling Wheee, then she makes what i call baby grey noises and she will hunker down and start fluttering her wings, when we finally turn out the lights it sounds like she is running races in her cage. She finally will settle down and will sit there all night, over her water bowl and in the morning it is usually full of down feathers or new feather barbs that are coming in. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of this bedtime stress...if thats what it is? It breaks my heart seeing her stress like this when I go to bed
  6. Well Lillie survived her visit to the Vet, he was very impressed with her her weight is good, her overall feather condition is good, (except for the ones shes plucked out), no mites, she is in perfect health and he seems to think that after we have had her a bit longer and she settles in her plucking will eventually stop.....but i know how these birds operate so I'm not holding my breath on that one! LOL! I did have her nails trimmed, those babies were like hyperdermic needles, I have puncture wounds all over my hands!! But since the trim all is good. I did NOT have her wings clipped thanks to all of the good advice I received here and from my Vet, he agrees that it is always best to leave them flighted, so after a few days of practice Lillie is starting to get a little better at her landings and not crashing into things so often. Thanks everyone!
  7. Hello all, I have had Lillie for almost two weeks, she has settled in nicely and seems to be very happy. I was told by her previous owner that Lillie did not know how to fly....boy was she wrong LILLIE FLIES....into walls, into doors, into celiling fans (they are not turned on) into people, into just about everything! She sees my husband going out side and she tries to follow him and BAM she hits the glass door! I am afraid she is going to seriously hurt herself. My question is, will her flying abilities improve or is she just naturally this clumsy? She has an appointment with the vet on Monday for a nail clipping and an overall checkup, should I inquire about a wing clipping (I know this is a personal choice) and I have never clipped any of my birds wings before, but none of them have ever flown into things on a regular basis. I am just looking for honest and sincere opinions to help me make my decision. Thanks in advance for any help given
  8. Twix, Lillie is eight years old and per her previious owner only began plucking during her last molt. I plan on calling the vet tomorrow to set up an appt. to make sure it is nothing medical.
  9. We will absolutely follow her lead....after all SHE is the boss!! She did not like being sprayed with the aloe juice, any advice on how to make it more pleasant for her? As for her girlish figure she must know all about how bad french fries are for her, because she did not take one bite! LOL
  10. Hey Everyone! So we went and picked up Lillie yesterday, what an exciing day for all of us! On the way home we were pulled over by a Texas State Tropper (silly us we know driving on the shoulder is illegal) but we were going slow because of all of Lillies belongings in the back....didnt want to lose any on the road! Luckily he just gave us a warning but not until after he asked what was in the pet carrier, well Lillie answered for us, as soon as he asked the question Lillie made the sound of one of those toy laser guns! It was pretty funny! Anyways we finally made it home and placed Lillie in her cage (which came with her) I was all set for her to be somewhat anti-social because of her new surroundings but boy was I wrong! We could not keep the girl in her cage, she banged on it until we opened it and then she was off, no room in the house was safe, but her favorite room was the kitchen, I think that was because my son was in there, she really took a shine to him! She went to anyone and everyone that would have her as long as she was not on or in her cage. so all in all I think Lillies first day in her new forever home was a success. Now off to Wal-Mart to buy some aloe vera juice for her feathers, she has plucked all of her chest feathers and the rest look a bit tattered. I wish for everyone to have a great day
  11. Thanks for such a warm welcome and the advice. I can't wait to bring Lillie home to start the bonding process, I know this will take some time, but I am a very patient person. Hope you all are having a great day!
  12. Thanks Ray P! I have not brought Lillie home yet, hoping to in the next few days, as soon as I get her settled in I will take and post some pictures of her. One quick question: Lillie has been on a seed diet all of her 8 years, do you think at this point I would be able to switch her over to pellets and if so should I wait a while before atttempting the change over? With her already plucking I don't want to add any more stress than necessary. The move is sure to stress her out a great deal. Thanks!
  13. Hello Ya'll, I will be getting my first Grey this week. Her name is Lillie she is eight years old and has just recently (so her previous owner says) started plucking her neck and chest feathers after her last moult. She is re-homing her bacause she is going through a lot of life changes. I went to meet Lillie tonight and I must say I am already in love! She is such a sweetheart, although it was obvious that she perfers men....she jumped from me right into the arms of my husband....I may have some competion! LOL Please give me any advice that you feel I may need. I have had Quaker Parrots before but never a Grey and I am sure they are very different. Thanks in advance for any advice given
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